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Show Mr. A. lareen, tMl4itigUh3 tlanrr Rl Alton, 111,, alfetl with Maito rbouinallim lor uvei eight mouth, hhe j doclond lor It nearly the w hole ol ihlt ! time, tiling varioui remedlfi reroin- uiendnl hy Irienda, and wan Ireateil by t the phyilrlane, IhiI received no relief, v ( fihe then iiihI one ami a hall but I In ol " "A . OhainbeiUln'f l'aln lUlin, which effect- ;' ' cul a rompMe cure. Tbli ii publlthttl ll at heriNueil, ai the want oiheri i.di- MM, llariyallllctwl lo know what rure.1 her. If The Ii and W cent itletfor MlebyJebn g". Beyden A Sor IfV' A little liy atked (or a bottle ol "yet Bg' up In the morning ai lait ai you ran " IJr'.'y, ' The drititgltt reoegatied a hauiehold mfh v ! name (or "DeWllt'a Utile Karlt linen" Kjf and give htn a bottle ol tboie latuoui Hpf little pllli lor eoriellpatioo. lick bead. Hy ache, llvtr and iiomaeh Ironblea John P- H)dn A Pon Wfc elle. ft Bealod bid (or the oroction ol frame Mhool hone bulldint will te reotlrtd m by the Trottaw ol rVhool lilitrlot No. 10, BBinmlt oounty (Caalle Iluck), until I Aorll 20, ISM, ai It oVlock own Uinht to iil any or all bida roaerved Plant and.ilMiUoM can be eeen at Cattle L$ - Jterk ailtr March SI bgBn M CLAWpOtl, hVH Wm Mooai, I M I Haix-See, wlmm st . T"i' Immmm- Allprflpoftro"' are reqiittleil to hu itiilr illfolte Jattd obi by April K .;20,'I66B. JowrM JouKeflk, bih Watermattcr, ii i - --. - an LOCAL BREVITIES, CHyCounrll niten Mondty nigk'. Don't forget the leoiure and ejitttuc ary boll lo-ntgbt. Mr aud 31rt. R. V .Norlhrtt drnvt up lioin Bbo Sarelty. DtiUl Mooie tn down (rom Cattle Rock WednetJay on builnttt. Thtroadtaieiiidto be in eicellent oooditlon aod wheeling It cn)o)ed Will ftisllh bat remored bit (tmlly to bit ranch op Elkhorn for the latnmcr. Jin. Oeorgt Stockman came out Irom Sooti.M the Crtt ol tht week tovltit wltii herparcntt. II Ihtto It ony one wk wbuii newt la ttarcer Ibau In coultrcnce week, It It the weak alter, Mri. 0. 1. UhttJ'in hat purv&attd a flue Tribune abtel and It now letrnltg to natrlgate it Sli iteer wboteagirale aright wit 2M0 pouudt were broagbt down by tie Co-op Wedoetdty. Attrlkeiioa among the mictit at Diamendtllle, but we hae not heard what the grlevtnceli. Mn. Wm lltiellon ol Morgtu it tperuliua few werkt lu Cothllle r-newing r-newing old acquaintance!. Work In tbn uilnct at A liny it reported re-ported on the Improve and thelurceof miner ha teen greatly lucrttia 1. fl, Copley bat teen leaching at the Biloktchoul Ibltwrek, Principal Alll-ton Alll-ton being illghtly undtr the weather. Lottie V)vhaily hat been tryill for Ihe pot week. She It tomewbtl Utter it ihlt lime, Heait trouble ii tht oumplalut. Mri. M. Ulawton ol Cattle Hock treat itiereldayiln Coalvlllo tblt week Milting Mi-lting relative! and Irltndt. she return-oil return-oil borne Urdnetday N llllam Jamot tcemi to le about tht earlletl gaidcuer In thrie pirn lie hat had litiliomunt grown ouhli puce on the luarkel tor two wtekt. Thot