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Show ELECTIONS HELD 1 1 IN TEN STATES jjl The chief Interest in elections be- ' 1 V'H ing bold in ten states today appeared 11 to center in the propositions for ilH granting suffrage, to women, submit- -H ted to the .voters of New York, Penn- ' (hH sylvania and Massachusetts. ' ill Voters of Massachusetts. Maryland :IH and Kentucky are also balloting for II governor and other state officers, II while state wido prohibition is tho IH feature of the Ohio election and other jH state or local issues are beforo the ' people of New Jersey, Ohio, Michigan . 'H and Virginia. jjl General fair and mild weather pre- vailed throughout New York state and '! a heavy early vote was reported from H many parts of the stute. In many In- ;IH stances the woman suffrage question )H appeared to be the chief issue and 'M the proposed new constitution ranked i M second. In Now York City women . 1 !' watchers were at every polling booth. . Mild, fair weather also prevailed (H throughout Massachusetts and a M heavy early voto Is reported. Women 1 ;H allied with tho suffrage causo con- I M tinned their campaign during tho day. I H Early reports indicated a large vote I jjH in Pennsylvania where the suffragists I ;H were also active. A spirited mayoral- J lH ity contest in Philadelphia added to ' $WM the general interest in tho election. , ; Thero was much Interest in the , M gubernatorial contest in Kentucky ftl and this, in addition to warm weather j 1 throughout the state, caused politl- Hl clans to predict a vote considerably , $ above normal. ' Tho election in Now Jersey Is for 1 JjjH six senators and an entire lower. & house. i jjH While state-wide prohibition is tho , iJH chief issue in Ohio, voters In many j , cities and towns aro confronted by im- jjJ portant local questions. jM Wets and Drys Voting. I H Springfield, Ills., Nov. 2. Fourteen L ' I H southern Illinois towns today wero voting on the wet and dry question. ; jjtH All of them are small and twelve aro ' j already dry, tho wets being the ag- j iJH gressors. County commissioners J 1 wero being elected In seventeen coud- " tics. . j -00 . ' ! |