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Show BH I Intentlfled Farming. H I OoaatMtty tncreaalni density of 1 population and eteadtly advanclm I ralue of land are dulnf mucb tu XHBI ibaage the ayelem of farming In the HjQS L'ultad SUtva. While large "bonan- 5fHRB, ta" faima are atlll lo he found In the jzHKffiL prulrie teglona and will emitluiip tu 'UaBWr7 "',l ,or m,B ,"r '" 00"1"' thlr TlffV number le deoreaalng and the small 1J9B farm become eery year mure cum- jfll MR inuu. Acreage U giving way tn culll- oBet I fc vatloii. and what the Individual farm- 'mSEW er lacks In area of land ho makes up JPjPV y. In fertility. If hv has leas capital In- yflB ' roaled In hi farm he Invents more BBBLi capital lu tbe form of labor and pro- BBlZA duc proctieallyUhe same reaulta In aX, the way of proDU. ThuuRh tho prof- BH1 Its aro perhaps not o largo In ox- b') tremely favorable years, the bettor 8t cultivation make tbe yield more cvr- K?i tain and tho danger of an entlro fall- Ki uro of crop la overcome. ltmuMed Ha b rmlog hat come lu stay Portland Bf4 Ofeaoatan. aBBKI. |