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Show Get the Habit-Use Standard Want Ads i Everybody reads the Want Ad page it's the medium of exchange for Real Estate, For Sale, Exchange, Room j and Houses for Rent, Help Wanted, Positions Wanted, Etc. f 1 : j CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. j 1 J fT DAVQ Fayablo in advance. One cent per wdrd per lnscr- HA II V , II irtWLr Hon. No first Insertion leas than 26 cents. Two or mora JrilJUI Let the people know -what you have lines, 25 ceatB per line per woel 75 cent per lino per Want Ads are great aid to small bual- to offer If you have a vacant room. month -with no change. ncfl8, A few 1InoB run datI? cost but advertise It, A two or three line -want utUe DUt th6 returnB m .urpriQ0 ad will help you sell your surplus . fr . I C .1 you f stock, real ostate. eto. I rirsr In everything L I "l L . ; . WANTEDFEMALE HELP I PERSON wanted to do cleaning at the Idanha Hotel. 2474 Wash. 11-2-lwk LADY stenographer and bookkeopor. I Applr at once. National Outfitting I Co., 2345 Wash. ll-2-2t GIRL to help in kitchen. 437 24th St 10-30-lwk HIGH school girl to help with housework house-work and children afternoons. Call at 2541 Fowler Ave. J.O-30-tt GOOD girl for housework; no Iannis Iann-is dry; good wageB. Phone 1434. ' YOUNG man stenographer and assist- ant bookkeeper. 521 Ecclcs Bl-o I SITUATIONS WANTED' WANTED by widow: Position as ' housekeeper for widower with children. chil-dren. Box 7. Standard. 11-., -at CURTAINS laundered. Pbone1697-W. 11-2-1 mo iv J POSITION aB housekeeper or care of t old people. Phone 2651-J bet 9 and 12 a1nL 11-1-lwk YOUNG woman stenographer, 6 years' experience, deBlres position. Reter-$ Reter-$ enco Box A, Standard. 10-27-lwk $ POSITION as waitress or chamber-ri chamber-ri maid. Box 7. Standard. ll-2-3t FIRING a heating plant or- janitor work. E. G. Neighbor, 325 9th St. I DRESSMAKING " i SEWING of all kinds at reasonable I prices. 225 9th St. 10-27-lwk i Strictly up-to-date dressmaking, eve- I nine and reception gowns a special- 1 tv; price reasonable. 168 Doxey Ave. Phone 1066. 10-27-lmo I DRESSMAKING, 619 Sullivan avenuo. 1 Phone 144S-M. 10-25-lmo I BOARD AND ROOM. ,', FIRST-class roomaT with or without board, modern. 2444 Lincoln. r 10-21-lmo I FORnKSNT ) Furnished Houses, Booms and Apartments. ; ; ROOM for gentleman; steam hoat, i bath, cIobo in, ?2.50 week. Refer-" Refer-" ences. 2341 Adams. 10-25-lmo V 4-ROOM furnished house, modern ?15- Inquire forenoon, 2248 Jefferson. MODERN housekeeping rooms, 233G : Madison. Phone 1741-J. 10-30-lwk I ONE new mod. apt; sleeping porch, private bath. 2901 Child Ave. Phone 2109-W. 10-30-6t TWO nicely furnished rooms for housekeeping. Phone 1012-J. 10-30-lwk FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; strictly modern. 569 22d St 10-30-lwk 2-ROOM house, light and water. 2630 Adams Ave. 10-30-lwk I 3-ROOM Apt, nice location, batb. t lights. 669 27th St 10-30-lwk $ FURNISHED rooms for light house-i house-i keeping 126 W. 22d St 10-29-lwk U i MODERN steam heated room, close 1 in; suitable for 2 gentlemen Phone I 1211. 1U--J-U J 319 26th St, fronting park, 4 rooms. V nicely furnished, also 4 rooms unfur- jj nished, modern Hats. Apply 6o4 (j Grant -LU--J-U I HOUSEKEEPING apartments; gas r and bath. 2203 Wash. Over Taber- ? nacle Pharmacy. 