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Show X " iff-- V COALVILLE TIMES. Evaar Kiiaiv. av la.tr Ta COMPM. TIMES PU 8 US HUG PINNEO, Editor and Manager M. Harmao Suhrtpuon 2JIfV I 1 - vStx M'urn- Ttoif'c 00 j $ Ka Alvrtt9trt 1 ! t i $ft jjf HiluUlF wtiUuuu - ffrr 4ft fc ft I m 1 rr ! tliti i U i 4 t VUi LOOKS so w 4 ki 7 . Ijn LIKE bliofit S PI - tllhS. i liurna put forth. Conlyule i hiirne of aivi i Tb PP! of thia1 naring e uritrv will neither aubnait to endleaa taxation, nor to a further fall of price. , rnler thi rapihm the 1ark City Patriot given Trent to a in . a hh'ii tr aa (t.iial, uiiauppirtei hr fa ta. It i.aiim that Co.lv iil lnitiiirl to lurn.sh the courtrooni, ek., anI that it 'mM not e.lo not mean coat tlie county a in'. to infer that the Pa'riot ha. wntul'v inis.tale.l tiie fail., but it haa n nb hecr niniiitoMiie.l, for no .mil n.e le tb eontrertton ad.lel'lio a tax n1- U , itior'iir - way eau it be uiiheJil'VVe must either go on lmrria ng oki irirlfimteljr, or a large part of our ! after rnrrencjr mut lj hlrawn at. I retireJ, which meant of for what we cour-- e ti .1 loaerprue The senate La aland, no ueto-e- " any contractnrn of Hgain- -t t,.eT .rrein'V, ainl u t ,e people ie b'lt the battle will be fueto til won iii 'y .ad (Jaaraotiae Paj.tiae. City Otfice first t!ock east of Times 0;fi e, Coalvilie, f't -- JAMk.S fc. HOSMER, M. D., IicimI that , , j ' hh t aa. . i,; ... .. cd fc llecuiraendatii a old soldier nw cotrrio,)'e ivIr'etTetl mltir1 -- tl tt , e ", , . 1 1".,, rest I r 11 A. ,. 14 u II'"'- "O - res, ieln e. 1 rrtln i , It in- - 1 or Oy o o o o 0 0 3 CO jieopleof the (ouiilv, thvt the rent 1, C H. RHEAD. coiirthoii'i' a.is siihstunisal that ,! 41 it L. Mmi iueu jtri.K SURVEYOR of meiiieii.e, t .1 a jie.t ,iia nil lfs o f 1i r largeeuougli for the traiism tiou 01 'tlii-int- t j, i,e iv that wnuM.v, HOTASY PUBLIC AD COMHE'ER for uais to oui.ty V mu t UIV . e 7, .1 won (1 ll Slotuai li, e e ! ! fvUvfc lff fete lnl lt,ee come. J8S - ( o erio'eiii aid a,u. ale at. Hue 1Uit lt K$4 Ii) t He unit in hroilgit to Thto lire f.n Is that ittlii.ot he truthlu iy ium mj N A ! 17, IVHf nl ay It IS tl e 1.VH IV IK HUP Co lil'l iltul ainl all this lalitllig hi the (n.tie i IlseT 11 al v tha give u.e peruianeiit t An i it 'I, I rlpn I, I alsne paper ou.es Ith very poor graie on ii ile.'.y titi-relief an lio le I. 's follow. I tike DIRECTORY. i.a Ijeen after the county seat '(UesUoit OFFICIAL pie.fine in recomineii img this prepara- - Trrii twt BKr,4 hr fullv amt fairly .lis'iiM in the jeopl t j an of invwf cnruiee. wlt'o, nn Hi )H . jtf v m tarj s w joda Niyone here hlnuied C to their coui or their tl 1tflli-beriwh.n g.v ,ng tty si P.jrk I, ... V . W HrttfhftM V, ,a W n. h C irkl j Jtid.u A Martha!! for their ellorts to setuie the' In , t 011ia' ted tiitsdlel i.ui disease as I JnU I Hhir M HvIIji pajKis some rut-- ', Ihivi fintr ami unwhou , fto.u did, eating liinn 1 ilNiullInli'l county seat, but after thee are fatrlv 14K O G Physician and Surgeon. ,utaiu it. lnuootief t J. CHAMBERS, Dr. J. c c , I nr v v 1 J V 1,l.la, is ! 1 00 G Q. o 0 mi!-lii- O I 11 r Trea-t- m AUoriM Mti',au Joiefih l j( m, ' Charlt. A (m ? am Jt t.K lx. W. I'arti h. DMi-a- ami t Ynim. i'OrSTV ytk-. .. Trraatirtr Caauattr.,... .int'tuf .... Atwwiiry .Ilham Archibald. , kreunk-- r Maratiat tmkuivr . ... 