having Kjuirrel lailt thouldttt Iheui lo Ibe County Clerk beloie ibt 201 h In order to teoure the bounty, at the ordlnauco got out on that date, Jvttdy, II not alt the conlerente vit-Hon vit-Hon have returned and eipitu mtm telvet at having had a very plcaitnl Ituie, the general attendance twins very large. I. II, Staillngi, who ii mining in the Tlnilo Ulilrloi, Ii leporttd to have muck It rich. II tblibn true, w hub wo hope It It, there will be lomal Cralvllle clllitnt who will have monty t throw at the mtgplei, a numler lelng Inter-.eeted Inter-.eeted with Ilalxr. Uoorge Deaid bat botn arouud belly aching lor taa wtekt. We don't mean that floors? ' kicking about anything, but be hat '"-on lulTrring with rtvtte itomich trouuiti lor tome time wMcb alnotl lotiraied him He it mucb bet let now, and iblnkt tit hat bit itomtob under control. We art Informed that the force ol miner ut feooUvlil but been greatly re dueed, and that more aru bring laid oil dally, Amuug the Coalville boji who bavoretumeU Ihlt week ar ArcMe Uu-ohanaii, Uu-ohanaii, '.Vm. Wilton aDdamueI Wch- rley, and weundcrtianl that tnort will toon follow. Mn.lSAv- lor "From ibe IUllrooui (o llril," ti ItaacShaa Coalville, Utth twoeartagiR J Marten, a drug glltal rieatant Bruolr N. Vi, Nought a mull apply oli'btishcrlatn't Cough Rrmedv lie lumi up ibe rtmlt at follow fol-low 1 1 "t that iimaibegoodt were un known In thu iMtlon iiHy CluinUr-Mn'i CluinUr-Mn'i Cough Remedy It a houiebold word " It it the lame In hum'rrdt ol ooiuuiunltiei W irrvet ibe good quel-luti quel-luti ol Chamberlain Oougli Rrinediea become known tin peente will luvr nothing lte F talotiy'Jabn llojden ASont, M. 1. S'Kiim t tierort Vi; tayti "I wat a tutfi-rer W trt. trying mott, all kind! l pile r.niWlef, but without nootM. IieWin llch Haiti Salve, wai recommended to'ino. I Hied ne, box ll hai effhted j(Jprnianent cro.'I At a permanent i urejbr pilot DeWltt'a UilehllaielSaliobat no equal. John Uo)dnl Bom. I rJP ""an -. iittr tfffguya Oncle Jike Huffman rttnrned from Salt Lake Tsttdty, whtra be west to ttttnrt conlertnce and tee old acquaint-ancet acquaint-ancet Tblt It Vntlt Jake'i 6nt 1iit to the city in abeut eight yean From tba boy who hare returned Irom BoorMd welttrn that Harry Wycb-erley Wycb-erley It to te married nn the 2Srd or 1 2Sth o( tbli month to one ol flrofield'a (alrdanghttrt The Echo and Park City branch goet outol the bandi ol the receivers at 12 o'clock to nlgbt It will then be the Echo and i'ark City Railroad, nnltr the mtntgtmentol the U. P. John Blmpion, wife and daugbttr, ol Randolph, came out on abort ylilt to their old home and frltndi In Coalville lait Wednriday John it figuring on going Into bailntit at Kemmerr. Our lntllUenl'T)coinpotltor, who It ut.tnailethetjr" 'tit wttk that Ihe County Commitilnntrt allowed bltlt aggregating f).000 CO betldet the Indl-gtnt Indl-gtnt Hit. The figuret tbould htte rttd Il,n39 0. A vfry atrty boy In Kbool obtaned hit teaehtr biting her finger ntllt a lew dayt ago, tnd nki-d If