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Show I Big Clean Up Sale Ladies' Suits, $10.00 'M Values $20.00, $25.00 and $30.00. ; 3 Flannelette Gowns, extra values 89c I &e M. M. Wykes Co, I H 2335 Washington Ave. -ifSrB See the 'Terrence O'Rourke series at the Lyceum today. 5c ALWAYS 5c. pHBVH r Advertisement. I I Will remove to Eccles gj Building. A. W. HADLEY Real Estate, I Loans and Insurance. IIIIUI IIIIHIMIilll 'IIIWlH Id ! THE CHAINS OF I M EVIDENCE II with us represent past KA years of service. M I SEE US TO SEE yji J. T. RUSHMER Q ' OPTICAL CO. Optometrist and Manu- RH ! facturing Optician. TJ M 24G4 Wash. Hg'g SI rgrH W ALHAMBRA CAFE LEO, Manager. fflB 331 Twenty-fourth Street Ogden, utah- HB OPEN FOR BUSINESS DEC. 28th. HjB Flrstclass house, regular dinner Bj served every day. Short orders HH. served any time; $5 a ticket, good BnHfli for 21 meals. Bk Open day and night. 1. E, 13, MIS NOW OUT OF STATE INDUSTRIAL Ir. B. G. Gowans, state superintendent superintend-ent ot public Instruction, departed for Salt Lake today, bidding goodbye to employes ami students at the Stato Industrial school, where he has acted as superintendent. Expressions of regret were given by those connected with the school when the doctor left Mrs Gowans. who has acted as ma- tron of the school while her husband was superintendent, will not leave the school until tomorrow, when she will join Mr. Cowans in Salt Lake. oo Another Miller Bros. "101 J Ranch" feature, "Mexican Hatred," at the Lyceum Sunday Sun-day and Monday. 5c ALWAYS 5c. Advertisement. REOPENING OP THE SHOPS I NEXT Many railroad mechanics and helpers help-ers in the city, who have had enforced enforc-ed vacations for nearly a month on account of the closing of the Southern South-ern Pacific shops, were rejoicing today to-day over the prospects of the reopening reopen-ing of the shops on Monday. Januan 4, that date being set for the layoff lo be terminated, when the men left work Master ?dechanic D. J Hickey of the loeal shops stated today that the order for reopening the shops on the 1th had not been changed and that, beginning on that date, he expected the shops to be running in full force. He also said that between 400 and 500 men would be employed, eight hours a day and C, days a week, if the present orders were not changed. News from other points on the Southern Pacific today is to the effect ef-fect that the shops at Sacramento. Bakersfield Oakland. San Francisco and Dnnsmuir, California; Sparks, ev., Tucson. Aril., and Portlnnd, Ore., opened this morning on a five-day five-day we. k. :-hour day basis Full time Is six days a week and f hours a day This resumption means the re-employment of between f.ooo and 6000 I men. The Los Angeles shops, which I were not closed down, continue to operate. op-erate. A Good Plaster. Merlto Whltt Liniment is n splpn-did splpn-did application for Sore Throat, riii on the Lungs. Croup and Pains In the Chest. Saturate a piece of flannel Cloth with the Liniment and use a plaster. It is very penetratitm. will not blister and is very effective. Prices 25c, 50c and $1 no Culley Drug Co.. Ozden, I'tah. Exclusive Agents. Advertisement. on 3H5I HAS NOT BEEN BELOW ZERO Three las last week the teinpera-ture teinpera-ture in the city reached a point two degrees below 7.ero, but this week the minimum was 13 degrees above, ami a maximum temperature of 42 above w.i- reached yesterday Official Offi-cial readings show the following high and low temperatures during the week: High Low December 27. 34 U December 28 36 19 December 29 35 L3 December 30 32 22 Decemlw-r .1 10 18 January 1 42 18 January 2 36 14 oo NOTICE Have closerl our store; order direct from green house We can give better bet-ter service at less cost and flowers direct from the green houses will keep better. Phone 006. V DER SCHFIT, Florist A .i ertisemenl i . oo Read the Classified Ads. f Read the Classified Ads. oo Read the Classified Ads. OFFICE SUPPLIES . Our assortment comprises everything you need for the office Filing Cabinets, Blank Books, Letter Files Typewriters, Adding Machines and all Sundry Items! Call or phone your order. We deliver B RAM WELL'S i 4 - ' ' |