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Show Srhe Kind You Have Always Bought. HIS is thfl cauiion applied to the public announcement of Castoria that ' has been manufactured under the supervision of Chas. II. Fletcher for l over iO years the genuine Castoria. We respectfully call the attention athers and mothers vhen purchasing Castoria to see that the wrapper bears signature in black. When the wrapper is removed tbo same signature up-re up-re on both 6ide3 of the bottle in red. Parents who have used Castoria for ir little ones in the past years need no warning against counterfeits and I tat ions, but our present duty is to call the attention of the younger gener-m gener-m to the great danger of introducing into their families spurious medicines. It is to be regretted that there are people who are now engaged in the arious business of putting up and selling all sorts of substitutes, or what j uld more properly bo termed counterfeits, for medicinal preparations not j Y for adults, but worse yet, for children's medicines. It therefore devolves ! :he mother to scrutinize closely what she gives her child. Adults can do t for themselves, but the child has to rely on -mother's watchfulness. fjP? ' mine Castoria ahvujs hears the 9ignatnre of tycAC |