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Show I plantation on the movc i Oreat Mlttlislppl Indulges In Some Playful Antics. "I was at Memphis. landing tnoany to plantera fur eastern irtlea," said the ludgti, "and oue day a plauter who bad made n mile front on the Mlaslsalppl came In tu see me abuut making u ralao uf several thousand dollars. After some talk It waa arranged ar-ranged that he aliuuld send on his tltlea for luapertloii. but after four or five days he wrute me: " 'Yveturdny the river out fifty acre nf land off my property, and I suppose sup-pose I'll have to get thu papers flied up before M'uillim lliom on.' "I renlliyl tu him. anil a week latet ho wrote mo: , "'jut night tho river cut In on mo ugiiln and took my wbnlu plnutatlnn acmsa Into Arkanaas. I suppoao I'll have tu got tho deeds nmdo uut o-oordlngly.' o-oordlngly.' "Hut tho paper nover came." con tlniiwl tho Judge. "Two weeks panel, nud then I gut u letter saying: "'Nmi'r mind alHiut that loan. Tho rhcr ha cut In on me ni;aln aud car-rlod car-rlod my pluntallon aevnnty-nvo mile doMnalream, and I'll try to borrow thu money elanwnrro and not bother you any mnro." |