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Show J li ;i I 'l'. THE GOAU. -- IMPORTANT NOTICE. i The ctiiUlrer anJ a few friend surprised Mrs E Siuiiiter last Monday night, it being tier 58th birthday. Gaines were pavt' after wbuh a!l partook of a bointeou supper. The evening was spent enjovably, and all wieheJ Mrs. Simister many happy return of the day. Wve .I.i. TIMES. T ANOTHER. &VRGLAR.Y etter than has Been Mercantile Company Store Broken IrtfC by Burglars broke into the store of Peoples Mercantile company between 11 and 12 oclock Monday night and secured about flO worth of merchandise, will delier the balance to were in consisting of shoes, underclothes, pocket The county commissioner who are owing us. We ha e Session Tuetday Wednesday and TLure-som- e knives, etc., and about $1 50 iu small which was left in the cash drawer. heavy paper bills to pay on lidy wrestling with road supervisor re- - changs It is thought there was two men who did Io,riDg b,!i the 20th of this month, and rfll port? bueinesfl. 4mtr,TTu the wck. They gamed entrance through tontine who are owing us will be expect- - Lke today to purchase some furniture a bait window. The cash drawer was from the safe and carried by the I ed to make full settlement on or! r the new building! r tyien men down to where they left the track, before that date. We where it was fmod by the section men. send two or three bills After securing their boodle the burglara received a new ol waixed down the railroad track about only one, and all that are a mle and then crossed over the river settled in full bv Dec. 20th will quorum, will be heldon in the Academy and walked down the opposite side till Dec. Saturday, Coalville, building, be placed in the hands of an 17th, at 11 oclockr All member are they came to tbe site of the proposed reservoir when they recrossed and walk-attorney for collection. These earnestly requested to present. into Echo. There they bought bills are all amall, but many At the meeting of Summit Lodge No. tickets to Ogden and went down on tbe ones make a large sum. We 20, K. of P., held Monday night, the 2 15 passenger train. The conductor need the money, and all who are following officer were elected for the said that two suspicious characters got six months: Ray Brim, C.C.; off the train just before it pulled into tbe owing will do a great favor by ensuring John Callia, V. C. , J. L, Boyden; Prelate ; Ogden depot, and so far ao trace of tbe M. Bovden, K. R. 8. ; L. E. Eldiedge, men has been found. Tbe officers are making settlement when the M. E. ; O. W. French, M. F. ; Beo Birch, still on the search. is presented M. A ; 0. W. French, M. W. : Earl This is the second time this store has I. C. ; Walter Calderwood, 0. G. been broken into id the past two months, and it seems that the tongh element of LOCALS AND PERSONALS. The conference of the Sunday school the country knows pretty well tbe con- of Coalville ward held last Sunday mornditions that exist here. Mis Nellie Carruth left Tuesday ing, was a grand success. The program for Ogden. arranged eas carried out in every particA Frightened llnree. ular and the were very inter-eatin- g. Running like mad down tbe street A Mias Mary William went up to Park Elder William A. Morton, member of the Deseret Sunday School dumping the occupants, or a hundred City yesterday on a vint. L. Union Board, was present and took part other accidents, are every day eccur-renc- es. It behooves everybody to have a Born, Friday last, to Mr. and Mrs. J. in the exercise. The Stake itaperin-tenden- cy reliable Salve handy and theres none as W. Lamb, a fine boy. All doing nicely. and aids were also in attendBucklens Arnica Sal vs. Burns, Cats, ance and took an active part. Sores, Eczema and Pllss, disappear Miss M. R. Salmon bts pnt in a new line of church books. Read her ad iu C. A. Snow k Co. Patent Lawyer of quickly under its soothing effect. 