Show Tit Umlnou CMllpt Ono 01 the neat Intercntlnc crratloni ol nature la l the litmlnout ceUrpede a curoiit comblnatlnn ol hud make and natural electric light plart It I U about one and one fourth inches long Iu body being covered with ihort hair III body 10 I very narrow and appearito be In sections In consequence ol tilt peculiar formation the creature appears move ildewayi except when frightened frighten-ed Then the natural electric light plant feature appeart and 1 with an al not Instantaneous wavelike motion icgtnntng at the tall the color ol the reptile changes from orange to a green lei phntphoretccnt Then spookIng spook-Ing like a tiny ipcck of green light the creature darts away to a place ol refuge When one nl the pair U In earth ol Hi male the color grow a bright yellow but at will the ccnterpede can resume Its darker color and then It lying riots to the grain ot a pteceol wood It harJi noticeable |