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Show :! fflM See e Book of Mormon IjH) at Alhambra-Orpheum tomor- 3K row only. 2$&3llO Sales Every Hour for Tomorrows Shoppers) ? I a "Tomorrow is bargain day six i I Do you know that hundreds of Ogden shoppers look for this sale announcement ev- fi I 2VL II ery Tuesday? There is no longer any doubt in WEDNESDAY LUNCHEON 1 9 f 3 jH iX.1 ' J L t iL ' il !' This splendid luncheon wilL be served tomorrow 5 11 1 I K fl tneir minds about the genuine savings they :; at the fountain from 11:30 to 1:30. Hot Roast Ja 1 Aii Itmm i j 1171 1 tt irl rfc i ' Beef Mashed Potatoes Brown Gravy Hot I Vk W p. &$ VmU make at the Wednesday Hourly Sales. Read LSr!S2SlL. -2r II every item. No phone orders can be accepted to UielesaTeitems. , . 1 to 10 10 to 11111 io 12 1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 I 4 to 5 5 to l! I Long-cloth ?1.50 Scgo Lilv Long S Cloth a full bolt of 10 S yards, 3G inches wide 2 extra fine and soft for un- S deai'wear, babys' wear, JZl. 1.00 (North Aisle.) J Outing V. That good quality of out- ? ing flannel for which you C always pay 10c in a C great new assortment of r colors and patterns. On i sale this Q L hour OL (Domestics.) Embroideries Iiandsomo embroideries C in several widths ranging t from i to 27 inches Neat patterns with lace edge. C An exceptional 1 Cn 60c value ...... 1 7L j (Main lHoor ) 5 Stationery f Stationery Ja France C Linen paper and en- velopes One full pound 3 of paier and one package S of envelopes to match. H5c p value. This 'JZn f hour LDL S (Stationery.) I Knit Skirts Warm, cosy, close-rttting knit skirts for ladies. C These are offered in a 7 number of colors and pat- y lerns. The best of our t 60c stock. "2f6, j This hour OyC (Second floor.) 3 Felt Slippers A good looking house slip- C per for ladles made of r felt with fur and ribbon C trimmings. Sizes 2 1-2 .to C S. All colors. QQr c $1 25 value OOC (Shoo BasemenL) Men's Garters Men's Pnris Pad Garters ono of the- most com- fortablo and durable of f men's hose supporters. This is fresh prime stock. 25c lOr S values 1 v p (Men's Store.) Plumes S In the millinery depart- ment we offer this hour C choice of 3 plumes in Z black, white and colors. A really fine as- Oftrr 5 Bortment at .... s OL (Second Floor.) i Crib Blanket p A dainty little crib blan- ltet for tho baby's bed. V These are tho best 40c values. Offered In pink or blue. Tho size, ? 29 x .19 7t inches LDC (Subway.) ? Brooms A good substantial broom f of medium weight well C tied made of selected S broom corn. The. 'best 40c value. (One to 1 Qr C customer) ' p (Basement.) Crepe de Chine Silk Grepo do (jnines worth to ?2 a yard. Plain colors. Some crepe meteors me-teors and silk poplins in the lot. All are 40 inches wide. This 1 Afi hour l.UU (Silk Department.) Muslin Sheets 75c Perfection sheets an extra heavy quality which wo sell largely to rooming houses. The size is 72 x 9J inches. Extra good muslin " This hour each . . DD C (Domestics ) Striped Ribbons Stripe ribbons in solid colors those are being used for fancy work, etc. Buy them now for Christmas Christ-mas 5 inches wide. Usu- values 1 V C (West Aisle.) Pillow Cases Stamped pillow cases for Christmas gifts made of the best muslin tubing all stamped in neat designs. de-signs. The usual 60c kind. hour 40C (Art Department.) Ladies' Suits Our best models of this fall in ladies' suits, worth $33. Broadcloths, gub-arddincs, gub-arddincs, serges, whipcords, whip-cords, fur and braid trimmed. (Altera- 97 rA Hon extra) Li .OU (Second Floor.) Women's Shoes Women's shoes in patent leather with matt kid or cloth tops medium or low heels. All sizes. Ono of tho new $3.50 values. hour Z.OO (First Floor Shoes.) Suspenders Choice of the new largo stock of men's best 50c Buspenders these arc all fresh, elastic and in an attractive at-tractive lOt Of 2$lfT patterns 001 (Men's Store.) Brassieres Ono of this fall's best styles in a good brassiere, made of tho very best muslin with laco trimmings trim-mings at tho top and bottom. bot-tom. 75c rn value .... 