4 onnrilnuB RucItAMMU. H K. II 4 . W H - Dr K Hi, Jln CITY. Huw at ltftiiina u Wil-o- H Hht-ai- l Tnatm-ni- l Pack 1.1 A . anl Fa,Mb a W Kfeki lklna Roy John Rohluiton atriuitfr JurtK? ot Uia aicrvior 'Ujr.iuau 1) ,huhi Mtuer tt F Nurthmtt J a naliniiu J J Jmikiii, 1 M Harrington J- Wil-- Ma)ur A Andrea - reiirumn-lUii- ry Blfthop 11'Tkin. . . Jam l . Aim rut ( arnr .a Af TUI HP Jf OtdtulliU. rlrt . .fesciHibr sv liAfil hifMimu . J 14 miipfocll , TUmium CMr A A Huilth J llwmtert Jump Hi.miN lr Hritfht L. H luff. Jr John V4 ttluui, A. iUoo 4 If Governor Well. 4s at all sensitive, hi will bring aliout 1400 lilwl suits a ainst at many papers who hare published cuts purKrtntg to ls his photo-- ! W talk between the" great powers is the topic. Fortunately it la nil talk. This however, will do its .hare of good, (or it has been the means of furnishing employment to many needy .men in making preparation, (or a scrap. Ths yepirta from Cuba are so con Dieting that nothing iletinit la known. First we hear that th Hpaniahle art on lop, then again that the insurgents are .licking the iUiting out of them. This .state - ' Ki of affairs is very gratifying, for one can base bis opinion on his sympathies. Oar sympathiea are with the insurgents. Tub Park Record aaytii the courthouse is condemned and a new one' ordered there will be a sick lot o! voters In Sum. mit county. But the voters need hav. no apprehensions from this cause. The condemnation act was tried beiore election and died in its infancy, fur one of the bent architects and builders in the state, Eiias Morris, examined the structure and pronounced it gmid and defeated, there the matter should end, and we believe the majority of tie 1 it aens of Park City are of the same opmon. The tight is over, and.lf tii reult was a pill that was eiecialiy bitter to the Patriot, it should have submitted to the inevitable and swallowed it long ag, , 0 the etlect could work off. Again we repeat that Coalvibe bus broken no pledges, for she made none. It is and always has been known, to the people of this county that furniture to fit up the courtroom for Jntrict court purposes woulJ have to bo pmchased, sln.uhl mi matter where the County t lie located, and that the county would have to bur it. None knew this tiettur than did the Patriot, and the claim now that Coalville pledged herttlf to do it la all liesli. The exjieuse in putting the courthouse in proper condition, x outsiue of the furniture, will lie very xnmll. There is a room just under the main courtroom that is not only suitable, hut llig, ISiSeV I , , . n sa.e by John! i or gull AN ORDINANCE I)cijjnating; IUt A as the f Leader Improved s ui. ihjvden C 1 -- Gac and fictal Plat of Coalville City. C 1 - o- - c L- o Ll. aa o 0 0 0 a r he sirongr t ( in the world. A )M"lute'v WVfi'W Pi.re llients I 41 IJrtlui 114, 7 fir I P ll I ' HJ I I'llfinfc' lo'lie. Ini ale at Coalvlle Co-optMiiivv I. That that certain map or suoti ',,a and piat sulsiiv nltug a jiortion of tiie ! 0 o Lm CEMENT Of--1 c 3 0 t CLARK' S lotns tiav. 1. Hiked food, D nr. , Utsnr Aad.UT v . 