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Show RANDOM i I REFERENCES Good watches Price. 278 25th. Postoffice Hours Thanksgiving Day J One delivery by carriers. General deliver, stamp and registry windows . open from 10 to 11 a, m. Money or- ' der department closed. W. W. Brown- ; . lng, 1'. M. Kodak Films developed 10c each 1 ; roll. Velox paper used Mclntyro Drug. Departs W. S. Ray departed yesterday yes-terday evening over the Southern Pa-icific Pa-icific for California. Ho expected to visit both expositions. Balance of stock must be closed out ' by Dec 1. Bargains, Palsgrovo Fur-i Fur-i nlture Store, 263G Washington Ave. -i Home In Cheyenne Mrs. Alfred Rutherglen and little son, have gone to Cbeyenno, Wyo., to Join Mr. Ruth-. Ruth-. erglen, assistant chief clerk In. th office of SupL S. R, Toucey of the & Wyoming division of the Union Pacif- ic They were accompanied by Miss 4 Anna Powell, a sister of Mrs. Ruther-l Ruther-l glen, and will make their future home ,. in Cheyenne. j Mr. and Mrs. F. W RedXicld de-j de-j parted this afternoon on Southern Pais Pa-is ciflc train No. 5, for California, They planned to visit both expositions and will be away a month. ! Dancing Party First of the series. Fifth Ward amusement hall, Thanksgiving Thanks-giving Night. Admission, 60c couplo.-Mr. couplo.-Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Swangor of 81:) ' Twenty-fourth street, are leaving for the coast tomorrow afternoon. Mr. Swanger was called home by the Jll-" Jll-" ness of his mother, who lives atOak- land. .? Marriage Licenses Marriage licen- ses have been issued to F, C. Wilson 1 of Juniper, Idaho, and Irene S. Brown i of Ogden; John W. Wadman of War- ron and Marie Price of Ogden; Thom-t Thom-t an Bona of Spanish Fork and Viola 1 Wilson of Payson; Fred Wyler of Pay-1 Pay-1 son and Mary J. Petorson of Moroni, Carl O. Olsen of Wilson and Katie 1 Mae Hall of Hooper, and to Clarenco it A. Davis of Downey, Idaho, and Bea-Btrico Bea-Btrico Violet Dean of North Ogden. a Royal, perrect coal sold and guaran-Blleed guaran-Blleed by M, L. J ones .Coal & Ice Co. - p Ward Conferences Ward conforen-IKcee conforen-IKcee will be held next Sunday in the 111 First. P'ifth and Eleventh wards of Ifctthe Weber stake, according to an an-Hf an-Hf nouncement made today. At each conference, important instructions Hf M be given by the stake authorities J-! and the records of all tho ward or-m or-m Ranizalions will be examined. 1: Call at the Standard for your electric elec-tric flat iron. All orders must be Placed before December L After that date the Standard will no longer handle han-dle them. These irons have proven tntirely satisfactory and are sold on Ivo weeks' trial for $1.65. Call and get yours todny. ' Business V,'slt John G. Cbilds, su-Pervisor su-Pervisor of the Utah agencies of tho Beneficial Life Insurance companj" ''as in Ogden today on a business ipBiL 4 Births Tho following births were Reported today at the office of the city health department: To Mr and , - Mrs. John P. Davis, a daughter, November No-vember 22; to Mr. and Mrs Paul Child, a son, November 21; to Mr. and Mrs. William Rees, a son, November No-vember 22; to Mr. and Mrs G. Hill, a daughter, November 14. All kinds of Coal. Parker Coal Co., cor 27th St and Pac. Phone 19S-W. - Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Mitchell depart, ed today over the Southern Pacific for California, where they expect to pass the next six months. I Spargo'8 for rubber atampt, eealn, etc. State Clerk Everett Neutoboom of the Weber stake is to address a meeting meet-ing of Hollanders living in Ogden, tonight to-night at tho Fifth ward meeting house. His subject will be "Home Products." George W. Snlvely reportod the theft of a bicycle this morning. iirij i ... . . i uuiuu ciean rags at tne standard offico. Yesterday Ernest Johnson waa arrested ar-rested by Deputy George Leatham for Ldgan officers, and the young man was taken to Logan today. It Is said that he is wanted for the circulation of alleged worthless checks. Marriage Lieenes Marriage licenses li-censes were issued this afternoon to Henry Steward of Ogden and Kath- i.mo iwirauen. or aeatue, ana to Philip Evans of Malad, and Alma Hennen-berg Hennen-berg of Tremonton. BAG Butter glvea absolute aatla-faction aatla-faction by reason of Its auperlorlty. - The local uptown ticket offices of the Donver & Rio Grande, Union Pacific Pa-cific and Southern Pacifio will close at noon tomorrow in observance oi Thanksgiving day. I. E. Smith and E. G. Smith departed de-parted today over the Benver & Rio Grande for Enid, Okia., where they will visit friends and relatives for soveral weeks. I Thanksgiving dancing party, Fifth Ward amusement hall, Thursday, Nov. 25. Admission, 50c couple. Departs for Coast Willard Scow-croft Scow-croft left yesterday afternoon on the Los Angeles Limited for Los Angeles on a business trip. Expects to return next week. |