10-27-lmo I FURNISHED 5-room brick, modern, t 50. Inquire 2758 Lincoln. 10-27-lwk TWO modern furnished housekeeping rooms. Room 1, Ogden Theatre Bldg. w 10-25 -tf LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 437 derrick. 10-2-lmo HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 2353 Mon- 1 roe. ' MODERN housekeeping apartments; 1 fleam heat 330 23d St 10-16-tt ' pttrmisHED clean, comfortable LukeepSg rooms. ?2 week up. 53G . 31at St. . HOUSEKEEPING rooms with .bath. 1i 2038 Farr Ave. 10-a-imo FURNISHED apartments. 262Tn iA . , I - -mm II HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single or In I eullea, furnished or unfurnished, in I auy uumber, prices moderate; must 1 Wented. W. B. Wedell, 2468 Wash IK 4roU-u W UNE or two furnished rooms for light K housekeeping. Colonial apartments, 362 Twenty-fourth street; prices roa-' roa-' lonable. 9'3,tf W. BLEEPING rooms, hot and cold wa W tcr, single or in suite. 2626 Adams. Jkm il BLEEPING rooms, Colonial Apta. 362 H th st. 9-3-tf Cll EVRNISHED Apts.; no children; 1-2 l Hock eaBt of Washington. 447 21st St F i Mi- FOR RENT Unfurnished Houses, Booms and Apartment. 1 3-ROOM house. 263 29th St. 11-2-lwk 3, 4, 6, 10, S room house. W, B. Wedell. 11-10 mo 3-ROOM, pantry, clotheB closet summer sum-mer kitchen, light, water. 341 18th. 11-1-lwk 5-ROOM modern brick bungalow with garage. 224 2Sth. Phone 2399-J. 10-30-lwk STORE room. 2616 Wash. Ave. A LARGE hall suitable for automobile repair shop or warehouse, cheap. Phono 583. 10-29-lwk A COZY 4-room house on the Bench. Inquire Room 403, First Nat'l Bank Bldg. 11-2-tf 5-RM. mod. house; cIobo in. Phone 681-J. 248 29th St. 10-27-lwk A GOOD 5-room modern home, woll located on bench only $20 per month. J. J. Brummltt, Phono 69. 10-21-tf 6-7-ROOM modern. 2644 Lafayette. Bichsel, 215 Ecclos Bldg. Phone 1932-W. 10-25-tf 8-ROOM modern $15. See Wedell. 10-25-tf 3-ROOM house, shanty, large lot, $9 per mo. Inquire, 2857 Quincy. 10-23-2wks APT., mod , 3 rms., bath and kitchenette; kitchen-ette; 631 24th. Tel 1895 10-14-tf HOUSES and flats. 2634 Grant 9-18-tf DNE or more unfurnished rooms. Colonial Co-lonial Apts , 362 24th St 9-3-tf 8-ROOM brick boardlnc house on Reeves Ave". Rent $20. Inquire at Grelners, 128 26th St Phone 919-W. FARM FOR RENT, S ACRES land, lucern, 4-rm. house, barn and stable. Inquire 859 20th. 10-28-lwk For Rent Miscellaneous TYPEWRITERS RENTED Remlng-ton, Remlng-ton, Smith Premier. Monarch, 3 months for $5 and up; rental applied on purchase. Remington Typewritor Co., 2454 Grant St, Ogden, Utah, Phono 506 fi-26-tf WANTED TO RENT MODERN furnished 5-room house, 4 in family; no children; close in, or close to car line; best references. Phono 200-M. ll-l-3t FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS KNOXALL washer and wringor nearly near-ly new, dresser, commode; for quick sale will sell at any price. 478 Chester Ches-ter St. ll-2-2t TWO good fresh cows. 956 22d St. or Phono 2550-M. 11-2-lwk STUDEBAKER dump wagon to hire or -will sell cheap, 2650 Orchard Ave. 11-2-lwk SMALL frame barn. Sidney Stevens Impt Co. 11-1-lwk SMALL heating Btovc. Inquire 2517 Adams. Phone 1676-W. 11-1-lwk MEDIUM-slzed Howard Heater, practically prac-tically new, $15; if taken at once. Phone 1171-J. 11-1-31 WE will save you 26 to 50 per cent by buying your furniture and rugs at Palsgrove, 2636 Washington. 