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Show EXTRA SESSION IS IJUIGHT By JOHN TEMPLE GRAVES. Washington. Jan. 26 Concessional Concession-al pools are selling today at two to noJn favor of an extra session. (-hamp Clark, heretofore an optimist opti-mist on a March 4 adjournment, declares- "I do not see just now anv way to escape the extra session ' Senator Hardwick of Georgia, however, how-ever, declared. "Congress will adjourn on March 4. Tbe senate will have a vote on the shipping bill and the bill will be debated. de-bated. There are seveu Democrats v-ho will vote against it and one Republican Re-publican who will vote for it. This f? 8K!the opposition a majority. The Kepublieans opposing the bill have been apprised of this vote and will, tnerefore, permit a ballot on the general gen-eral bill in a few days." Senator Kern said "Seilatnr Uo,l.:. w. .uUi h 1S correct auoui adjournment. We will finish by March 4 and have no extra session. But we win pasS the shipping bil, 15 majority. There will be only br7 Democratlc votes against the RePubilcaus in the senate today at k?i opportunity again proved tneir purpose of filibustering against he ship purchase bill. During rout-" rout-" DufJness Senator George Marti no Presented a short speech delivered by rVl0Be. : Norr8 of Philadelphia, In favor of the bill, and asked that it be printed as a public document. The I demand was made at once that it be read in full at the desk. For eleven days the senate has been sitting as of the same legislative day. The journal of the proceedings, there-j there-j fore, were of unusual length and, acting act-ing upon their parliamentary rights, tM. filibusters demanded that the journal be read in full, which was done. That the Democrats do not intend to penult ihe debate to close without discussion on their part was shown this afternoon when Senator Walsh gave notice that he would deliver the speech Thursday in which he would deal particularly with the proposed transfer of ships belonging to a belligerent bel-ligerent nation to the n-istry of the United States merchant marine Other Democratic senators later on will briefly defend the measure against attacks that have been made upon it. The president told visitors today he did not approve of any amendment, such as that offered by Senator Lodge, that would prohibit the purchase pur-chase of vessels of belligerents. As a matter of policy he is said to have expressed the opinion that this restriction re-striction should not be placed In the bill. He intimated that the fear of international complications, which is the chief basis of Republican opposition, opposi-tion, was not well founded. |