07 Table Cloths A table cloth which is 5Gx 5G inches In a very attractive attrac-tive quality of mercerized damask. One of tho handsomest hand-somest 75c values wo .s... . 50c (Subway.) Towel Bar Opal Class Towel Bar xS inchos long pure white will wash Porcelain brackets a very neat 'bathroom fix- 1?rr turo. 25c value . ILL Messaline $1.2G Plain Colored Mes-salines Mes-salines 36 inches wide. FCxtia heavy solt finish. Used for petticoats, linings, lin-ings, waists, etc. LIghi TO colors UOL' (Silk Department.) Bed Spreads This Is tho largest bed spread we sell and one of the very best. Many people will doubtless buy this to bo used for Christmas Christ-mas gifts. 940 $3.50 value . ... Litty (Domestrcs.) Ladies' Neck'wr Those now popular high neck yokes in white fine laec and nets. One of the newest and most popular neck dresses of the year. vahfe 42C (Main Floor.) Medicine Bottles Bath room bottles for medicine chest hae glass stoppers fancy enameled labels which will not wash off. Alcohol, Peroxide, Ammonia, etc., QCat two for ... t ODC (Drugs.) Girls' Hats Hats of this season's styles for the little girls of 2 to C years. Velvets, silks, etc., bats and bonnets, bon-nets, all new models and colors. $5.00 O Qr values m70 (Second Floor ) Boys' Shoes Good, sturdy school shoes for tho boys who wear sizes 1 to 13. A really good ?2.50 value. In long wearing leathers. a? 1.19 (Shoe Basement.) Men's Shirts Men's "dress-up" shirts the now line, with laundered laun-dered cuffs in plain white or neat stripes. All sizes in the usual 7rt $1.25 quality "C (Men's Store ) Millinery New Styles in tho popular felt hats for ladles These aro in black, whito and colors. The best of the $1.00 values. A( This hour ... . 4"C Women's Sweaters Ono of tho season's best styles in ladles' sweaters, all-wool In the now ruff neck styles. In he most wanted colors. $3 50 values. val-ues. This I hf hour l.O Aluminum Kettle A puro aluminum preserving preserv-ing kettle with aluminum lid. Two quart size good heavy sheet aluminum. Tho . usual $1.00 kind. hour OOC Wool Serge All wool serge and 'poplins and Epingles, etc. Newest New-est fall dress fabrics. Widths from 41 to 51 inches. in-ches. .In all of tho newest colors. $1.50 ln values ItJC (North Aisle.) Towel Sets Anothor good Christmas suggestion at little price. Set consists of one heavy hath towel, ono heavy medium sized bath towel, two face towels, otic wash cloth. Entire set QOi-r tills hour 0 Moire Ribbons All silk moire ribbons In all colors 3 inches wide for hair bows. etc. An excellent quality of pure silk. Usual 15c Q kind. This hour . "v (West Aisle.) Union Suits Union suits for the children chil-dren of 2 to 12 years. A good fleece-lined garment with high neck, long sleeves, drop seat. Usual 35c 7 value LjOK' (South Aisle.) Ladies' Dresses This season's latest models mod-els in ladies' dresses of silk, velvet, sorge. sorgo and silk, velvet combinations. combina-tions. Values to $35.00. hour Jst0) (Second Floor.) Women's Shoes One of this season's best styles in ladles' patent leather shoes black cloth quartern button or lace styles. A $3 1 QO value l7U (First Floor Shoes.) Boys' Hats Nifty new hats for the little lit-tle chaps these are tho new styles in brown, gray, dark blue, etc. The cream o? our f Q-r 33e stocks s' (Men's Basement.) Brassieres Buy a number of , these brassieres for ordinary wear. They are mado of good muslin well shaped. Embroldeiy trimmed. values 1 VC (Second Floor.) Couch Covers Our usual $6 couch cover In a very largo size a good heavy weight very attractive patterns. The usual $6 kind. O CO This hour .00 (Subway.) Dish Pans A big 14-quart granito Iron dish pan good medium med-ium weight and well coated. coat-ed. One of tho very best values Z4C (Basement) Handkerchiefs Ladies' handkerchiefs in 'fine Shamrock Lawn with names embroidered In the corners. One of the newest ideas. Buv for Christmas. 