11-1-tf CHICKENS, White Rocks, Barred Rocks, R. I. RedB, Leghorns. Phone S69. 11-1-lwk MARE about 1150 pounds; also wagon and cart 126 W. 22d St. Phono 122-W. 10-29-lwk ONE delivery horse, wagon and harness, har-ness, good condition, cheap. Call 1154-R after G p. m. 10-29-lwk 2 FRESH milk cows for sale. J. P. O'Neill, 34th St. and, Pacific Ave. 10-29-lwk ONE good Jersey cow. Phono 2263-M. 10-28-lwk WOOD of all kinds, oak wood for fire places, kindling and block wood. Whoelwright's Wood Yard. Phone 828 2348 Hudson. 10-28-lwk CHOICE Jonathan apples and potatoes. pota-toes. Phono 2574. t 10-28-lwk CHEAP, two pool tables, one olectric player piano, three ivory blllard balls. Inqulro 122 25th St 10-27-lwk 1 LARGE. 1 small heating stoves, cheap. F. W. E Standard Office. 10-27-lwk CANARIES Beautiful dark yellow pepper fed and warblers, guaranteed singers. 547 24th St. 10-25-lmo 1 SMALL grocery storo in good loca-1 loca-1 tion. 1136 22d. 10-77-lwk ELEGANT bookcase, baby buggy, : cheap. 560 23d St. 10-27-lwk RARE old violins. 2874 Hudson. 10-22-lmo IDAHO winter potatoes. Geo. Buck- way, 3303 Stevens Ave. Tel. 2359-W. 10-13-lmo : ELECTRIC Vacuum Cleaner, 240 30th, 10-4-lmd EVERYTHING in pianos; highest . grades, lowest prices. See our "Briggs" baby grand. Pantono, 29th and Hudson. Tel. 1209. 10-4-lmo WANTED MISCELLANEOUS NICE clean white rags at the Standard Stand-ard Office. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE City Read Estate For Sal FARM LANDS TO TRADE FOR x-t, C,TY PROPERTY. JMOW is your chance to trade your city property for a good farm close to Ogden. 40 acres, 3-room house, teams and machinery at Clinton. 35 ACRES, good house, machinery, some stock, best water right in state. South Weber. This is an opportunity. OGDEN HOME BUILDERS CO. 412 25th St Phone 917. NEW 3-room cottage with cement basement, plumbing, kitchen cabinet, eto. Fine location, only $1250. Phono owner, 1427. 11-2-tf MUST BE SOLD. 5-ROOM modern house, close in, on Bench, $2650. 50-foot lot on Wash. Ave., between 36th and 36th, $450. This is the biggest bargain in city property today; party leaving town. Ogden Home Building Co., 412 25th. Phone 917. 10-30-3t NEAT 3-room house at 774 30th St 50 foot front, facing south, on corner, opposite new city park. Growing locality, lo-cality, city water in house. i-rlce $775. About $50 cash and $15 per month. O. A. Kennedy, Basement Utah Nat'l Bank. 11-2-lwk MODERN home, dandy lot, curb, gutter, gut-ter, sower, sidewalk paid. $100 down; $25 a month. H. D. Brown, Tel. 1678-J. 10-29-lwk A BARGAIN IN FARM LAJs'DS. 320 Acres In Park valley, A-l dry farm laud; all fenced and 90 acres under cultivation; only 1-4 mile from new school. Will soil on terms or trade for Ogden property. Don't miss this chance if you want a dry farm, $2U an acre. Ogden Home Builders Co.. 412 25th St Phone 917. 10-28-tf 7-ROOM modern; Bench. Take part in trade. 3-room, 2045 Quincy; easy terms. Bichsel, 215 Eccles Bldg. 10-25-tf A GOOD cement building with metal loof, located on seven lots, suitable for manufacturing plant; lor sale at only one-half Its value. J. J. Brummltt, Brum-mltt, Phone 69. HOUSES; any size, any kind, cheap. Phone 1427. 