the trlmmtd Lr tnenalltln the tame minner. He will be able te wile te K-hool In iHut ten dayt. Ei She "W hen we are n.trritd would Ducky allow bit Birdie to get up on cold morning! aod hulld the flrei?" He "Yet, Dlrd e darling. I wlllhunv r your every with." For tome itaisn the engagement en-gagement ring hai been returned O. W Gulliver ol Park City cime down to Coalville yttterday, anil with riupt. Ilinion went down to Orait Creek to look over Ihe mlnet aud vroiklngt. Mr. Golli-er It a toal dealer and handle! alargequtniil of tbe Otan Creek product. pro-duct. Tht Hti W II Weaver, ptitor of il.e V. B. Church. Dilltburg. Pa . rtcogaltti ihevalaeo! rbimbrlilo'i Cough Rtm-cdy, Rtm-cdy, and doet not hciltate to tell other about II "I Lave uted Cbamberlaln't Cough ltKinedy," he tayt, "and And it an excellent medicine lor coldt, cnnghi and boaritnttt." So dott everyone who glvet ll a trial .Sold b) John Uovdrn 4 Bom. CUiMifD like ll it tavvt their litre We mean One Miaute Cough Cute, ibe Infallible remedy for lourht, coldt, croup, Ironchltlt, grippe, an I all throat and iuog lioublei, Jobn Doydeu & Pont 'o Tea Tat III Win Now that Coalville It contlderlng tbe question ol a watorworkt tyttera tbe following Irom an Oicgon paper may be of Interett: "The city of Lemanli, Oreuor, bat not levied a city tax for tlx ycara. The city It tupplitd with electric llglilt and water for tire purpoiea free of cott. Tbe water rate for family uie lionly 7Scenli a month, and eton tblt tmall revenue tbe town morotban payt for lit tlrtet llghtt and the Inltrttt on Hi bond', and bat built a nice little city ball and engine en-gine bouie, and bat a nice tmplui in Ihe treaiury, w bleb ia ateadily growing," relyiupblcal aorltij. At the Blake llouie to night, under tbe autptcei ol Ihe Tol) topblcal boclety, the following program will V carried out. Selection Cbolr Polo Mri. J. A.bmltb Lecture Prof, llrlmbtll quarltl Mr. and Mri J. Collie, 0 L. Jonet, F. M, Pincro. Next Friday evening, at tbe Acadtmy building, tbe program It at follow! Initrumental uuilr Alice Stttet, Lecture George Heard Studenti' Journal ..Editor Quartet Stndtnti ln(Dd lltj.lfl To twttl little girl t'iblet arrived at the haute occupied by G L Jontt Strang to relate, three diyt Intervened between tbe biltb of tbe bablet, a clr cumitanco never brard of In caie ol twlm.one being born Saturday and tbe other Tuetdi) morning. Now don't getenlted Theie bableearenottwlnr. Saturday Mrt G L Jonei prelected her huibtnd with a daughter and on Tuei-day Tuei-day Mri. Joiepb Jone follow ed luit and trumped btilde, and gavo Jotepb a tine baby girl. They aid biotbert not tbe bablet, but the fatheri and live in tbe lime home Leopoll itandi It rr well ai it it bit tecond, but Joe, poor Joe, bit coieli itrlout They bave blm routined in the tlnihop, and tbe lait time we looked lu through the wluilow be bid lour Jnlntt ol itoveplrt toldercd onto t teakelile fr a tpout, andwai uylng to play ' What n Home Without i Dtby on it He it cow practl leg a pnenttl