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Show ELKS BID UlECDME: IT THEIR CLU8 TO THE NEW TEW Tlie beautiful home ,rf ti,0 iocn) Wkf lodge wes (he scene la: nij:i or the biggest social event held thflf in months and the attendance con elusive ly proved that the lo.ie mem- j h6rs and their ladles were appreciat ive or the rfiorts of the committee to make tluir New Year's eve an In ten tmg one. The home throughout wa3 beaall fled with vases ol cut flowers, pottec: plants and ferns, and red ar.'i gr,een Vuletlde bells, suspended in artistic profusion from the ceilings of tin llfferent room- The decorative scheme of the ball-room was eep clal-iy clal-iy effective, the coft glow from th frosted purple and white light globes ; -;t!r i off the many red hello, in a most pleasing v ay. From 9 o'clock until midnight, the lovers of the terpsichorean ar pres-' ent passed most ol the time in the bt 1 room, dancini to the chuic 3 Liusic of Ald-n Nlchol's orchestral enlarged to eight pieces, especially for the oc-' casion At the same time. cMier lodge members and guests gathered iU the hie corridor on the first floor, in which chairs had been placed, a id I n joyed an entertainment presentee! bj members of the Leow "Empress" vaudeville troupe that is playing ai rhe Orpheum theatre this week, and c troupe of cabaret singers f'om Sab Lai:e City. The lare billiard room of t'ae club' had been converted Into a dining room for the occasion and in it tlje full j carnival spirit reigned. Differ? unique favors were presented to the I . i Ms as they gathered around the tables and every feature in connection connec-tion with the luncheon was thoroughly enjoyed Thi "surprise" promised by thw: conv mil tee proved to be a small butrol which was led up the back stairj and taken through the club. The anirr.a' proved QUlte docile and several oT the more venturesome ladies were given a ride while it was kept indoors. At 12 o'clock the chimes in the bel-fry bel-fry were rum:, as a fitting reception to the New Year. , oo |