10-23-tf 9-ROOMED house, several nice lots, close In, on car line; best location. V. L. Porter, Phone 260. 10-20-2wks A LOT near new cereal factory, thirty-five feet frontage with good tounda-tlon tounda-tlon on it; only $250; $10 down, $10 per month. J. J. Brummltt, under Utah National Bank. 60xl30-FOOT lot on Harrison avenue near Farr school building; oniy $150; $10 down, $10 per month. J. J. Brummltt. Brum-mltt. Phone 59. A GOOD business block on Washington Washing-ton avenue only $5000; one-half casts, balance on long time. J. J. Bruin-nntt, Bruin-nntt, under Utah National bank. FOR SALE By Owner, modern house 4 rooms and bath, sleeping porch; fine location, ca6t front, terms. Phone 2315-J, or call 2375 Jackson Ave. . 10-16-1 mo FOR SALE OR TRADE FRESH milch cow. 1915 Grant 10-16-lmo LOST. WEDDING ring with inscription Inside In-side "From A. E. to M, S." Return to Standard Office. Reward. 10-2-tf LADIES' Silver watch, engraved, leather fob and charm. Return to Standard. Reward. 11-2-lwk A SILK hand bag containing small purBe with 60c silver, $1 in currency; also eye glasses. Mrs. Mary Heller, 2560 Orchard. ll-2-3t NEAR Wash, and 22d, auto tire and rim. Phone 1232-W; roward. 11-1-tf ONE bay mare, white star in forehead, fore-head, branded G circling a J on 'left thigh; weight about 1300 lbs. Reward. J. W. Gibson, R. F. D. No. 3. 10-28-lwk BETWEEN Quincy and Madison on 20th St., a traveling robe, black and red, valued as a keepsake. Return 555 Chebter. Phone 2673-W. Reward. 10-2S-lwk MONEY TO LOAN $600 to loan on good real cstato security. se-curity. J. J. Brummltt, under Utah National Bank. 10-25-tf SHORT tlmo chattle mortgage loane. Kolly & Horrick. 10-2-tf MORTGAGE loanB on farm and city properly. O. A. Kennedy, bdBement Utah Nat'l Bldg. 9-1-tf DIAMONDS, watchea, Jewelry, guns, etc Thomas Loan office. Grant & 25th 5-18-U MONEY to loan on reai estate security. secur-ity. J. J. Brummltt -27-tl WHEN you want $10 or more ASK ill.. DEC, 218 CoL Hudson Building. Salaried people can get it without ecurity. Others on Furniture. Pianos, Pia-nos, eto. Can b repaid In small weekly qr monthly payment!. PERSONAL BARGAINS In Robullt Typewriters ."All Makes." Ogden Typewritor Houso. 2422 Hudson. 1-27-lyr Ogden Business Directory AOOORDION PLEATING Done In all lengths. 2668 Colo's Court rear 240 26th St. TeL 1180-M. ARCHITECTS. F. S. PEERY over Marshall Drug Store. , 10-2-tf ASSAY OFFICE Union Assay Office, Inc., 152-164 Bouth WcBt Temple, Salt Lako City, Utah. P. Q. Box 1446. BULBS. Fresh shlpmont of bulbs from Holland; Hol-land; all varieties, lowest prices. Mrs. J. J. Van Der Schult and Van Hoist, 740 28th, Phone 906., CURTAINS. CURTAINS done up. Phono 2696-M. 8-23-tf CITY SCAVENGER. City Scavenger, McCarty A; Co., 2723 Grant Bell phone 2018-W. CARPET OLEANINq! K. Van Kampen Phone 883 for auto trimming, upholstering, mattress making, restretchlng of bed springs. CHIROPRACTORS F. J. Freenor, D. U Graduate Chiropractor. Chiro-practor. No drugB, surgery or osteopathy; osteopa-thy; try chiropractic Rooms 212-213-214 CoL Hudson Bldg. Phone 31L CHILI CON OARNE Chili ton tarue, omcKen iamalea, Fresh Clam Chowder at the Bismarck. Bis-marck. Phono 919-W. OOUNSELOR-AT.LAW Lawyer O Connolly over Commercial National Bank tilug.. 