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Show 1 T COMMENTS ON 1 AMERICAN NOTEf ( Organ of Italian Radicals Considers Con-siders U. S. Protest Most Important Document. CAN ENFORCE RIGHTS '1 t i America Greatest Neutral ;4 Power Hopes Matters May Be Settled on Broad Basis. K Rome'. Jan. 2 10:55 a. m. Thd Z newspaper Vita, the organ of the Ital- vl ian radicals, today comments at con lJ siderable length on tho recent Amcr j ican note to Great Britain on the sub- 'f ject of shipping. :( This is the most Important docu jJ ment which has appeared since tbo beginning of the war. the paper de- t clares, for the reason that it is from 4 the greatest power in the world not M linohed in the conflict. Neutrals jl nowadays must be In a position to en- J force their rights. This the United J States can do. for she has enonrous (J interests through the world, and a formidable for-midable fleet p "Fortunately," tho paper go? on. fl ' American Interests are identical with those of the smaller neutral powers These states can follow In the footsteps foot-steps of the United States Should the neutral powers of Europe join bauds, as have done the countries of Scandinavia, Scandi-navia, for the protection of their marl- J time Interests, their voice would bo more convincing. Experience shows that observance of the rights of neu- t trality is contingent upon the posses- sion of material strength on tho part nl of the neutral powers to enforce their ' point of view." 91 ' The Vita expresses the hope ihnt i the neutral states of Europe will take oi advantage of this opportunity 1o act m together with America in insisting n on the broad basis of all neutrals to tb. all belligerents. Otherwise, the United States individually wil Iget all the satisfaction sat-isfaction while the other neutral pow- r ers will be worse off than they were rt before. :b |