Show I EXCHANGE Icrhapt Iho defect In the hattlcthli Tnxat might be found In the failure lo provide It with a hip pocket nod a ixibootcr Ilutfnlo Uxprrti The Buprcmo court of thin United Slalci Inalita that It knows beam Inn In-n dcclilon rendered It holds tint they are vegetable Chicago Hccord It may yet be nocemary to brine Mr Alllion bcforo n judge nod Jury and present ovldcnco before ho can bo con vlcted of carrying a lonccilcd boom Chicago Hccord Our Inlrxnutlonal matches In yacht log I athletics and puilllim I are cnuilnt a cr at sisal of trouble It Is i to be hoped that Iho dimcully will not ox tend 10 International mntrlmonlu ranches Rxchanco Another woman bat cxprtttod a I preference for hales over n couno At oolloge Thl Knunili like Iho detpjlr Ing complaint of n college widow whoM Iwcntyflfth engagement hna jmt heen brokeHoff Ihllndelpbla Irc If Dnnraicn and Bhollo ore the beet I the Ilrlllth peerage can do In tho WilY of fr akt tbo bwrdcd lady and the Ih I rlit = rd l I ing skeleton need ask ho protection t again the competlllon of Europe dur ing the muieum tcaton illlwaukci Journal |