25eat this issue. Washington, D. C have tent ns a John Boyden A Bon Drag 8tore. Handy Veat Pocket Diary Memorandum H premature grey hair, worry, anxiety, privation and RU? Mr. and Mr. John ODriscoll were dow n and MISSIONARY APPOINTMENTS. " Account Book for 1906. It contain LOSS is suffered and endured in a greater or less degree by those who RUN Ilf DEBT from Woodland the first of the week on calendar for 1905 and 1906, a cenius of or wholly for their necessities? With many the Worm I the bud lies in their in Tbe following home missionary appointa visit. conceit eitie and ttate, common business law ments have been made by tbe Stake In and court deciiious other presidency for next Sunday , Dee. Uthi Miss Amy Boyden went down to Salt patent cates Lake Sunday and spent the week visit- valuable information. It is such a book Woodland -- W, H. Branch, M. W. as every man needs all the time. C. A. ing friends. GOOD RESOLUTION (alas kow often these are but forgetting that HOPE Snow k Ca will send it to any address Taylor, Levi Peon instead Alien. L. Pearson, I. to worthy achievement) are but the initiative and stimulas in Miss Margaret Faddies went np to on receipt of actnal postage, two cents. (ld1vsmce guards air,, to Francie John K. Lemon,' G. TV. t . ,'ctual work to be done. ; Park City Tuesday to visit ber sister, This pocket diary would cost elsewhere Wa f thU. miasmAl condition into the Uir BATHED CLEARING IS Mrs. A. J, Farrell. from 10 to 25 cents and Is Indispensable Young. x Parleys Park and Park Citw Ume to Uiose. whe know how to useit,., ThiTCo-o- ps R HheadT WarVEr TackT new eellar is rapidly The school of the teachers district Oakley William Hodson, John Booth. Some more completion. improvemet in last an here Rockport George Smith, Ed Rees. institute county ments are to be made soon. Silas M. . Pack, J. K. HoytaviUe Satordsy and two interesting sessions Gents Black Fleeced Lined Bister Ofershlrts. When you want a pleasant laxative were held. Prof. William M. Stewart of Lemon, Jr. Walker, Wanship Robert Henry take Chamberlains Stomach and Liver the University wss present and discussed Tm toald consider tlms I ktrali ti to cU. In the evening Hirst. Tablets. For sale by John Boyden k important subjects. or prie in and suit Price. That . Coalville East F. H. Thomas Just , Prof. Stewart gave an illustrated lecture Style, Quality Wright, Son. received fiom the makers the following specials Gtnis Plain Btu Flannel Ortrfhirtt on education at the Opera House, which Copley. iu LADIES' FINE SHOES: was very interesting. At the business Upton John Paskett, R. A. Jones. PC GCu at a 9pedal low price Leopold Jones, wife and family arrived Rockport William Archibald, W. J. here last Tbnrsday from Cache valley session the following officers were electLot i, A Ladies Fine Dongola Patent Tip Shoe, Gents Hem Blue Flannel OiershlrU flCn and spent a week vieiting rehtives and ed for the coming" year : President, Wright. all tell cannot it A Henefer William Carrath, C. H. solid, you uO!l (JM QC Colored corded front I) I Lbi Supt. C. A. Blocher, Park City; friends. from a $2 Shoe. Our price, 4)1 iu y) pr Mrs. Jessie L. Hedges, Park Wist. Coalville Marion Frazier, Enoch Money to Loan on Real Estate. Terms City ; secretary, Principal J. A. Astin, Mens Heavy Grey Woe! Hose Lot 2, Ladies Fine Dongola Patent Tip, fair Brown. Carl Coalville; treasurer, f Principal easy. Optional, pay ably yearly or at M A A stitched, extra wide. Grass Creek Amos Sargent, lywin execntive committee, Allison, Henefer; Mens of Wool note. H.' to R. Heavy Grey Hote, long or-ribbeApply maturity A very low price for such a shoe. 4) F. L. Peterson, Park Pity ; E. 8. Bensen, Crittenden. pr Welsh, Morgan. 