Show Arrleuttursl aoIty The AcrkulliiMl tcdetv lit a imH Inn In Spring Hollow Ttietdiiy evoniiiir I VUerrriidttitJotrpliWrlirlilpretulinir Win Ohappcll tccrelary After the utual routine butinoit had been Iraniactcd the innttcr of ntxllrl i lniiirriamrry at or near Goal V 11I1 wat dltcutted Those indent eupmtnl n wlllliifiieM tu lake half In much nn entcr > rlio in ooon a i the lequliltti Amount could huiixertHlned Thiut lion wa dltciHHil length and thej I ftnllment nil itronglr In favor of piuli 11I1Ihl project Adjvnrnment wan then taken tnjan uary list nlu < nn meeting will lt held In the City l lt > ll nt 730 p ni to which I meeting all tho e Inttretled In the welfare and building upol our city tore Invlleil Let there be i large attend I ante |