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Show 00 HEALTH REPORT OF OEM CITY There were 12 cases of contagious diseases placed under quarantine in tho city during the month of October, according to the report of Health Inspector In-spector George Shorten, issued this morning. Of these, 3 were of scarlet fever, 1 of dlptherla, 2 of pneumonia, 5 of chlckenpox and 1 of spinal meningitis. men-ingitis. Sixty-six births. 38 males, and 2S females, wero reported against 27 deaths, 19 maloB and 8 females. Seven bodies were shipped away for interment inter-ment and two from outside places were interred here, In the sanitation department, 271 inspections wero made, 37 written notices no-tices served, including 11 for connections connec-tions with tho sower, 162 loads of rubbish was disposed of at tho city dump and 17 loads of garbago wore destroyed at the city crematory. Nino dogs, C horse and' 5 cows wore also destroyed at the crematory. In the food inspections department. 6 dairies, 3 restaurants and 2 grocery stores were inspected. |