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Show .GERMANY HOLDS MANY PRISONERS eSiReport Claims Capture ( V1 138 Officers and 577,-V 577,-V Men From Allied Forces. I P.erlln. don. 9 41-- 1 Ry wireless to Lon-I Lon-I priJoux 11)1 'rhe total number of ' i The'dippf ;,r held io (Jermany at 0Sf dlU J the year amounts to 8,1 :tS I ers and 577,87 men. This is shown in :i summarv issued from the headquarters today which points out that the list does not Include In-clude civilians Interned in Germany, nor the prisoners lakeii during the pursuit In Russian Poland, or those in transport, Of the above total, the French contribute con-tribute ::,4r,) officers, including seven generals and 216,905 men; the Russians Rus-sians 3,575 officers, of whom 18 are generals and 306,290 men; the Belgians Bel-gians 612 officers, including three generals gen-erals and 36,852 men. and the British 492 officers and 1882s men. Headquarters takes occasion to say that the report that 1,140 German officers of-ficers and 134.700 men are prisoners of war In Russia is misleading, since thin list includes interned civilians. Probably not more than 15 per cent of the total are military prisoners, it is declared. |