12c r . values ,.. OC' (West Aisle.) Candies A large assortment of the new candies. Including French Creams, Fruit Jellies, Cream Covered Dates, Cream Peppermints, Pepper-mints, etc, 2 or pounds for 'OC (Fountain.) Childs' Shoes Shoes for the little tots wearing sizes 0 to 8. A good gun motal vlci and patent leather. One of the new $1.33 values. hour yOC (Shoo Basement.) Childs' Overalls Nifty little red pocket overalls for the littlo chaps. These are made of sturdy, comfortable material and are of the usual 25c 1Q kinds IOC (.Men's Basement.) Millinery Choice this hour of a lot of the newest millinery shapes including nearly all of the wanted styles. Values to $3.50. 7(J This hour lOL (Second Floor.) Crib Blanket Here's a handy little crib 'blanket of which you should get one while they lasl. Size 30 x 40 inches, white with bluo border. hour IOC (Subway.) Celery Dish Ono of the best looking celery dishes wo have In near cut glass. Colonial shape in a medium size. Good 20c value. f This hour "C (Basement.) Kimonos Ladies' cotton crepe and fleece-lined kimonos. These are all this season's styles big stock good assortment. Best COr $1.00 values DyL (Second Floor.) Table Damask Goc Old Homespun Damask Dam-ask 54 inchos wide. Tho old time, heavy, unbleached unbleach-ed table dnmask. The nent dice patterns. This r. 45c (North AIslo.) Pillow Tubing The highest quality of muslin pillow tubing. Including In-cluding both tho 25c and 27c kinds. In all of the wanted sizes. ICir Best muslins .... wvC (Domestics.) Bath Robe Tho neweBt designs in bathrobe flannel the new line consists of many new patterns. These will be bought now for Christmas. On sale this 77 n .hour, per yard .. Lu (Domestics.) Wool Challies 50a alt wool challic, 2S inches wide. In a large variety of colors and patterns. pat-terns. The right thing for house dresses and kimonos ki-monos of the 7r better sort LD (North Aisle. Baby Dresses Baby dresses with hand hemstitched yokes and panels, with enough of the fahric to complete the entire dress. 1 r A $2.50 value ' 1 JU Ladies' Gloves Ladies' long gloves In the lC-button length. All sizes in white chamoiscttc, slate, or natural. The usual usu-al $1 value. Kftr' This hour OOL- (Glovo Department) Petticoats Hero's a black sateen petticoat pet-ticoat on which we give a guarantee that it will wear at least three months well made in newest mod-els. mod-els. This fiQr hour UL (Second Floor.) Girls' Shoes School shoes for the girls who wear sizes 11 V2 to 2. Made of a good looking gun metal button style Ono of tho new $2.50 values. val-ues. This I QQ hour 1.00 (First Floor Shoes) Boys' Waists This season's best stock of boys' flannel waists In a good blue flannel. These are the best $1 waists we can buy. ZTQ This hour OC (Men's Basement.) New Corset One of the new styles of this year in n lace front corset which has six hose supporters. A good $2.00 rvalue, long hip style medium or 110 high bust 1 17 (Second Floor.) Blankets Here's a remarkablo blanket blan-ket bargain. Our big, heavy wool nap blanket only. The best $3.60 value. This 9 90 hour LLs (Subway ) Sheet Music A big assortment of popular pop-ular s.heet music in songs and Instrumental pieces. Have been slightly soiled iu handling. Worth to 35c, Flvo 1A copies 1UL (Basement) Black Satin $1.75 Black Duchess Satin a full