Show h IKIIMINAI J S Silmon went to Salt Lake on Monday on biitlnen W II IVnnctt and wife were up from Ihiidrr Intl batitrdny JN Ionkln of Noun MUD clrellni nruiiiid CoaUllle today J J IVcmen left on hli tuition tu Iho Southtrn ante Wnlnrjliiy Hon iiorni Heard came In loots iAlt lake SuUHrtsy tutKnd biindny at home Win Klinball caiiiu to CniUHle yei tenlay on builniM and to ceo lilt I daughter J I Mitchell hat HI farrecored from hi Illnei an to bo 1 Able to irionio hilt biiilnrii talon Hifrlirilnrrlnctuii wan Among u again lid week for a hurt thus He went to Suit UiV Mnnd on builneri JtnllEC fhlcldf Selectmen Arclilliald Park and Vdcli and Attorney Town end were inCoaUllle TuchUy tu hold county court lenry I Walker the oliltline vlollnli came down to Uoahlllo ThurnUy to niaku arrangenieiita for n party to bv given hero by him lllihoi K P AtwiHid 01 KOIIIUI ipvnt Hinday In CoiMllcond madenddreifei to the Sunday > chM > lnnd Y SL II A llerelurnu1 Monday The sell and two hlldrrnof Mr Even i thooiiicliKYrMhii l tllIIlIlIlI lwric Dilclnittoiin potitlon during hta Hhreme lava ntrle In CoalUllv Mr I ltr und famllv Are ioij > ii > ir tot tlue Ovular llouie I llcnr Wllllami u meinbei uf tits 1t ouglii4 I band hail been vliillnx III COIIhllIu the putt 1 neck He la I the guest Ilbr f I W VUlck Mr Wllllami hilt JIIL llnlrlinl the term uf lila ort tnllit mem And If I taking a > hort txcatioii ireloni to entering on till rnrnllitej term lllnf I rllrrt llemilnliiR uiiwllnl for at the 1 Ioit olllce In CoiUlllo on Jnn 10 1M 1 < 0 When tailing for any of there letter plwiHMir mh rrllfil Mr > EtllUlli MclhW Mr Ullllm lowltll |