40 ct value. Our price toee, Kamas Oscar Wilkins, A. R. March Upton, and Edith Stevens, Marion. Lot 3, Elderly Ladies, and those who desire a ant. Mens All of our merchants have a fine disCash- - nn 0. nPii A will find comfort toe, plain The for Era December Improvement mere play of holiday goods. No one need send Lamb's Wool, uUti uuu Jll m this fine Dongola. Only Stake quorum, priesthood and aax pr vi ith a varied and in at is hand, for as thev can get anyeery away presents, respect excellent list of contents. The iliary meetings at Park City Saturday Lot thing they need here. Infants AH Wool Hose 10 cis pair. 4, Ladies Box Calf Street Shoe, sightly and frontispiece is a picture of the Mission Dec. 17tb. servicable. value. $2.00 rty bouse in Chicago. The Letter from I31acR Our price I Lw Mary is a sketch bv Nephi Anderson, right Will lie Bitter. SllR Heel The Value of a Soul, is the theme of a Those who will persist in closing then Lot 5 Ladies Fine Silk UC Dongola, soft kd top, very H eel thoughtful contribution by Henry W. ears against the continual recommeda-tio- n oe, fine quality, only - A Same quality sells ofdressy. Nesbitt. In the series of articles on tbe of Dr. King's New Discovery for elsewhere for $2.50. Our price pr WMt ilate Battens, II doz. for 0 cts Worlds Fair appears this month a brief Consumption, will bate a long and hitsketch of the Filipino at the Fair. Pearl Igate Bnttons, II doz. for 10 cts. ler fight with their troubles, if not endGood Yalne In Child's Dongola Shoes. 'Then there is a Christmas story by ed earlier by fatal termination. Read Henry Nicol Adamson; a paper on what T. R. Beall of Beall, Miss, bas to Patent Tip, sizes 4 to 8, only 70 cts a pr Passing of the Gift of Tongues, by say : Last fall my wife bad every sympto 95 cts a pr j Dr. James X. Allen; A Cuban Fnn-eral- ,' tom of She took Dr, conrumption. A good Tarlefy ef Shoes In Mock Tor Wen, c, Dr. Joseph M. Tanner, A King's New Discovery after everything i nnsl Children. Women Short Way with Reorganizers, by else bad failed. Improvement came at d lnit once and four bottles entirely cored her. Elder James H. Judd of Upton, who Frednc Clift- - MD--! 30 per cent cue received four lots in syrup Guaranteed by Jwbn Boyden k Son Jtst poetry. On Tbe Editors bas been doing missionary work in tbe ViecM 70 per cent grape w find Christmas Thoughts, Druggist. Price 50c, and fj.00. Trial States for the past twenty-fiv- e ugtr Events bottles free. months, returned borne last Friday. He by President Joseph F. Smith. Quarts, 15c; labored in Ohio and Alabama. His of tbe Mooth are discussed by Joseph F. The is Jr. Wanted official Era tbe few Smith, to Quickly, person health bas been excellent daring bis trip long Great Value in a Corded Corset, Satin Finish, MtADusbed wholesale boose amongrepresent retail merch organ ofethe Yonng Men's Mutual Imante and agents. Local territory of few couu S zes 21 to and be bad an enjoyable time. cts a pair 25, only 918 salary and expenses ano Only ten pieces left of our special offering paid weekly. provement associations, and it ia edited tie. Expense meaty advanced. tonunWoo extra witb earn and excellent Permanent Beninese Girdle successful judgment. engagement. Sitin Tbe Coalville Sunday school is preparPrevious experience not eeeential. Inclose self 0DtlA Flannel lor Quilts. It still go at addreeeed cent , envelope Address, PorgaiKTi ing a fine cantata entitled The Story of 75 TiuxfcLXRT, Dearborn Notice. St, Coicago. tbe Snowbird, which sill be presented Dr. Nassens Corsets. Will not break at sides. United State Land Office, at the Opera House Saturday evening, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 24th, 101. Revolution Imminent. Genuine Bone. Sizes 22 to 26 C Dec. 24th Christmas eve. Tbe proceeds To whom It may concern A sure sign of Noth te hereby siren that the State of Utah revolt and approaching of to tbe fi Only defray In led 210 ha office expenses a list No will.go thla help of land We have just received a nice