3t,J 24th 3t Phone 11. FURS. FURS cleaned and remodeled In the latest style. Furs skinned and tanned. T. Gajewsky, 340 24th St. Phono 433. 11-2-tf FLORISTS. Mrs. J. J. an Der Schult, .Van Hol6t Floral Co. Funeral designs, Greenhouses, 740 28th St Phone HOC. 7-9-lyr. FOUNDRY & MACHINE SHOPS All kinds of brass and Iron castings, Machine, Boiler and Sheet Iron Work. Phone "647. Western Foundry & Machine Ma-chine Co. HAIR COMBINGS Made up. Mrs. G. Dixon, 256G Wash. 9-13-tf MODERN PLUMBING. Welshans Plumbing & Heating Co., 2325 HudBoiu First-class work guaranteed. guaran-teed. Phones S69 and 2032. NEW & SECOND-HAND GOODS New and second-hand furniture, clothing auu shoos bougnt, sold or ex-changeu, ex-changeu, also trunks ana suitcases cheap. A. Siner. Phono 1J21. 17U 1-2 'iweuty-fUth St B-lJ-lyr ANYTHING A to Z, now or second, bo't, sold or exchanged. Phone 3JJ-W. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Dr. A. uerniuuu, l'nysicun and burgeon, bur-geon, uilice hours 11 to 4 p. m. New t'eery Bldg Hudson" Ac Phona 1900-W. Resldeuco pliuno J1J9-W. t4t Washington Ave. SANITARY WORK. ' Your Garbage hauled regular. Stall-tary Stall-tary can furnished free. Sanitary Garbage Gar-bage Co. Phone C20. STORAGE BATTERIES. Recharged, ropalrod, stored; satisfaction satis-faction guaranteed. Electric Service Co., 425 24th St 2-22-tf TRUNK FACTORY Trunks, Bags, Suitcases and Handbags Hand-bags repaired at 350 24th St. 10-26-tf FRATERNAL SOCIETIES The Woman's Benefit Association of the Maccabees, Sliver Review No. 1 meets every first and third Friday evonings at 8 o'clock, and ovory second sec-ond and fourth Friday afternoons at 2:30 o'clock in the Woodmen Hall, Fraternity block, 2320 Washington avenue. av-enue. VlHltlng members cordially invited in-vited to nttend. Anna Holdon, L. C; L. Jennio Prout R. K.. 2465 Van Bu-ron Bu-ron avenuo. Brotherhood of American Yeomen, Ogden Homestead No. 1506 meets on every Tuesday evening In W. O. W. hall, Fraternity building. Washington avenue. Visiting Archers aro cordial-ly cordial-ly invited to meet with ub. E. M. BBBSrri3s ' Reid. foreman. J. A. Junk, corre- apondont, 3202 Washington avenue. Queen City Rebekah Lodge No. 4, L O. O. p.f meets second and fourth Saturday evenings at Odd Fellows hall. ViBiting members Invited. Minnie Min-nie Child, N. G.; Annlne Carlson, Ro-cordlng Ro-cordlng Secretary. The American Masonic Federation Ogden Lodge No. 81, 2414 1-2 Washington Wash-ington avenue, will meet every Monday Mon-day evening at 8 p. m. Visiting brothers broth-ers cordially invited to attend. W. H. Toller,' R. W. M., A. E. Lansing, secretary, 436 Thirtieth street. Royal Highlanders Ogden Castle No. 525 meets in the new I. O. O. F. hall; Fraternity block, 2320 Washington Washing-ton Ave., every 2nd and 4th Friday evenings at 8 o'clock. ViBiting Highlanders High-landers cordially Invited. Alford Burgi, 111. pro.; William Muller, Sec-Treas. Sec-Treas. Royal 'Neighbors of America meets ov.ery second and fourth Monday nights of each month at 8 o'clock at the now Odd Follows hall, Fraternity building. Visiting noighbors invited. Ellw Mitchell, O. R., 247 21st