Show Globe Barber Sno I Ahtnj hi lie IVuiil Shavini Tickets Jtio for Jioo I lfinest line of Cigars und Tobacco To-bacco in the city 1 Two dale south ol Itnort Sulooii OI1N SHERMAN Proprietor I DUTCHESS TROUSERS Ivery pair warrant cl They meet the wants r > f all Prom < a 150 fj 35f > 5j 53utd wear tlicm two months for every suspender button that cotes oil we wil pay yon ro cents if they rip at the waistband wewill JM yon 50 cents situ if they rip at ont or elsewhere we wilt pay you S r or give yon A new pair Our cntirre line of GHATS I BURNISHING GOODS lri I of the bent anil if you have say 1 cash yon can sate 20 to 30 percent I per-cent b y tradiit ° at the AMERICAN CLOTHIN co park city u J wnrlrm Manager I I 1 LEOHL NOTICES I I I Wu K1uTlr Rnla WMUI n TIOYLA Inop NuTlR1II I NVTICK l pen1 Ukrllty 1 IUh II > oI M IVM yhtrw1r j tbn ih1i511 awli urtkr u nrrthjr trni rb t ihr rillunin nmd eesh h SId twelnd 5s INMllnl b 1 mete Out Dfi1 In lUHiirl ul M rUIni sad Mm M4 mmf will hr mw h 1515III run I Irrk of nnjuult rounty 11151 hlr urftVr ut IMIbrlliSlKCrAo I tae i tE Ii IIh 1 11 if Ntw dead i l 115 lrtity Tiilii alt 141 d5Cy adNWtt fSKN + 1ITs5Rr4 111 CM n setl fnl4alna I wtluess pane I 11 itiiitlunonr rrfHIriM stem amt rnlllritlkHi ul I MM UwlYU W It mijr llmnWriirlit I H Nwrllu ire Kldn da stl I of 1 1lb Viimmll cuillilr h UTIIMI IfMim IllHi1 I V TU 51504 sunray Ills IMt of ant puhll Iu trI1on 5115 1 X Till THIKIl UllfflUlT UWHT of Till 1 1 funtr nf Humnilj Ship it Vl t5 In tkr utturnnkrMMDoT lie Ifs4okesns Dntor In Uiixr nav ohr outer ufPee irf ns > l m ui lHKil < ih l I m4f Wininw il 4511w l n tar dmlatotni > ruf ilw r teiit ui Ann lll 4 dinwwil holm Hint btwpellt5 hrrrln nrar ln m in ordirul M o < > ll th mil I Ef l Mid dedwbl lthe DUfMiMilMnlnii s4 thnh I U IhrrrlMr orrtrrrrl V lbe rferk M aid 1Mirl IMI III MrxHK iHlrrMIMl In the rWtnfld erE r s bet irr Mir ad Thlnl IH trlrl lHirl i MdinlT lli > Hlti il nflrtnhir 111 l IWi rlHl 1 III Hi l > rii n f kl nu el Ihr oulirl mum d IIIMrlrt I uun M In nmn visa I tMIl II I lb 11111 5f nunl is hw sau why a Mar houW iml br iniurxl hi tnrMM wlnilnhlMkir la Mil the whair of Ikr rest l telr 1s Ihv Mid I < l vwut Ami Thal iiir of IbU iml < r In inililllirrl > l rs1 I nnr > 505 rtr riur 111 455 wn k In 1 THU ifML nun rmnii i ti ivrirtiiU4 n4HiblMrr < l I In MM mimraii nmt H r MIIHTHIlrtT Irrk H 1 the Thlnl II Illnrlfl t ease 11uII lnplsmw r J IW 511511 IN MIKTIIIHPIJImrlMIMhTMMTlliruT IlI L tt 55rtt IS 1 oI the 5511511 I lltab Iuuul rr KuHnril In ininirltrrullhr List ul Unnrnnt Urn ilt roiMMulIrr tu mllturaNullr + k < brrrby trlvfti by ihr I un4 nilKiiui i r ruul r uf tmi I tlsren 1 f Its dtwN I u she i iHlum ul mMI All VTIM rwvlM rUlnir WHiM Ihr Mhl ilwTMrr lu subside tirm with Ihr iirrrMurr < uMhrr < fur UMiriml wllhln 1 t tau muulhii > fwr the Ant imbAwilMi ul the mnur lu she Mill Mrculur HI hit rnddriirr l51lis but I Uoof nl III Uw ofllrr ul 14 I n rknnyilirlii < ua > Intl I UlanDart IIID SaM Entulor ul the isle ut Mumrvt Issue ilr I 1 1 ilitrd Ml sus 17 HIM nXMI I mI HIKTIIUT rilltllT I IIP iill Tilt RI I JulrUI nlt rest t till Ctrl ill Uliniuwj Mntnlnltitsry it IF I5 gild e naybl w Mnr r Slut sit 1lh 4511 051555 to taut N Oslo e 1551 ut l Ymlr t