look. inlPr Homier mti be mi yet hive to almloltter an opiate to get Joe in ileep. Motbtr and babet doing oiceli tun-Tuvidty tlternoon Mri. Jontt prvienttnl her butband with another diugbtcr Keep your teatti it lin't triDiett Tbe lait mentioned baby ai-rued ai-rued at Ihe home ol Poitmaiter '. J. Jnnrt i Sot brotberi, do relation ) J. J. ttvi Ibebabv won't mate a very good toldier. but it I another tunbeaui In tbe bmiieh Id Mottier and babe getting along duel) thoutandi ol luScreri from grippe bave lo reiton-d to health by Ode Mlnule Cough Cure. It quickly curei cousin, roldi, broucbltlt, pneumoult, grippe, atlbma,and all throat and lung idlieaiei. Jobn floydtq A Sodi. x rt' MnnwiyrmeMt .", , . t ikivi Aattll.la liMI UU The following letteri no In the r4lt ofice at Coalville, Summit ceuntv, Dlab, if not called for before May 1, will be ant to tht dead letter afiee at Waihlngton, D. C Mill J E Jonei.bot 14 Uarry Hodgei A M Beoder In calling for tbeibove letteri, plu itate Ibit they are advertised. J. J.Joia, P. If. Thirty-flve yean mane a generation. Thai ii how long Adolpb Fliher of Zaneiville, 0 luffered from pllei. Ue wn cured by uilng three boxei ei De Witfi Wllch Hie1 flve. John lir. den A Son onni5ice5o. i Ax Oauifijrcc Rirtau9 OiDrurri No. o. Tbe Board of County Commlttionert of tbe County ol ruromtt do ordain ai follow t Sectlen I That Ordinance No oof Ibe Board of County Commlitlonert ol the Count of Summit lo relation to pjlng a bounty (or tbe telle ol ground tqulrrele, patted and approved Jul v 10, A. D. 1W7, be, aod the tame It hereby repealed. Paned and approved thli 6tb div n April, A V. It 39. Tblt otdlnince to be In effect on and after fifteen da) i if. ler lit pataage. Wtiuaw Cxuira, Chairman of tbo Board of County Commliilonert, voting are Da Iuhiiit, County Cnmmetiloneri voting ay Hitn.tr McDorovou, County Commlttloner. voting av fAltett J J L bonne, County Cleik. A!t0D5CEMi:ST. To tbe LaJlei. Inonr Ladltt', Miner I nndCMIdreu'a Dtptrlment wliave)uil! received a tuperbllnenl timp'et In La-1 diet' Mltiet'and Children' fruit mide In order and ready made Our line in-rlultt in-rlultt Silk Welut In every color Mil Rklrtt, black Sergo bklrtt, Ltdltt'irlng Capet and Wrip, Mlitettnd Children'a JacketaanilKttlen, Ladle' and Uittet' Matklntothet Our line ol Lidiei' knit Underwear au I Iloilen ti I'iperK Fin ritqualiticiat low irirt In Uidlet' Shott you get the (Inert qualitlrt at Wanamaker'a prlcct. Inall theiegooda )Oii gel more ttyminan von etpeii. Examine Ex-amine them clotely ; aee every ttltch In tbeio ; hole the flno quality of our lining! lin-ing! and trimming! The Wauamiker A llrownrtputatlnngori Into every part ol them. We plearethe mott exacting tattetln tl)lltii, well-taltared garment! for ladle, mine and children. The faultl r 111, tin tlylecif our garment anure your tatlilactlnn. WANAMAKKUA. HIIOWN W. J. WRIOIIT, Agent A torpid liver rob vou of aiub'.tiou and ruin jour brallli, llrWItl't Little Early litter c'einie tbn llv er, euro con-ttpat,lou