street Lillian Newton, Recorder 27th and QQuincy. MASONIC Queen Esther chapter No. 4, O. E. S., regular mcetingb held at Masonic hall on Washington Ave,, between 25th and 26th Sts., the first and third Fridays of each month. Sojourning So-journing members cordially invited to attend. Nevada Cook, W. M.; Callie E. Cave, Secretary. Ogden Lodge No. 2, Knights of Pythias, Py-thias, meets every Monday evening at 8 o'clock in Castle Hall of the Pythian building, 2351 Grant avenuo. Visiting KnightB welcome. J. M. Bishoj C. C.; W. L. Underwood, K. R. S. . Edgar A Ford, M. F., 2340 Grant Ave. Ogden Lodge No. 5, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, meets-In I. O. O. F. hall every Tuesday evening. ViBiting ViB-iting brothers cordially Invited to be present. Bon Moloff, N. G.; Henry ICissel, Secretary. Utah Camp No. 9990 Modern Woodmen Wood-men of America, meets every Wednesday Wednes-day night in the I. O. O. F. hall. Fraternity Fra-ternity block. Out of town members cordially Invited to meet with us. H. J. Copock, Consul; J. R. Hinchcliff, Clerk. Order of Owls, Ogden Nest, Nc 1218, Order of Owls, meets every Friday Fri-day evening In. their own hall (the old Elk club rooms) at 8 o'clock. Visiting Visit-ing Brother Owls are Invited to attona the Nest meetings. W. D. Watson, President; C. A. Knowlden, Secretary. Woodmen of the World. Weber Camp No. 74, meets In the W. O. W hall, Fraternity block, 2320 Washington Washing-ton avenue, every Thursday evening it 8 o'clock. Visiting Woodmen cordially cor-dially Invited to attend. J. L. Kelll-her, Kelll-her, C. C; W. M. Piggott Clerk, P. O. Box 488.- Fraternal Order of Eagles, Ogdeu Aerie No. 118, F. O. E., meets every Wednesday evening at Eagles' hall, Hudson avenue, at 8 o'clock. Visiting brother Eagles are invited to attend the Aerie mcetingB. Club rooms open at 11 a. m. Goo. F. Roach, W. President; Presi-dent; E. R. Gelgor, Secretary; Drs. H. B Forbes and Paul IngobrctBon, Aerie Physicians. Women of Woodcraft, Ogden Circle No. 5S1, meets every Wednesday night at 7:30 o'clock, new Woodman Hall, Fraternity Bldg.. Washington Ave., visiting Noighbors invited. Duc3 will be collected on the 5th of each month at Misch Drug Store. Addio A. Fellows, Fel-lows, G. N., 126 Poplar avenue, phone 12S5-R. Marie Crltes, Clerk, 2731 Monroe Ave. phono 1913-R. Read tho Classified Ad3, Ask Those 111 Who Know 111 People -who havo used!. 1 IixbbH '"Aberdeen" -will be onlyf Hl too glad to recommend KH it J:o you. But, why wait ' IH for someone to tell you liH of the 'superiority of B "Aberdeen"? Why not , BH find it out for yourself? HIbbbbbbbI There is pleasure in find- HH inp things out for one- I 9H self. IiH After you have tried J'ibH 'Aberdeen" and found I H it to be a 95 per cent H fuel, pass the good word lH along, that -your friends IH may enjoy the increased H comfort and economy this 3 flH clean coal gives. t H ; H Tour dealer has "Ab- , lH crdecn." Same price as ih EH ordinary coal. j 11 r vk ibbbbb! j tflH IbbbwA h W k H ibbibbT i bbbbbbbb L w v J w'o IH Mined at Kenilworth, Utah, ' I.H by the Ind. Goal & Coke Co. i H PQINTSMWIDEETIIK' M vSITUATION WANTED l 'CQwmssr REsucra If I Read the Classified Ad. ' 1 1 I ' !',IM Read tho Classified Adit , fbi'l 1 Jh(B |