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Show Society CHILD CULTURE CLUB. DATs. E. G. Cor 'man w?i3 present at the rogular meeting of the Child Cul ture club yesterday afternoon at tb home of Mrs Kate Hilllard on Twej tyrseoond 3trr-ot snd made ri addre' i before the lnr?lcs. ou'iv the worl of the federation durlncr :v test yenr and the propo-ed campaign for 101.' A short business session was bold after which Mrs Slgmund Kohn go Ian oxrollent piano selection Mrs Archie Bov. man read a paper on omen in I ihina." Mrs c n. ste I vens gave a vocal solo and Mrs Hil-linrd Hil-linrd served refreshments after which the club adjourned to meet in two ! weeks at tho Ogden high school with J Mrs. Hah- as hostess. Tomorrow afternoon, Mrs. Corfman will be the guest of honor at the meeting meet-ing of the Home Culture club at the B of Mrs. T. D. Johnson. 520 aty-thlrd Btreet, and on Friday She Will leave for Brlgham whore she will address the clubs of that city Mrs. Corfman will albo visit in Gar-land Gar-land rind Logan, At thi meeting of Child culture elub yesterday Mrs Corfman an-DOUnced an-DOUnced that in recognition of th civic work which Ogdon had accomplished accom-plished during the past two or three vears through the Civic league and i ho women's club1- in gonoral that the rntire civic work of the S:.ate Federa-ted Federa-ted clubs now being extended through out the state should be outlined by Oede-n clubs with plans and programs of the methods used hero in the work Of the- Civic league such as school wardens flower ra'sins and tho othor forms of civic activlt. The plans "nd programs made In Ogden will bo 3ent to all tho federated clubs of th tato for their use Tho primary purpose of -'Mrs. Corf-man's Corf-man's visit to Ogden was to arrange for the convention of the Utah Fed-"rntlon Fed-"rntlon of Womon's clubs which will be held 'n Ogden In October, 1915 Mrs. Corfman also spoke of tlr loan art exhibit, which is now at Lncan at the Farmers and Housekeepers' House-keepers' roundup and convention, and ''e.,1 that it could be brought to Ogden and would undoubtedly be of r al educational value Tho exhibit has a collection of pictures valued at over $4 000 and ls considered an ex roiiont exh'bit It Is thought that It will bo broupht to Ogden In February Tho exhibit will be taken to Provo Brigham and Garland also Mrs. Corfman said in regard to the legislation desired by the U F W. C that tho legislative committee of the federation would support the bills presented, at the last session of tho legislature, but would not introduce I any new ones this year; so far as she knew. |