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Show SEAT SWIMMER ON I RIS WAY TO TRE I COAST 1 E. C. Caviil of Australia, champion IH professional speed swimmer of the lM world, is stopping in Ogden for a few lH days and also expects to visit ac- jH quaintances in Salt LaTce City before !H continuing his journey. He is en nl louto home from New York City, with M his team-mates, Alex Wickham and H Cecil Healey, lormer American ama- M teur cnampions, who are now in Salt 'H Lake City, and expects to leave Utah ! sometime next week. jH The trio came to the United States - ilH about threo months ago. under the H management of Al Mcintosh, and par- :M tlcipated in competitions and exhlbi- H tion swimming events at the Panama- jH Pacific exposition. Two months ago, H at tho exposition, Caviil swam 100 'H yards in 52 1-4 seconds in company H with the famous Hawaiian swimmer, 'H Duke Kaileinalnen. Leaving San .H Francisco, the Australian swimmer 'H went to New York City and there es- H tablished a record of 52 seconds flat tH for the 100 yards, at the gymnasium iH of the New York Athletic club. On ;H this record, he ,bases his claim of 'H world's champion. 'H |