Show CAItMVAIi IN tOIOIIAIItr Neron1 nlldal estlval nr Neu Sal In mil Plalu Denver Oct GThe second annual carnival the leitlval ol mountain and plain opened tills allernoon with a pa einl ol progrcii the great parade pre tenting a panorama ol the resources and Induitrlei ol Colorado and embrac lilt many noel and Intereitlng feature Illanche Wright ol Denver queen ol the lull vI and her beaulllul rrialil ol honor reprctenllng url uc countln were received everywhere with acclaim front the people The parade va < wit letted by crowd and reviewed bjr Governor Gov-ernor Well and Hair Ueneral John Qa Cannon ol Utah Governor Thnrntun I and un nl New Mexico and other dl > tlnijiililied Riieiti bcilJei the city snit state officliU The next two day will be crowded with iurprlie nnd an entertainment enter-tainment for the Inhbltnl ol time city and 30000 vUllnri attracted by the carnival car-nival |