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Show M11C0HY ! WITH 11 ACRES The New Thought Mining company, a new corporation backed by Ogden capital was formed in Ogden last night, at a special meeting of the stockholders. The company is capitalized capi-talized at $50,000, divided Into 500,-000 500,-000 shares, 300,000 of which have already al-ready been subscribed and paid up and are non-aasessable. v The property of the company consists con-sists of 140 acres of land, in seven claims, at Promontory Point At the meeting last night, the following fol-lowing were elected as officers of the company: A. I. Stone, president; Eml-lar Eml-lar Stone, vice president, and C. Clyde Brown, secretary-treasurer. These, with George S Barker, A. C Stone, R. W. Stone, Mrs Jennie A. Putnam, Mrs. Mary E. Rowlands, and A. A. Shaw were selected to form the directorate. di-rectorate. oo |