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Show EMBASSY QUERIES 9 UNITED STATES I Charge Zwiedinek Questions 11 Status of Italian Liner Which 1 $ Arrived With Two Guns. 1 AUSTRIA. MAY ACT 3 Merchant Vessels With Guns I Aboard May Be Called Hos- tile Craft and Sunk With- fi out Warning. 19 Til Washington, Jan. 26. Baron Erich M Zwiedinek, charge of the Austro-Hun- 19 garlan embassy, today asked the state p department what the United StateB fl Intended to do in the case of the Ital- H ', Ian steamship Verona which arrived m in New York several days ago with l j two guns mounted at her stern. ' If! J The inquiry was the same as that Vtt made by Baron Zwiedinek in the case' f of the Italian steamer Giuseppe Verdi $ i. which reached New York with two guns mounted aft. The Verdi was al- fl lowed to sail on her return trip. , Indications are that the Austrian ; government may notify the United J States that any other merchant ves- l I sels permitted to sail with guns ji aboard, even If intended for defense jjtf only, will be considered hostile craft, $ subject to being sunk without warn- ;S New York, Jan. 26. The third Ital- H ian armed merchantman to reach this 'I I port within the last few weeks arrived t If here today. She is the American M from Naples, and had two guns mount- ed on her after deck. a oo a |