Show Uses or Ice Water In health no one ought to drink Ice water for It hat nccatloned fatal In lamination of the stomach and bowel bow-el and lometlmct sudden death The temptation to drink It It very great In the tummcr To lIe It at all with lately the person should lake but a single swallow At the lime lake the glat from the llpt for half a minute and then another tttallott and 10 on It will be found that In thit way It I become be-come dliagrecable after a few mouth full On blue other hand Ice Itself maybe may-be taken at freely at poilble not only without Injury but with the molt HillIng Hill-Ing advantage In dangerous forma of disease If broken In sine ol a pea or bean and allowed at freely as pnc tlcabte without much chewing or crunching between the teeth It will often be efficient In checking varloui Undo of dlanhen and hAt cured tlolenl case of Ailtllc cholera A kind el powdered lee kept to Ihe entire scalp hat arretcd ftarful eonvulilont Induced by too much blood there In croup water a cold a > Ice can make It applied freely to the throat neck and ehctt with a sponge or cloth very often affordt IB almost mlraculout relief and If Ills be followed by drinking coplouily of DM tame Ice clement the wetted ports wiped dry and the child wrapped 1 up I well In the bed clothe It rail Into A delightful and life git Ing tlumbtr Sew York Iedgrr |