Show r tlttntt tilt K V On TliMiMav lout o nlIIInl bill wet nitrorttwrj in I the hnure dclemtlnK ti Ihe count courts Hiiinorlly ta fix the tuba alter Mmlmn I ol tin IMtrtrt rourt should tie held Thn bill however how-ever wil > iMcaliil 1 ami the bill hat I MM Ilfl l l court Hlnio hnitM lie held at the eoiihtv tarts taitelh 1 ItepfKfnla live lUnnl did ton I woik on this I liienMire and the pipic t f iiininlt cnnntv wl 11 I oat ftiiiiet It The bill aim parnl lime innte In the mine hang III It went through the lion eOn I On Friday In the liiti < l lurr < wn Intro ilncvd a immarl l to IOMIIIM atklns for the fret > ctilnngv of silver at 1A In I HIM minting to IIW Inlrnduml Tnainend 1 the Mice and tine law Memorial to i conurm praying tlmt the MrKlnltr I tarliron wool lninlr lead 1 nml afrlcul tural prnlncK be I unlnicil I A menage from this teimte wan read notifying I the home that the MIIAIP rl had patfcd the hnnte mnenmnt moltltlnn I prnvldlng for n Julnt conimltlre lo > e I Itt a detlgn for the pst sent 1 of Ilali and draft a Mil authntlilng ndoptlnn i I Oltchlow tttg4eettel that liniril of cum mil whol 1e an nitlt I Ivmndn I nmembrr Ii loll I < il the runinline from tin hnn e which wan done |