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Show FRED FULTON TO FIGHT WILLARD Will Meet Jess in New Orleans the First Week in March Fulton Has Many Followers. Npw York. Nov. 23. Fred Fulton, tho big western heavyweight, will be the next opponent of Jess Willard, tho world's champion. The tall Sycamore lad from thc wilds of Minnesota will fight tho champion twenty rounds. The affair will bo staged in New Or. leans during Mardi Gras, tho first week in March. For his part of the scrap Willard will receive a guarantee of 530,000,000. He will get an additional addi-tional $2500 for expenses, with the privilege of a big percentage. What Fulton will get for his services remains re-mains a secret between thc fighter and thc promoter. This startling news was furnished toflay by Tom Jones, manager of Willard. Wil-lard. He received a wire from Tommy Tom-my Burns, who signed Willard up for the fight, announcing that Fulton had accepted the terms. Thc battle will be under the management of Bums and Dominick Torotorich, thc well-known well-known New Orleans promoter. Open-air Battle. It will be an open-air fight and will be held cither In the new baseball park or the race course In the Crescent Cres-cent City. Tho final selection will be made about a month before tho fight At the ball park arrangements can be made to accommodate 20,000 persona, per-sona, while 30,000 can be handled at the race course. As to thc scale of priceB that will rule, Jones figures It will run from $2 to $20 but that part of the affair will bo left entirely to tho promoters. The staging of the battle during Mardi Gras week means that the fight Will have a big field to draw from. More than 600,000 persons gather in New Orleans while the monster pageant page-ant prevails. Then, in addition to the many thousands of visitors, there is the racing crowd to bo drawn from. There Is no doubt that the big fight will be held in the forenoon, as was the scrap In which Willard won the championship from Johnson. Officials in charge of the Mardi Gras have decided to make tho fight a big drawing card and will not hold the daily parade upon the day of the battle. They will advertise the fight in conjunction with the Mardi Gras. This means that the entire part of the country south of the Mason and Dixon line will be placarded with posters announcing thc fight. Tho railroads always make special rates of half fares from points within 500 miles of Now Orleans and one and one-third fare from any point in the United Stales for the round trip. Fulton, being a strong card around Chicago, Milwaukee and other big western cities, it is expected that special spe-cial trainB will carry hundreds down to see the latest aspirant for the title in action. Folks Like Jess. Willard Ib a big attraction in New Orleans. He appeared down there with tho "101 Ranch" in four shows and drew an average attendance of 8-100. Tho fact that he is going to defend his world's title appears to be magnet enough to draw a monster crowd. While the south knows very little of Fulton, the fact that he won his last three fights by knockouts will strengthen his value as an attraction. In his last trio of battles Fulton slipped slip-ped the skids under Arthur Pelky, Terry Kellar and Andre Anderson. Under the conditions, Fulton will not be permitted to engage in any fight until he tackles the champion. Willard is now out upon the coast with his family and will remain there until the first of the year. Before ho arrives at New Orleans to start conditioning, condi-tioning, the champion will pay a visit vis-it to the oast He will stop off at all the big cities on his way here. After staying hero for a week or two, Willard Wil-lard will hike directly for the scene of hostilities. The two battlers will do their real training on tho outskirts out-skirts of New Orleans. |