1 -- 1, -- lands within tiie corporate limits oft Coalville City, Ctah, into lots I"ll i I blocks, mads ami prepare! by E. 11. of Rlo-uresolua - VS- Iunder the autliorit) tion of the City t mini ;i of Coalv llle City and adopted I'eiemlier 2J, 18if, pas-e- d winch mapand plat u as filed in tieothce of tiie county recorder of 'nmiuit county, Utah, on thelJl-- t dav of l'ei ember, 18;io. is hereby de lared to be the only ottii la and authoritative n ip and plat ot that oitionof the lauds within said Coalville City designated, desiribed and platted upon sanl man ami plat, and San Francisco. Cal. said map and plat shall lie known as and called Tin V if Coalv illeCity Survey. fOR FIVE ( EVT'i PER BAY. )"ec. 2. That ail deed', uuivev ances, mortgages or other null uinenu of writof w ing liereaiter made and executed, winch Wm ILL I Vt . a ir!isiK tutu hafi m 55 n vmt-i n tMtn unable ' 111 anv way affect or concern the lands a r i'r iiiifT ivuri at ltufojly dc'cribed, designated and platted upon if uu hv ai Kiel til kuUl, WILL said llai A, or tiie title thereof, anall m iim o P1, 50 WILL tAV !ft a Wvt'Jr. whtu you are said lands accord- demrilie and . unaMp to warx of block to and the numliers the lots sng Wu.L iav wimi f.,ttiwiMu 14 if joii I. !,ut o. rvOvor uxjii said map and plat referred to in bn'MILfvtrt-Hth hdi to4.i4 tm-GoaUaile 1ial as eetion hereof, I UOTL1 riON t 4BHOLI 1 tho t mit 01 5 life nufUrhtp t t and City .snrvev. 1 50 tr month ec. 2. Thai all otlier maps or plats Ji heretofore made or tiled purporting to LIFE INSURANCE. be maps or plats of any lands within the AUo "Mi? pok lew t f Life Iuuraii e, j a 10 Lafi iu 4uii.uud corporate limits of Coalville City In cont und HlWKIper month lor flict with Flat A, the same is hereby Toi ttp lSymr pnUn, payiuK abolished wad annulled and all ordlr hmhi !5 yarr, naaro per mouth lot mrtol anUnaotvi ui i herewith are hereby renealed. F INSURED, iMtAL. tih o ACCIDENT INSURANCE. m-a- p 'Do youymnt A HOG? j Ac-k- , ir te very convenient for a jmy room ; there is another one just like it ai rosi the hall. The reference made hv the Patriot to Coalvilles pledge to build a sidewalk to the courthouse is decidedly funny. Whul has the county to do ith a sidewalk in Cowlvillt? That W purely a city Improvement that was advocated If yon do, send in your orders at once, for this price will only by Thk Times long after the election, Allxasdir VVhk.ht; Mavor. You tanuof !v al! yottr Imorne wht u jou" last a short time. bv or ATsint Aueat and was never mentioned in the county tftf E KlhELiTl MIT1 41 A!I AH- John Bvkto.v, Citv Recorder. ! 1 Tli tho it seat fight. This improvement should Bated al Coalville, Utah, Dei ember 21, HtftHitmi Acruieut atid Hatcn Aictatwumanj now carry the following choice articles at lowest pric-:T-lu th and likely will soon lie mat'e, and the ft A1! vi'h th FRESH OYSTERS, vuiret rah aihfuja and Mmauuri. whuli. HOME MADE MINCE MEAT. county will have no linger in it nor he litrire LtGiL NOTICE. Fund and with Kuere f4t4r aitamji!? aata ta, niako it errtjtit ae an absolute auarauiee HOME RENDERED LARD, to any expense in its const! notion. otjtfta Mi'ilPy of itw irtiH'tion to mi nteulwra V DHTRH U'RT futhb Wautfd. THE THIRD Tl Witt? Jt'DICUh fit Ajf-iiOth Bundle of broken pledges hah. ORANGES, APPLES, ETC., ETC of i th, i ouuty of kumtuiL-pI- ii the ma'trr JtAni I. Ashtmt. Mp of th fhunjfinic of tli nmo tf L PtutunNkL Ayt trv Co., in the market line, from a beef steer down to In Some people 00 die hard. fact, everything Rniht rptirtiHTht, Uitrict mirt of rhe lothp HoiuvruhW, the I solicit a turkev. of Vuh The ur patronage- and thank you for Thlrct sholicikl iuf. Salt Lnkf City, Utah. vf 011U I'vKuntTMlsk familUrlv known F. M. Timen Local All. Oi!lrp. 1iuitev, favors. THU ( CRFKW . tfhow h L alwwt. 