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Show COSTLY FABRICS. The Sire 1 see in this expense ac count ' H suits Siooii.'' You didn't paj that much for fourteen suits o; ; clothes? The Son No; two of 'em were dam age sulls. Chicago News CARLOAD OF FOOD IS SENT 001 TO TOE ! BELGIANS Vs an evidence of what a concerted public effort efficiently directed, will do in a community when its object is to relieve the suffering of fellow human beings, a carload of non perishable per-ishable food products and clothing was shipped out of Ogden last night via the Oregon Short Line and Oregon Ore-gon Railroad & Navigation line, to Portland. Oregon. Its contents Is the gift of the European War Relief society so-ciety of Ogden to thc destitute people peo-ple of Belgium and will be shipped o that country from Portland The contents of the car was valued at approximately $2500 at wholesale prices and consisted of the following consignments of goods-Nine goods-Nine hundred and ninety-three cases ca-ses of canned vegetables and fruit. 51 cases of condensed milk; 22 sacks of dried peas; 1 sack of beans; 37 sacks of flour, and a case of clothing The goods were assembled at th warehouse of the John Scowcroft & Sons company, at Wall avenue and Twenty first street, and were loaded by five employes of the company, under un-der the direction of Albert Ballinger, the warehouse foreman. Judge A. R Heywood Rev. J. E Carver and W. E Zuppann were appointed ap-pointed to act as a special committee commit-tee to look after the assembling of the goods by Mrs. John Culle. president presi-dent of the European War Relief so-cietv. so-cietv. and this work was done under their direction They were assisted I at the joint freight depot by General ' Agent W H. Chevrrs and Chief Clerk McjGraw of the freight department The car is being transported t'1 Portland free of cost by the Union I Pacific sstem and. upon its arrival I at that city; will be handled by Theodore Theo-dore B Wilcox, representing the 1 Vmeriran commission for the rellel 'of the Belgians The I nion Pacific s Mem has also arranged for the free transportation of goods from j Dnggs and Idaho Falls. Idaho, to I Portland I The executive committee o the European Eu-ropean War Relief society of Ogden I still has a small sum of money on hand not devoted to the purchase 1 goods and this will he forward, d in the American Relief commission of ft- ces at New York. The money given the committee for the fy'd Cro?s wort approximately $150 will be for warded through Cbe 'tab OTapter of be lt.-il Cross to the national head-uarters. |