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Show OO GIVE MOTHER A CHANCE. Don't place your mother on the shelf. She does not want to be I there Een a soft resting place, iconiposeu of kindly words and deeds, will not make the shelf comfortable Give her an honored place in tho ifaroilv circle. Make her a comrade. lOive her a chance to enjoy your pleasures. pleas-ures. Participate in the thine- she ! enjo B If you have not treated mother this way. tr H now See how she will throw the years from her shoulders. I You will find a new jov in her com pany. Ion't leave mother on a pillowed hair ou the front porch w hen you go lo the side of the house to play tennis. ten-nis. Take her with you Maybe she can t play, but if ou are playing she will find an interest in the game When friends call invite her to be where your friends are. She is al-I al-I ways proud to introduce you to her I friends. You will find your meu friends will enjoy her company and your girl friends Will be fond of her Give mother a chance lo keep joung Don t consider her as an antique an-tique piece of furniture. She will be very modern if given the oppor-tunin oppor-tunin Don t suggest by your actions or aTTrnninrfflTTrrcHvnTT7Tj7 She knows ihar. There is plenty to impress her age upon her without at-i-ntlojis which suggest that t-he is in the worn out class. You can treat mother with the con slderailon due her without suggesting that her age commands such treat -iient. Let her feel that she is your comrade as v. ell as your mother Mother enjoyed indulging In "baby talk" when you were a child. She ,s as near your age now as she was then She will meet you more than half way in averaging ages If you have been treating her as an old woman wom-an give her n chance to "come back" nd -.on will soon tind her enjoying pour pleasures, and yon will enjov them more when she has a part In i hem. You will miss a whole lot if you in sisi upon tucking mother In bed or pillowing her in a chair in a lonesome lone-some room while you and your friends or the rest of the family make merry in another part of the house it Ifl mighty lonesome for mother to dwell alone with memories and phantom phan-tom children who wanted to be with lur while you and the younger folks are awaj from home having fun, PRETTY PICTURES FROM STAMPS Someone has got some clever pic tures made ol canceled postage Btamps The ides has been incorporated incor-porated in a children's book. One sheet contains n colored picture, the opposite sheet contains an outline pit uire The color is supplied bv pasting past-ing in place canceled postage stamps Of various denominations In the colored picture the kind of stamps to use is clearly indicated Y i BO lever is the use of the stamps that the pictures made are really de-i de-i Idedly attract n e. .last to Bhow what can be done in this Way, some large pictures made with postage stamps have been fram ed and exhibited. One shows a voimp woman in her bedroom The paper shows a design of green, of conventional con-ventional order, made with narrow Clippings from the epe of green stamps The young woman wears a negligee made of stamps so cut that the lines and folds of ihe garment are gracefully made in her hand she holds a bunch of violets, made from purple stamps and on her dressing dress-ing table is a rose from a red stamp, In a tall, iridescent vase, very skill- j fully made from hits of colored Btamps. The spread on the hed is made ol other stamps, and so are the h in h;?nginps The whole idea is clever, and really interesting results re-sults maj be had after a little practice. TAPIOCA DESSERTS Tapioca Mold Soak a cupful of tapioca over night in three cupfuls of cold water, in a eovered dish. In the morning pour into a double boiler and cook for an hour. Stir it frequently Then add the juice of three lemons and sugar to taste, and pour into a mold Chill and serve with cream and sugar or custard. Apple Tapioca. Over four tablespoonfuls of tapioca, the same amount of sugar, a pinch of salt and the juice of a lemon, pour a quart of hot water, and cook the mixture in a double boiler until soft In a baking dish have ready cored, pared and sliced apples and pour the hot tapioca over this. The apples should be rolled in cinnamon, and su gar before being put into the dish. Bake the mixture until the apples arc tender, and serve cold with cream Tapioca Menngur. Cook for 30 minutes in a pint of hot milk two tablespoonfuls of tapioca that have been soaked for the nih' Beat up the yolks of two eggs with half a cupful of supar and add to the hot tapioca with three tablespoonfuls tablespoon-fuls of shredded cocoanut Cook for three minutes and add a teaspoonful of vanilla Bake in a buttered bak ing dish, covered with a meringue. Lor about 2n minutes. The heat should be low, so that the meringue will brown slowly Currant Tapioca. Pour four cupfuls of boiling water jver a cupful of tapioca that has been soaked oer night and drained Cook in a double boiler until it is transpar-?nt transpar-?nt and add a pinch of salt. Then idd a cupful of dried currants and su-;ar su-;ar to taste and pour into a buttered baking dish Sprinkle with little pieces of butler and sugar and three rumbed macaroons, and bake for 25 minutes. Chill and serve with cream. |