1 so you cant help but buy one at the low price of la Y, A-t- 1 4Ic per pound, Dressed Weight nin-kn- crUleat-oy-tgk- n io - 1 twoiitv out year of lhr thut past "- A- David Moore5. at Huaiki. Kn Po'mikI. on Utt! th dav of seeti by the minutes of the tMru Mart h 170 that he anu to the lut d Sate OSCAR F. LYONS. tv that heaas ehrfatotUHl Joshua bvil in cumuli marshal has the meeting,' rtly tmt that hi father. ) mi lvMwalkl, been ordered to enforce the curfew Mtiti that tit uaint WuiiM etn vitl au Hilary Public and Comeyancer. ho ha, tht n fore, ia Q aliod S I. Prttaa hi at Collections lr ;i pt made on loiawaUki Hama father. that ia ordinance, and pHreuts should litfoim No 31a MadWfft . Mrvot, New York t'ltj t at te ( omnii". . . brother, Aaron PuslawaUki. ivs.duuat' their children of the fact, ami impress u min t toontT, I nh that h d r, Park t it pMt v Office itt the Ukhi them the liece.sltv of olieymg its to rnaiuo inw I name!.to , a woifi iiirs (hum jooporui i: for nriti n !ot walnut id lia uotg summons ii.diag, riH' 1 tub ?! i I' v Uc Jta jo and hut a Summit (' unt),- - ' Pt Fevia, Ye are g'ad llieiotincil lias taken this th' M Miwhi" eua yit ri U a national our tHtitioiur frffs hi We have received Vol. I No, 1 of the rt', tf' vniY th - Hotionv'de for it w ill not oulv prove a iurt. thut at t u fii a i a k ipim i tv U T. uU i.aiuc u t in Mining Review, a w ei kly step, tiu and a benefit to the vitlaens but to Joshua i m g ui, IO'TKM al a! JO'Ht vr to and the tt re Mv v !.!! deleted mining publication r t'lma tb tir vu s eM M. t theehihlren liiemselvvs. fhe ordinance If on vs ifInJt i t nid Of ti i vtalt i tLn! . ir tuiu. of tl the ltdsmelting interests a read ft follow, and will la Ml idly cn- - t t r t mi u t u, lom'iut Y,o- - i a. UlllMlit ) UlWilf, pijir IvSh West. It is edited aadputiUahed by C. forced : Vtti'. m what the writer T. Harte, -- r c o it V t v ti nt ji I Mr. of r, llsrte; I re-- , bov of lli.Mge of sixtien vests Or under, ,l4M'M "w 'lr,H t ; inowsmnoiml.y .U r r.77--1 iliivthat the Review will rank among to le U)m r utemt any-t-d tiie pttMic i i i 4 -- it so t ' is - p VLI Ol ut VI street, alicV7TogTiwas, or vat iu,t tTty 01 ll il ! t'ff1 ..c '- ' r ud Th n t publications ln4 the State, Mr. within the toipurule limits of thisiitvl k- ijiu i. tl'aMi. i muu f r r d"-- .. V w.a ' -over "1 .$ c , v .. Imni'X. IVr'rX i wart t ic i ne new spa per after the hour of W oVImk p. m. vlur.ng llarte is a ."I i iv a not innini.r, ca- - 1 to iron. , the month, of IVcemher. Jarntaiy. lets ,i ci, t, t -a 'im d v man, and Tub Timl. extends leaf wishes runry atul Mardi, and alter lUoMiHk p, ( uV1h ' ' U m. durl.tg tiie ha! ime nt the vear, with- .i.4j!r for hi success tt out lietng in companted hv bis iiatents, , r- - m q ' jl1,,11 JJ " . ThstT K fiono gtiiuihan, or emplover or hv the adult ( Wk hope Icorge irtcitd ot ft lend if Laj e -- a n mchasnu tl c Representative id lux parents, guardian, fT, mn'Lln'u't7oimi 3 f in.r wM fctrav-t, i Ticarii of Sominit county will bear in or I U a written Ariul i i e'i'w of finish, be uiv mi J7 I tvirts, Djr mind that he is representing the whole pinplojpr, t Vo Fun 8 .h as Yrany pwY Jim tiltur ii!" (HiMMitf, Bimr hn, oi in a tile AtCW imnmvtujbnw people of thi conn tv in the egi'laVure ein!fe!. It A ti t ail the - i.i; nd iKitUoaTTilie, and hi effort should tOUemen h I iii tin ee u mmw'ki M Molatuig - t be so directed a t e. v the liet in- thi' U,J ' " isthtiito reonti't him to vf ordinance T.' t rcuir - til ll terest id the large majoritv. If the ,f till- I l meliutol; go tome, and to airesd him summit nt IIN i, of is brain hi to pan equivalent depth ho