Show lallhI rat s r ttne Zrv Tho coMot known pot on tba earth mirfuiu U I on thin Kaitorn slope i shelving inouninlii that rundown run-down lo nwr the walern odg on the < mittern bank uf the Lena riven In Northman Mlwnu I ha spot In quei lion la l nine mill a fourth mite from 1 fccrlfer hoof ubuui Inllludo 67 north I and Inngliuila U suet Hr Wollcoft dlniclor ol Iho UIIII i motoorolug I lent ervlcw glees thin mlnlnuun 111 IHTBturo I of the plane nt being II > donreot below zero It Is l s placn of s iilmiitt perpetual calm lu the ninunlnln near by whit windy Kuailxr U I tho rulu U le I nol nearly to cold The wool iiyileiii la drulnwl and under m I nod by Imlulfiil ulwrrt cud ripen eorac r IVII hY UJlv 1W OSIttYo Ullth hazel Nilio ipiutllly limit them It I the bL pile cure known John Hoyden do son I I |