Show CHASED BY A TRAMP Mrt Maule lived In the country mil here wat not another lotto within at mile of Ihc one occupied by her family The highroad or turnpike u we called II watclute by and unto In summer lime war much tra > eted on by tramp and illreputable pereon lint ai a nor we at MMC hk 11111 hrrl of tromps And lees 01 those who came to beg ever Hot served sl our iloor If I any did gel errered the > were rlthrr the yy nerdy or the partliula Iv cheeky The former were relieved nut pity lof tlirlr condition the laller to get lid of them Hut Mr MAnl cnuld deny even n very cheeky beggar II lie lutprci d I him of being an Importer No ilnuh sin did It with mote llmMlly thin tern erlty but then there wai usually a big dog or a big 11111 Ixhoer within sound of her voice Therefore she did do It occasionally Only that very forenoon the hid refuted In nerve a burly turnpike turn-pike native who begged hard for s piece of bread and a dttnk of milk You look ttrong and healthy Why dont you work > atked Mri Maul How can folk work when their alnl any work lor em In dot There plenty to do II voi only look for It In a lively ptaeeah 1 replied re-plied Ive bees looking for II for three months and aint found Itffnld he Then look far It till you dn find II aid the 1II111flllnd vllh that hf banged bang-ed the door In hit face and left htm 10 go hit way 1 thought was rather unfeelingly of Mil Male to lalk like that but alms hid been In a pet over tometlilnr or other that morning and won not quite herself Well about an hour after that the came to me In quite a Rood humor and asked me to go for a walk and take the babv raving It wOllld 10 U Ilno1 In get out a bit So nl coiirtr I jot ready and we were non enjoying HIP rah air and the tunthtne For tome dlilance we walked 1 on the tunplkf but before long we came to a narrow lane which led lo our nearetl neighbor whote farm war about a mite away The lane e cepl for bird and insects was a lonely a rte ai any one could with for Therefore we were not a III lie startled when on turning a corner we came upon a tramp Ihe very navvy whom Our Maule had 10 rudely dlt mined that morning lie was lying In Ihe hale 01 a thick hedge and he looked up at we paued When I taw him through the kitchen window that morning I noticed that ho did not look very refined neither In manner nor In feature but now on pasting close to him In the narrow lane I fancied he looked quite ferocloin Kr Ide nil he and Mri Maule rccognlied each othornd Uwat that th10 I notpliae 1 her tor or turned awry front him with a shudder ai though the had seen a serpent The navvy mull have teen that we were afraid of him and no doubt Ihli gave him ionic latlifacllon but he walked walk-ed on quickly and In silence for neither ol ui dared trust ourselves lo reaL When we were a little dlilanco from him however Mri Maule whlipered to me to look ronnd and tee It he was till lying down turned inr head and taw that the tramp wu on his feet and I following ui and then I grasped my companions arm and the turned to look also just then the tramp stooped and picked pick-ed up something which looked like a thick stick or a hedge stake and with this In hit hand he came on a quicker pace ai though Intending to overtake ui At this my mlitrcii turned pale and trembled with fear eiclilniliit Oh heaven he meant to murder ui both and this Innocent babe AI well I What shall we do Jennie what shill we dote Give me the baby and let ui run for our llveil I cried feeling sure that Ihe tramp really Intended to does harm Out In her great tear Dire Miule could not trust her baby out ol her arm and Instead ot giving It to me site pressed press-ed the little thing all the closer to her breast Thus we ran down the lane at last AI our feet would lake ui nol dar Ing to look back upon our pursuer We knew the tramp waa following became we could hear hits ihoutlng alter ui In louJ and angry tone It teemed that he wai trying to frighten ui but we ran on and never turned a moment to hear what he said The tarmhoute toward which we were hastening was not yet In tight but we fled iwlftly onward hoping soon to fInd refuge Ihere and to gain the aiilttance of inmates For awhile the tramp cued to shout 10 I glanced around to nee II he wai itlll purtulng ui whereupon where-upon he railed lilt weapon and llourlili 1 log It about hit head shouted all the louder and more angrily and made amore a-more determined effort to overtake ui Mri Maule was almost eiliauiteil with running but itlll the refuted to let me have the baby although I was the younger and stronger and beter able to carry It In her terror ilictemcil I to k fancy the baby was later In her arum 1 than It would be In mine though llelt 1 lure It would have greatly relld bier If I thehadaloHcd me to Jake the Infant from her Almoit btcathlcir with the warmth ot the baby and the eicillcm of her flliht the panted like a Ix < that U I pursued by the hound and the per agitation trickled down her flushed jJ > J JJ i cheeks like rain on a window pine Yet she did not mean lo give In l and the pretence ut the baby teemed to make her all the more determined to escape I the fate which the Imp evidently Intended In-tended for t I wa > Juit begleiAtlg lo giro wr 10 despair when I heart wy mUtret ei claim Thank Oodwe ore here at latt And on looking round I wo the farm house a few hu < rt pardl j asay The farmer daughter w tk aandli g In I the doorwey and appear < rrrllOd at sec log M < running an fS crated lo hurry and approached the house at 1 n walk 1 thinking the tramp would III lve rap I the chase when he taw nt draw near But In thU rate we were mhtaken at we hail been all the while la I its Intention for he came on without passing sr < l followed so cloe up lo the d wr Then we taw what l t wai he had In Ida hand for he heM It out to Mrs Mitile ciclalmlng Here misses here yet umbrella Ycr take tome ctllhlrfg1 Andiure enough llwii her umbrella which the had dropped while praing the tramp an Incldtntwtlleii In heralarm lie had failed to notlcc sttchinge |