shall tail to coni h witii said re-- ! vd'ii msir.v Automatic Tension, Double PciJe . ( On mlei'i re. v, J,i , the thickness of u rip saw, he will trv it IS e ii ot tieeille I tatrHi'di, roo-bi 14 or fail to exhibit a whiten permit 'hnU dnvatnc v fcuU. s" ( nnd grasp that idga and keep it with quet hv the signed v j, 1m centers, tkas reducu. trivt j. pHiint, guardian, or Id), Park Record, !. ja.u.aiatn. giving him periuisioti so tolar Correct ref Mr. Heoortt, and Mr. uj.in the strev't. tnv bov violating the WRITE FOR CIRCULARS, ot this section after such a provisions Read hai undouhtediy the K'.CHIK graHd lequesi, shall, on cunvlition for the first i ZZ FET? HOSE SEWIKG idea, and has it with him at all time. ofteiiN, l punished hv a fine not K V Bow w S a- - rt1 y sr. f)LL' TlX ar un the sum of five dollars, or by ;;i; rrv.. IRST CLASS ACCOMMODATION t SU ATT That it how he came to make such a bJf Fa exth in to not imprisonment eity jail F0 SALC nv ceed Jive afsvTud.fon cfinvicLion the good Cght on the Distru-- t caurt OR TOURISTS' AS 0 TRACER Ctj . "Jqj, Co second time for the same ottonsc, ilmll lie A a otic g i tacked tip In the lostoff ce puiiislnil by a fine of not over twentw Rates In Keeping With ttie Ttmes dollar or bv imprisonment iltvitiiig proposl fur 4 er (vrit Imnd jail hot exceeding twenty day.in,thecity .M.h The marshal and policemen Mrs. Lidia E. flatter, - Proprietress. from the government to the amount of of thi citv shall arrest with or without only 1100,000.000, payable iu coin. The warrant ail pereon found violating this Utah. In connection with our line of bond will be dated February 1, 1810. article, and imprison the offender for Snmtmt County, trial a m ea.es of other violators of the AeUi,nk there is no doubt but TorI- - ordinance of thi citv DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, NOTIONS, SHOES, ETC. tVs obta a. and all Pat- - J C and till part it wiil take up the entire rst. lor comiuctcd FCta. Moors.Tt cut bu,mej ' rjrTOKY l. SIGHT. We will carry a stock of MACHINE EXTRAS W.tcnt Omet j Ov omci i Omxrc U amount, a the mail amount of lit-).and w a can aecur taiern iu mm umc uau tnuae J! we have ordered direct from the factory for all kinds oi which amnetn. from remote 0 0,000 nr vi woU not be missed hv our Nati-inlUmetalli-meHy'4h TleT mowers I and binders that are used in this section of the country!" o tmrvTa wthrcn-dcap.iah-t. If, however, imr friend of t1l rtet alii ci- - ha'e every rca-o- n 1 al-- o We carry wagons, mowers, binders aud hav rakes Timk would ot rt at onte, to feel em otinged. f. r On outlook U'S'd ? and other things. Call aud get pur prices before purehas- m.;ny iore,nconuj advtx.ue that three or mar oi our eotin- L tine-- t cheern.g. eli,cv'l!cre ai; competitjon.' tm-hte- r l. .til bvgeDet and take up The god standard with it. burden of G. & thu- isue from their surplus pin ntoi cy. repression I tott.-rii.and eunenUv7" YOUNG, VVanahip As wiil lie 3 rt . j , i hi-- Fovromi . V i iu i ?t I hle-s-i- Inter-Mouut- C O 'A. I 4 ! hA-w- Always On Hand at the BES1 ! e a , inter-ninuntii- io At V f . i & k v lst ' '!: i rGH st Popular t amjL-Tro- i x I Nh ltY' tv-- 1 -- -- j t ' A ' in-m- -o ; H t $2.00 h, nuuiiiii&igtove 1.25 n- j r A j 1 a- V T New Hom 111 t M (jU-itiu- ' PEOA HOUSE s. hwii-,..- I I A , 1: F htll,. -- -' S PATRONIZE JOIE INDUSTRY Weber Coal Dept. O. S. M,Co Notice. PEOA, Coalville V ai -- s: TIMES, $2 per lC A.SfJOVCO.S Year. I J - Vj W. J ROBT. 1 |