lot of serious trouble in your system is nerby the mM State for the establishment of the school. Look out for particulars permanent water reservoir for irrigating purvousness sleeplessness, or stomach up- Model Form. Satin Finish. Bone. Genuine pose under Section 12 of the Act of C ongress later. Tbe following tracts em- - sets. Electric Bitters will quickly dit-Drab. Sizes, 22 to 28, only approved July IS, cts a pair Holidays. braced in said list are In a tow nshlp containing Tiber tbe troublesome ceases. It I was much sfflicted witb sciatica, mineral claim of record, viz be Ton sea till surprised then 700 tbe quality it tbe vary never fails to tone tbe stomach, regulate NWand E sw1 iee.22- writes Ed C. Nud, Iowaville, Ssdgwick i ev price we uk. Bracelets, 20 cents a the and eiiumlate Kidneys the Bowels, on and A cony of said list, ao far as It relate to said cratches Co., Kan, going about and Liver, the blood. has been tnc,f 7 deaenptive subdivisions, Hun down clarify a deal of pain, I waa indn-e- d Shirt Waist Sets in Pearl and Gold Plate, 5c to 25c set ,pCionly posted in this office for inspection by to try BallardS Snow Liniment, which enypereon interested, and by the public gen ystems benefit particularly and all the usual attending aches vanish and under Neck Laces, with Charm attached, relieved me. I used three 50c bottles. wnhtn the next sixty dav following tire date only 15c ech -it 01 and thorough effect ivsness. thl nnder instructions searching need departmental tha ever liniment , I is it greatest o NoTMabM We Di iVh prote,M or Electric are on overstocked a nice t. light striped, Bitters is only 50c, and that is Bar Pins and Broach set with stone,- - 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c have recommended it to a number of con testa against the claim Of tb state to any of tlie tract or subdivisions hereinbefore described, returned if it dont givs perfect satis- satin effect, fafct colored shirt, collar attached, as themselves Od ail express persons ; being , the around that the Hns i more valuable faction. Will sell the same Gents Initial and Stone Set Scarf Pins, 5c, 10c, 15c, 20c Guaranteed by John Boyden A regular 75 cent value. s ,or mineral than for purposes, will osnentej oy It. A now walk without be received and notedagricnltnral for report to tbe General Son . Druggists. Land b. Office at so Failure Of to Washington, I. crotches, able to perform a great deal for Shirt for c; proteat or contest within the time specified will for $1.25 Babys Cuff Pins and Rings, 2c, 5c, 10c, 25c te considered sufficient evidente of thenoo-light labor on the farm. 25C, 50c ,$1 00. mineral character of the said tract, and the Your return card bold by John Boyden k Son. on During the past week we have sent out a number of bills for subscription 'to this paper, and during the coming week we i People A win Is what we can say about our Line of tho, FURNITURE , i Juft V el Eld-red- line Combination Book Cases, Buffets, A China Closets & Side Boards. It is natural for us to lead because we have ge, X. exe-cis- THE RIGHT GOODS. SUMMIT IMPLEMENT SO. ee W. .CASH HANSEN. Manager. BARGAIN Coalville, Dtah. STORE, ,LjLJ rrt ' f r? ad castles 01 v rm SHOES JQq I77. ttI (f vise-preside- nt, 20c a pr l.rU qr y!OD d 8 j c) ytOU P? Fine Quality and u Infant Cashmere, Toe and Infant Black Cashmere, T pr pf VOv 84 Shelf Oil Cloth. 11, oly. Par yard, 74 By tha pfaca, 24 yds pr yd, OW i LADIES CORSETS. half gal 25c; gaL 50c 35 viuIhiGoB1': 50e pr 1 406 PL 50 me i t.jn.r, till 18 yds for the $1.00 Jewelry for the Elegant pair. Overshirt Special. i 45 Subscribe for THE TIMES. aeiectlon thereof being otherwise free from ob jection will be recommended for approval. Fa Register. U-2-3 10-h-i Receiver. Gxoto A,8rr, l. Ho, 100 envelopea THE-TIME- S printed for 73 cents at office. - i yu 2 85c; 3 Cash Bargain Store, Coalville. |