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Show TO BERLIN OMITS CELEBRATIONS New Year's Eve Takes on Distinctly Dis-tinctly Solemn Aspect Few Men Present. Berlin. Jan 1, ia The Hague and London j. 1:05 p m. Berlin lost night at the passing of the old year showed strikingly, for the first time since the outbreak of the war. that the life of the city is not proceeding in its normal channels The customary celebrations which welcome the advent ad-vent of the new year were almost entirely en-tirely lacking. Where 12 months ago hundreds of persons had congregated to take part in the festivities, this year the manl-fe.stants manl-fe.stants could be counted by tens, and the merry throngs, which formerly crowded the main thoroughfares of Berlin on New Year's eve, were re placed last night by a limited ga'.h- ring of citizens whose seriousness of mien gave the occasion a distinctly distinct-ly solemn aspect. Xo horns were blown and no bells were rung, nor could any other noise-making contrivance contriv-ance be heard. Even the customary "Prosit Xeujahr" was missing. Few Men Present. Another fact that struck observers Of the night's doings, was that comparatively com-paratively few men were present. Formerly For-merly the police were very busy ou New Year 8 eve, but last night they virtually had nothing to do. Tho same quiet prevailed everywhere. In the large cafes and restaurants, where usually merry crowds welcomed the coming of the new year with song and laughter, everything wa-s quiet. The people did not even 'hrow confetti. con-fetti. By common consent this form of amusement was omitted. That the thoughts of the people were with their dead on the battlefield, was uumls-tukeable. uumls-tukeable. All the amusement places in Berlin, even those with all night, licenses were closed at 1 o'clock oo |