yard wide. Extra heavy, soft finish A beautiful quality of tho $1.75 value. OCr This hour "OC (Silk Department.) Fleece Lined This fleece lined goods makes tho best house dresses, waists and dressing dress-ing sacques for cool weather. A fine assortment assort-ment of tho usual 12Vc kind. This Q hour yC (Domestics.) Allover Emb'dy The embroideries you will want for making dainty corset covers for Christmas. Christ-mas. These are 20 Inches wide eyelet patterns GOc values, 1 A yard 1UC (Main Floor.) Silk Hose Ladies' best $1.25 silk hose lisle thread top double garter welt, double lisle foot. High spliced heel. All colore. ftQ This hour "OC (South Aisle.) Infants' Vests Under-vegts far the little chaps of 1 to G years. These are those good vests which you buy always at 25c. On sale this rr hour only 1 t (Second Floor.) Men's Shoes Here's a good, dressy $3 men's shoe at a very low price. Button or lace styles. Neat gnu metal. Sizes C to 11. j QO This hour s (Shoe Basement) Boys' U'Suits A good warm fleece-lined union suit for the boys of C to 1G years. Ono of the very best of our 50c fall lines. On sale Of this hour only .. OsK (Men's Basement.) Redfern Corsets This Redfern corset is one of tho very best made. This hour wc offer the usual $6 kind long hip, medium bust, new models, six hose sup- O QQ porters O.yO (Secoud Floor.) Wool Blanket Hero's one of those splendid splen-did all wool blankets made in Provo. Handsome plaids in tan, blue and gray. A big $10 value. houV .GO (Subway.) Dinner Set A complcto dinner set of A2 pieces. Made of tho best Americau ware. Dainty gold hand decoration. decor-ation. (No butter chips "iff. 4.98 MB bs cgB e a a Corduroy 1 H $1.50 Plain Colored Cor- i ji H duroy 28 inches wide. In V S Wmm all of the season's latest 'U colors exceptional value B for suits, Q 1 S '! 1 skirts, etc pl ) mm (East Aisle.) j H Bed Spreads ? Ii: H Here's a good medium slz- I, I M ed bed spread for ordi- I MWt nary use it is of medium r WMw size in good patterns and P M all fresh clean stock. i ' WM values OVC ! (Domestics.) S WB Boudoir Caps H The now line of dainty f J H boudoir caps. In laco nnd J9 net trimmed with satin i j lH ribbon, new styles in the ? 'mm usual 75c AQr S I H values T'-zt' C jj IH (.Main Floor.) ? l Tea Aprons c j fl Another Christmas item 5 n' wM dainty tea aprons to em- ? i, H broidcr. Lace edges nnd j H lace motif inserted. These , Wm make dainty gifts 15c C 1 H values, this Q c ' H hour y H (Art Department.) I EH Petticoats i (H Choice of this season's ? H best styles in ladies' silk P 1 mW petticoats in values to $6. 1 H These are all this season's C j styles. New col- O QC ? ors. This hour ... 07O 3 , MM (Second Floor.) M Boys' Shoes i Here's a dandy school J' M shde for tho boys wearing , sizes 1 to G. In tan calf C 1 H skin with Hat leather ' fl soles. One of the good j H values 1 sO S ' jH (First Floor Shoes.) 3 j H Men's Gowns j ! H Men's warm, full made 3 H outing flannel night robes, S 1 IH The length is full and also p ! H tho arms and neck. The S H well mado OQ C J ill $1.25 values OyC ? U (Men's Basement) Millinery 1 I A remarkable sale of hats f I MM this hour. Offering fifty 1 :M trimmed hats all of this ;U season's styles. Sonic of d 'II the handsomest $5 values. ,M hour "OC d i il (Second Floor.) l Curtain Scrim I 11 Choice this hour of those v H new curtain scrims which M are so popular just now. v ill These are all new and 'M most of them aro of the 'M 25c kind. lOr 9 This hour 1UL C (Subway.) S ( I Mixing Bowl , Blue and whlto earthen- ' j H ware mixing bowls. These f . iH can also be used for bak- C jH ing. A good slzo in the H usual 30c kind. t ft f ' D This hour lyCc j sm ' (Basement) ) ill Read the Classified Ada. iliill r ml Read tha Classified Ads, 'PI |