con-ttpat,lou aud all atomacb and llvrr troublei. John CoydenASoni. icon NOTICES, notice or roKrEi ; Tour xomiicoTT ano, mm. uma Noribcoli. Jfur hlr id! auliui Van tr L.rtbf uotlBHlbll lb uii lrrlel btv ft foroed tbe tDDual ttlvr rutrl by Uwupon tbe Bear Group' ol mlulue cUlmi, cotatM ol lb "fill, "CUrauoul, UuntMldL" 'Lino" to I UmVoIuIdj tlalai in tuioinll County, t'ub ftlruttca oo wtit li rootaoDl? known ai Urtr Littki ib tso-jnt cf rautr mi UNrotivn(taijronil4etiinii u ftt bun-dretHi'il bun-dretHi'il d'llt'i Yo'ir-yimon ol ikt tnotinl wnl4 1uu. X r .Soiltifcll lUrja r on. buuilml in4 tbtrtj ibte in si tno lllil m to lirt, btlngtbt looiitl libor (or in uutlnoM ooe-iblrdOiUnMcboltbt Bir ilireouai "UomkoHr io4 (Jon culmn isiyo-i lliu Nmibroit. ta iod H eoe buoertd (llwi dollri blax Ibt Btaouni t'J lor lonvial lir-r uroa tat UiM ' mlolBc cUlra Ac6 you art luribtr notiori Ibit U yon orntbti ol you rail e T'T It above amount IVHH "lib lha (fin of HrerUilDf, wttble atnitr (Mi 1ji rran lb ttplrtuoa ol ibii none, root lau'MT la t14 aroup el mtalof ttalmiwlii m rurfirl vo sibyltw. ' LHAIVOS JAMES JlSlh-Pile! JlSlh-Pile! Jinuirr fl II" Mnicg or roKrrrrcRi To o d 5iJi.a v rrnyrjERiT am. Zeo Mmbr. yvur btrt aol aiaUoi Yo r btnH ooittaa ibat lb unian iiotd bare MrfcraiadibtitiwilUbcrt ulrft be lav or lb jrir t ww b 'Urt Uoi minim claim' in atiurslt co-jntr. trail, amounusi I tbe mm of ou biD4r4 illlO) Ooua. Your t-r-llou e I lha tbora anooni Ii t'anly a inn oi Urtearb aoa rouar ranbar uoae4 tbai Id vouoret'baietyotillioribeabOTiEiouat, bttwtbtr ii tb rrin cl iltinUu tiblu ninny dayt (rom lb aubiiiau ol tblt noure, mir(nirfitla ttdcUlw wiiltoi(nrr-it4 (TuiMli- J)fVHr5-!r rjitodJtnnitTli u vioTlCtroi i;unijiA,Tloy-UMj or. IN BiltallUkenir ttab.MarebKWM. eUoa Ii berebr tlten Ibit lb lellonia Bimtd Millar baa f)ll ooUe ol hit tmanuon 10 mate enaiprool laeuptorlol bit claim, irut tntiMldproolwtnu mat bioi ibaoosnry Claik at rriimott Conntr. 11 CoalnUa, lub, on Artll3, irl rU. Georit roUr. Uanalar. U rho.lTS aiaaaadad'bjr r ol JainmUr Jo,li. iorKHnf ro lt,Tp th,v t Unaiueitbt(oUoolD( wttQMWi 10 prara bi contluuoui rtitdanet upon tnd eulUitrloa ol laJd Und. U Tbomai Btcbtoa, Kaoiy laudall. Brmm txarden. vnbur tttchlni, all ol litnafar, kivn-tVlirountT.Oub kivn-tVlirountT.Oub Mcuaiw, ruiiiicr Jiat ol am publltailoa Mtrtb It. Uvf is tui DitTiticT court or arjusiir 1 Ooillr, '' ol L'ub -U If Papa, plalutlS. v Tb X. 0 V W UlU AwociatlgbT a roriM-.: uoo. II 0 Cbambtri, Janti ln, Jobu L vvabar. JoboJ Eaarna, Amu Ooraiaa. J A Uaadluad.J C Waatw Laabcr Company, a cor. DuiaUoo.and T w tawla. d.lao juju. -To whom it may toocarn !