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Show mf'H 1 WANT RECRUITS . v 'Vntional Guards of Company rocruus to Utah, Is seek ns to add o jeoru Us ranks th n jr stvemth. so SatTeortnntty of visiting the that tne Jii exDOBition at the ex oflnfatato' may oo .eMod. If the trip is made, in addition to I iheir expenses, the guardsmen will bo paid ihelr usual rate of wages. The recruiting campaign is to hihi on March L5 or before that time, if tho necessar number of recruits is sr-cnn-d The reason given for this is that it will take several months' I training to put the recruits In proper form to enter the competitive drills at the exposition. Fifteen days will be passed in camp at the exposition grounds, the trip being made in July, at the same time that the Ogden Tabernacle choir takes the (rip 111 addition io offering this inducement, induce-ment, the recruits are offered the us ot the armory, which has been fitted u itii ,i tennis court, a rifle range and B good gymnasium. The officers of Company H are Captain Kneass, Lieutenant Lindqulst and Second Lieutenant Wllfong |