Show Cur for lelliw Oev rAt r-At the meeting of the American Iuh lie Health aieoelatloa at Denver Dr Manuel Garmona y Vallo of Mexico read a description of hIs dlicgvrry of u certain euro for yellow fever which ha bus used lIeerlllly In Imndredi of cane Hli method U to mako 0 tub riiianeoui Injectlon In the cellular ttt euo of the arm ol n accretion taken from a ellow fever patient between tho fourth and fourteenth days ot the fever TIlls effect a lure but tho ills ease can be guarded agaInst In this way Jutt as imall pox u I gntrded agalnti by ncclnnatlon I It never hurti truth any to bo Iic4 about Rams Horn I l C t 1 |