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Show WENT OVER EMBAHKMErfT ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY INJURED IN-JURED IN TRAIN WRECK. ' Passengers Imprisoned In lllfated Cars Are Rescued after Holes Had Deen Made In the Cars with Axes. A Missouri Pacific passenger train waa wrecked two miles from Ilolden Mo., at thn waterworks bridge, nt 4 p. m. Saturday, the wreck resulting In tho Injury of about 130 passengers, eighty of whom are seriously Injured. Tbo accident was caused by n broken rail which projected (mm the track, catching the first coach behind the mall ear, throwing It from the track down a twenty-foot embankment and causing two other coaches, a Pullman and tbo diner, to follow It. The bro-kon bro-kon rail was on the brblco and tbe rear Pullman rolled off tbo bridge Into the creek below and the passengers In sldo were nil seriously Injured. Twe old ladle Imprisoned In thla ear were taken out nt tbe top after hole had been made with axes. The. engine, two baggage cara and the mall car paaaed tbo bridge In safety nnd remained re-mained on tbe track, but all the r rnalnder of tho train waa derailed. |