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Show Why Tragedy! Out of Tavor. The nuly thing ilenmndeil of tho stage by a grant majority of Its patrons pa-trons Is to be nmusd. Tho old tlmo hive of tragedy I gone never tn return. re-turn. The reason fur It departure and for Its slaying away are easily perceptible. There are but Uu of them, and the flrat la the redundant plentltude of tbe tragic lu Ui ery-day ery-day life of the people. The other la tho atronuouanea nf modem business llfo. In llil respect our tiros con-traeta con-traeta with that uf nur grandfather)' as the placid anrfsce of a pool on a calm aunimer night to the tumultuous breaking of the wavea on llatlrraa when a northi-aat gale I raging. I It strange that the people aeek relief from atl tbla In comic opera or tunny oomedyT Washington 1-ost. |