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Show RANDOM j'j REFERENCES i I Good watches V Price. 278 25th. - j Seriously 111 Mrs H. T. Rodman is -J seriously ill al the home of her son, " ., Gage T. Rodman, at Roy. Kodak Films developed 10c each "j roll. Velox caper used. Mclntyre Drug y Directors Elected The annual A stockholders meeting of the Mountain j View cemetery association was held j yesterday and the following directors , were elected for the ensuing year: C. ! S. Muphy, Arthur Kuhn, O. W. Parm- J ley, J. W. Abbott, J. T. Rushmer, J. I C. Nye and A. R.Heywood. J Sec the bargains In Coats for La- dies and Misses at Paine & Hurst. I Meets Wellsvllle Coach Ruby and ! a "his team from the Deaf and Blind 5 school will go to Wellsvllle today to j meet the Wellsville Athletic club in j basketball The game will begin at j S.15 this evening. j All kinds of Cool. Parker Coal Co., cor 27th St. and Pac. Phone 19S-W. - i Marriage Licenses Marriage 11- censes have been issued to Donald 'i J. Homer of HarriBville and Emma Laurine Taylor of Plain City, and to Thomas W. Layman of Slaterville and -, Mary II. Dorney of Ogden. Doctor Fred G. Clark removed to Suite 707-S-9-10. David Eccles Bldg. - ! Called to Chicago Mrs. P. Elgas ; and son of 221 Twenty-third street I leave Ogden tonight on No. 10 for Chicago Tvbere they were called by In the serious Illness of a relative. Well, here we are again the Bar- . i hers fourth annual ball, at the Royal, ! Tuesday, February 1. ' S15.00 and $20.00 Coats are now If i selling at $2.98 and $1.98 at Polne &, J Hurst. I) The best of the season; for j i "there's a reason" the Barbers' "J A fourth annual ball, at the Royal, i . Tuesday, February 1. , j Spargo'o for rubber stamps, sealo, f I ctc' j DepartB For Home Supervisor $ ! CheBter Morse of the Targhee forest a .' has returned to St. Anthony, after p ' spending a number of days in Ogden j on detail work, at foreBt headquart- .' i era. a j CSTEOPATHY-Dr.John Flnley Mor- J j rison moved to 6"11 Eccles Bldg. Ph.417 ' Deep Snow There are about two p ' feet of snow at Eden and nearly three $J ! feet at Liberty. The depth of snow Is ' not as great as it was a 'few days ago, 'p s before thawing weather. i ' Don't miss this chance of getting a ' $15.00 coat for $1.98 at Paine & Hurst. i I New Auto Company The Utah-Ida- J t ho Motor company, organized a month I ago as ono of the largest automobile f distributing concerns In the inter-4 inter-4 ' mountain west, filed its incorpora- tion Papers yesterday at Salt Lake City. David O. McKay of Ogden is one of the directors of the company and one of the ten branches, which Is to be established in Utah, Oregon Idaho, Ida-ho, Wyoming and Eastern Nevada, will be located in this city. All Kinds of Good Coal Rawaon BroB., 2270 Wall Ave. Phone 484. lm Marriage Licenses Marriage licenses licen-ses were issued this afternoon to William Wil-liam D. Wolfe and Roselin Bradshaw of Evaneton, Wyoming, and to Earl Frew of Syracuse and Gladys V. Patterson Pat-terson of Clinton. B & G Butter Is up to your Idea of excellence. Born The birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. John F, Stewart, on January 15, was reported at the city health office today. Royal, perfect coal, sold and guaranteed guar-anteed by M. L. Jones Coal & Ice Co. 1-15-tf New Position A. E. Kirk, traveling passenger agent of the Big Four Route with headquarters In Denver, Colo., is m Ogden today getting acquainted with local railroad traffic officials and business men. Mr. Kirk represents a new office established at Denver since the segregation of the Big Four Route from the New York Central railroad. Dr. Reinhold Kanzler" moved to 2465 Washington. Over Spargo's Book Store. |