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Show ITALIAN TROOPS ON ALBANIAN GROUND London, Nov. 23. According to the Neue Zurlcher of Zurich, tho firm stand taken by the quadruple entouto In dealing with King Constantino has turned tho scales' In Italy and all obstacles ob-stacles to sending an expedition to tho Balkans havo now been removed. The Journal La SuIbbo of Chlasso otatos that Italian troops already aro being landed Jn Albania. Geneva dispatches say that Austria has concentrated 150,000 men at Po- la, tho Austrian naval base on the lll Adriatic. These troops could be sent H Into Montenegro or Albania. lH The desperate situation of the Ser- lflH bian army was little improved today. H They are resisting fiercely at all 9H points, but are gradually being beat- jl en down and surrounded. M "Eastward and southeastward of H Pristina the Serbians are tenaciously H resisting the Bulgarians," admits the H 1 Austrian headquarter's report. iH A Serbian official report today H claims a victory of some little im- H portance in the region west of Nish H and Leacova. It says: H "Tho fighting recently has beon on H tho old Serbo-Turkish frontiers, prin- t cipally west of Vellka Palana and H Mount Zetovatz. At the latter placo jH ' we defeated the Bulgarians, captur- H ing five mounted cannons." H To the northwest the Serbians are JH heavily fortffylng the valleys lead- 'H Ing out of Novipazar and tho progress H of the Austro-Germans has slackened H because of this fact and the difficulty .H of the territory. jH The "Montenegrins are helping In jH holding back the Invaders. H The Austro-Hungarian advance ''H against MItrovltza is progressing rap- H Idly and tho entire Ibar valley Is now H In their possession. An official re- H port says: .H "Austro-Hungarian forces in the H Ibar valley advancing on MItrovltza (H yesterday stormed powerful positions .H on the north edge ot the valley and -H ono to the south and gained full poa- H session of the valley." M Despite the Serbian resistance ;H southeast or Pristina the Bulgarians M are making progress. Tho German H war offico statement today announced JM the capture of 8000 Serbians, forty- H four cannons and twenty-two machino 'H guns bv the Bulgarians In that region. ,H At thesame time the capture of 1500 H Serbian prisoners by the Austro-Ger- 'M mnn forces was announced. IH The statement Bays: H "North of Mitrovitza and north and 4H northeast of Pristina the Serbians (H were thrown back in rear guard bat- iH ties, 1500 being captured. H "Bulgarian forces fighting southeast H of Pristina are victoriously advancing. H In the region near Pristina S000 Ser- jm bians were made prisoners and twen- 'JM ty-two machine guns and forty-four jH cannons were captured. H Describing conditions on tho Kos- sovo plain on November 15, a Ser- JH bian etaif officer who has arrived at M Salonikl, says: M "Probably half the population of .m old Serbia has sought refuge on tha (M plain. They aro suffering from tho iH lack of food and from the severe ,M weather, having no shelter. lH "The way into Albania is imposBi- H bio. The region has been cleared, of H overy thing by the refugees who pre- M viously bad passed through. Th m journey must be made on foot and m without food. H "Retreat into Montenegro also is m closed and food thero is scarce. jU "Meanwhile the Sorblan army con- m tinues to fight and guard tho ap- proaches to this vale of mlBery. H MUNITIONS FROM U. S. H ARE NOT NEEDED PM London, Nov. 23. The output ot H munitions In England and Franco has B now reached a Btage which makes the VM and It 1b unlikely that any further H contracts will be placed in America. M The financial importance of this de-t H velopment need not be emphasized, j. ! Many Sailors Down. M London, Nov. 24. A dlBpotch to tho Daily Telegraph from Potrograd Bays: H "Tho German guardBhip sunk by JM Russian destroyers near Libau is H semi-offlclally Btated to have beon a M cruiser armed with 3 1-2 and 4-lnch H gunB and having a crew of 200, only M 20 of which wero saved. H |