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Show CHICAGOGRAIN Chicago, Jan 20. Nervousness con- I tinued today on the part of the hold I ers of wheat and there was a further downward swing in prices. Subsequently, although renewed . heaviness ensued, seaboard advices that 1,000.01)0 bushels of wheat had been taken for ocean shipment j. brought about a sharp advance. There were also reports of big storms In Argentina and of protests to be sent . to congress from farmers elevator as- h., sociations in Nebraska. Iowa and the f. Dakotas, taking ground against any j, measure that would cause a lowering r of grain values. The close was strong ; at 2 14 and 3-Sft3 1-4 above last night I Export demand for corn led after fr.tV. ward to a decided upturn. The close V was strong at 7-8 to lc net advance. . Chicago, Jan. 20 Wheat No 2 L; red $1.36 7-81.42; No. 2 hard $1.36 7-8G 1 3fi 1-4. , Corn No. 4 yellow, 69 l-2ftf70c; No. I , 4 white. 69 l-2ft71c I...- r Outs No, 3 white. 51 3-4ft53c; No i white, 51 1-462 l-2c. JiJ Rve No. 2, $1.20. f&M Barley. 69 ft' 77c. BWm Timothy. $6.00ft7.50 f V$ Clover $12.50$ 15.00. Pork- $16 7-q 18.35. t Lard $10.62. I Ribs $9.2.-. ft 10.12 oo 1' |