(ouo li btraby 1ran to U ptrioni botdlpr or clalnloi- to bold a IUa rathe pros tnyol lb A o V V lull Anon atlon e eortwritlon) ai Park City, euramit eouptr. V lab, 10 be aod appear iw(o ibe Tblrd juaidall)liirtCoulttorll summit eoantr. onTuti4iy.ib0tbdtyo(Miy.A (1 ll' iou wblch laid day 1 muiar taim ol laid Court will be bald) and 10 ibtblt ibto an 1 tbart tie noot oitbeir Hid lltoi, or 10 be tareur barret T 5a4 Aprtii, iwt .. u u ran. l)y ilttav aaitui, bli Attorney M TkTue Tnian ditbict couiit, autiMiT 1 County, Uiab btrlai Addy, a minor, by William U Ullion, bll (aardlan ll litem, SalntS. vi E A -am tnd KUtabaih Kin.' Salendanta -To be M tl bberlrra tale ou lb "rddayolApru,A U lM, at tea o elak to alib(rooidoorol Ibt courujoua o eummlt touniy tun In tbe city o( CoalvlU all tb rltbl. Inlartil and mla ol Ibt ltd defendant!. ' A Jl.mand Elliabetk Mam In end to the otlowinfdicrtbedreltite. to wli All ol lot tbrell),ln blk out hundred (o.n.eu(lU) Sat ' 6oalvtll City lurity. deecrlbad 11 lollowai nailnnluialtbe oortbwtai oornir ol laidbloekltl ibenwtouiblde lOmln eaai iwlTrodii Ibenc eaal M dex M aotn al u rodai liroce nortb def mln wait twelve rvdn Ibiot we.i e dex to mln t lenrodiloplae cl Uumag, n 1 containing iJOMuare rodi.icpi lb pail, (raeiloni or rJitwni deided to Samuel ' hoblnion and vv llUtm lto.lwn tbertol. ti lb aant appeaia lu in rVcordi ol tbt ltcordr ol tuumli eouory, l'ub Tarmi ol lait, caib PattdAHlI I. ,, uKpuvn IbingotcildCenatr. People's I Mercantile Co j If you want High Grade Tailoring, """" haveVouw ctoTHCa MApe to order b 1 t Strauss Bros. AMERICA'S LEADING TAIL0A8 NEW YOnrt-CHICAGO-CIHCINHATI Lovmar priceb JUJSQANT ABBORTMBXT LATEST BTVLBB a mauct rir and hiqhibt qiadk or . WOnKMANOHIr rjUAnANTKCD You ar Invited to look at their (ample at People's Mercantile Co. 1 ALMA EI.DKEDGE, ilatugcr Millinery Opening, f . April 15th. 4 You will see diiplayed a 'ery beautiful and artijtie line of Hat and Trimmings; alto a line of Partem Hats from the latest Paris designs. This is the plan for ready-nude Waits, Skirts and Wrapper. Maggie Salmon. Style in Wanamaker Brown's Clothing. 1$ 7 HO Yoa'11 uP"d wlen you lee thee samples Good, y , r serviceable suits at this price are rery scarce. These are stroue; and serviceable. You pay Ji j for iiriU not as good. $r7 50 QueJtlou ot r,JP' "we" need not be considered. That yfis.tsv j, 5Ure to follow. Saying that "clothes are all orool" did not satisfy us. We proved it by chemiYliJi-j $13 50 2l .Qe thlMf ?,' c?n-can b?,fou"i in these dothi. VfU.uu They're especially high in quality, especially -, w pnoe. Why pay J 17.50 for suits not ai jjood? &! HO The,e st"le' are dilcct from the c"dl of faahloa: V'O.OU beautlful ln coloring, and designs. You p,y- J2 l suits not as good. $19.00 YU l?keno ",k jn mw,kinS your eltiorj from this yiO.UU b aslortrnent. Bvery style is U g.m. In t suit the cloth is superb. No use in your pty:n tit for suits not as good. r ' - The reputation of WanamaVej: & Brown is ia everv stlteb and fibre of these goods. We extend a cordial .notation to inspect in-spect our new spring samples, just received. We have erervthiae that completes a gentleman's -wardrobe, including Hats and Shoe WANAAKER & BROWN W. J. WRIGHT, Agent, UWN' F- 5P O WW yL ? s 2 ! t33 a"s'52i2.eu-. O k g s A 5 1 1 g I o I I r 5' sgrn m I SS r rj e 8 tQ PB SI ' o 3 7i V at H P fll? 11 I |