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Show World't Fair Ended. Tho lAHililana Purchase exposition has ended. From tho Inception of tho project to hold an exposition to fittingly fit-tingly commemorate tho ono hundredth hun-dredth annlvortary ot tbo purchaso of tho I-oulslana territory until tho portals por-tals were thrown open nnd the world wai Invited to enter, occupied soven yoars. Tho duration of tbe exposition hat been seven months. Since tho ex. position opened, on April 30, them havo been 18,317.157 ndmlsslont recorded. re-corded. Tbo banner month's nttend-nnco nttend-nnco was In beptemler, when the to tal attendanro was 3,SS1.S73. Ths largest slnglu day's nttondance wai on September 15, when St. I-culi day wai observed. |