lirnbr r rll q a ffiit In an aeh55asl 1a155511515the MA ehud iMnlliriiltlirliNlrlriivwiiuYthrlMrilJirUrttl lililllrl ul Ihr KUUxil full 5115 I UnuHrc Uw tine lalul IIH tbvrrln with IMI 1155 lees ei11iys of tit iliyul rrlwl slier th11 Wol on you 5t tilt uluuuIf wrt wllhluthl nMinljr ir It caned out ut II I < iunlr Ixit l5 l IM < ifl > lrlrl within tnmlr user I ln iKhrrvl within furry day517 I Judarnt 1y dnhalt will INI I t krll acaliiH ran Arfurtlit tu titter ul Mlilnnnil tiit nuiMM IK 1 UII i 5 irwulii tu Intro ilrrn ul the iiinrl tlul tin Uimh ul innirlniuiiy ciulliiir lit l lNr1 llnliiur ana ilr > I nliil li r IIMIIH thi urntliriir uaatI thr cuitly 1 ul tin minor llll lani l is IM Oillllllll tie lour 1 ul IhN r mirrlwi and that pislIltltr11 rk tol W hie 1e51au 111 11 I ou 5ro hereby nI1ItoI 1151 If 4111 full Its 5p115 and susurr lbw sldoltlsIut sshmp ryuirst I tnl said plalutllr alit sltdy w thr court lor thi > nll lil < iniliilnllhrlrlii lllirM thi llmiunhlrJuilcnk 5111 th11 of the tltsrlrt uuitut thr Tnlnl Jiulol luttthtl In and fur the Slut ul l1wh hl Tib day nl Aluuil III I tin I i rl mir Iunl uur trMU alf rliTit huulwl < ul uln a < lx lf Ides I J R r VUHTIIUOTT Urrk nmi PEQA HOUSE IRST CLASS ACCOHHODATIONQ FIRST IONS OR 70URIS7S AND TRAYELERU Ratesln Keelng With the Times 1 Mrs Lydia Et Walker Proprietress 1EOA Summit CKinty Utah TINSHOP HotntMimtle Tinware StovePipe Stove-Pipe Hath Tubs Garden Sprinklers Galvanized Iron Cine Copper mill Sheet Iron Work etc tnntle and t Kquircd by Joseph Jones TINNER Shop one block cast of Stake House Coalvillc Utah 1 1i i t = CSreattas11TndIlSrt ob55 lndlIlI eat buuaet onuuld Wr MOOSeTC Iet i Ou11 Olnt L Oreot u PATI 70tH sJwannwutsi raiuletiu1a1IL51N 01001 II nr faJ 81011 lmiw phI Uk H rlp I e lbs We IdI lM II eaten able or lot Iles shit dkircl Our le nol iu till 101t011 U Itcurtd I A pHPHtcr ll wl Obnlnr aesl5 MI5 Jeort 01 uo In Iho US Sea louiacounirio Sisal AJJi CASNOWCO 0 PATtNT 07 WAIOTOO D C o o Great Reduction In SHOES of from 35 to 40 per cent GLOVES of from 25 to 50 per cent Childs Embroidered Bonnets Ladies and Misses Straw Hats Dress Trimmings Feathers and Flowers Childs Waists and Boys Shirts Wo have just received a beautiful lino of Quilt Suitings BLANKETS ranging Irom 7 6c to SZ2 per pair We have in stock the most I complete line of Furniture ever seen in Coalvifile Call and examine our goods as we combine ciiwility with prices COALVILLE COOP o s P OYDENS STORE fl Prescriptions Filled HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE STATIONERY COALV1LLE G OAKS Call ntt S see the nobljiesk RtCt ami worst stylish assortment cf Indies Miscs awl CltiliiccttA Cloaks ever found in our city or vicinity MAGGIE SALMON REMOVAL fI I have removed my stock to the Wilson Bros old store Call and see me LV J V tigI1 t MRS M E RHOADES THE MILLINER T f I i i MO r COALVILLE UTAH II WILL SELL THE BALANCE OF MY SUMMER SUM-MER MILLINERY STOCK AT HALF PRICE NOW IS YOUR CHANCE FOR A HAT CHEAP 1 Best Weber Coal OLD CHURCH CULLEN MINES I QJtass CJleel1Co I 2100 lb Cullen Mine lump 200 2100 Ibs Old Church lump 175 1 I 2100 bs 1 Stove Coal 80 I Good wheat or oats taken ln exchange for coal Stabling aul blink house furnished free I W W CLUFF J Prop L c |