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Show i MU ltio's Cnre for Conautnpllen hss savel M me large doeter MU.-C- I JJaker, IMS JH Urgent S) , Philadelphia. P , llec. t, 1 . H Anatlmuty of Monmotithls worthmoro H than tho average husband H Un WII..W--. mint mrap fM MaUaa, eluia pal. earaa.taaa.m.UaaaiaaSeHla. H Some Uinta an ejc l not asblack aa It la H pasted H No-Ti-lla. for rifir Cente. B n.Dilranu blxlprisla Alldragglals awB .J1'.' """"f'1 ,0 "k the t bolt when H the kettlo cnllt It black H Headache l,ile,l Caret. jB Dr. Davis' Ami Headache never falls, 5o H A word spoken In duo Teason, how good JH Imoie Hlnlgn Clean lira, 30 for C eta. M - Gcrmanyseiport tnulo ha Increased 40 " percent slnco !. Toltranlhellalr. A good wash for th hair U mado of a cake of Cnalllc Soap ami an ounce of powdered borax dUolvcxl In warm wa-tr. wa-tr. Wash the lialr la It, rlnae and Iry. Kuia It. 1'AtiKr.n. There l tnro trouble in having nothing to do than In hating much to do. Ileaat? U IIIikxI (trr'p. Clean blood hhm a clean akin No beauty wit bout II Uaearet UiitdyCathar-tbicloans UiitdyCathar-tbicloans your bliajd and keep It clean, by tlrrlntuit tho laiy Hroranddrltlngnll Ira purities from tho body IKyln to-day, banish pimple, tnlls.brolihes.blaek head andtliatslckly blllitictn.i-aln hr taking lrela, beauty for Ijb remls 'U druggists, drug-gists, satisfaction guaranteed too, avitajo A nun who leuds a fast life It often alow In paying hit debt! to inn: a 1111.11 is iim: nir. Take I-, stive llrem- CfVhtvm Tablets, All Prwgtste refund I be nmi 11 11 la u lu cure. sa Many m. who go to war fall In tottla , and a re lott . otbi ra full In loru and are lost I In tho matrimonial shuttle "MY WIFE'S LIFE. " r . How I was the means -f of saving it. . -3 Ctr&$ls:&$?l!&i?x2R l i?zt ....-. ...a.,.. ,, v fcegia th straggle In -tea an.clioo, and '"" ' i that dtiireying diaeaae hich "lavs lit - I' Ihauitaa-t eaaaall iii, . fcVJt 'i..u . ,ThJ. I"""1""" "la cooaamplloa eta. ihS "M"' """ "" iceaq.nied , '''"' ." dball, and alilfd.bat.ble. aad health if.lort.l niuh an laaue doea I ''ria t)r thai lhl wa tial a ca.r al 1 ael alwajrt cad lh alturiU, but II did la I """ltlaa Vel lh phiriicunt il.t It I lli..it.oltlr K Moill.Ml.m"lV.Tni. w."Th hw,,.,l T""- A " 11 aad phTtlclant htlplcta, and Ihrn ut w,wlhl maar aimilar cutfa that 11 : r::,.,ih,,V5iv:,i:?5ij ssl -f w "..w. &.,.7v..i.wrs.:.'. 1 j5--uWh. aW?!.?:? . a", : 8,sa" w".,. iszti: a .v,".' UKivHrrt"' fiii'W Vd,3.n,M.,M r,fi.'j''"",:-i''";';! av.VffW'i.'s.i-a'.M."?:!!: i . "fi!.v,'.'t w A7.wis:,vvMsa x&vxFiiktffiksii irii i; ; tiivna ."j."u,sr..dra.'!i; af.rl """ Awv.:as:ii: Use only ot heap- ' ing teaspoonful of Schilling s Best Bak- ." ing Powder to a . . quart of flour. . ou mutt me ftv tcaipoonfuli of other biking powJer. I fffii Tie Beautiful Life of Frances E.Willartl iHMLtaOlElr rrUiyanUnuwt loUnutt fiifita. Uffidl incwoililvotuntf " ILv a The Host Popular Book ol the Century. $ ! ! A MT J 07 w '" Inrtita. nmly atta. Iaalllallr lllu.lrtrd.X .. JCSYJu-' ytl f Ktullpilre Cloth. Ii, Hall MoiTo.i.7jjWiIMIllon1Z ' ' !? yMk a"-af. -f '',' a11 fjulwala ota recarlpt of prlrar J ', HUiPBaWajcsi'vQ. ("o"' ir 'ir'r.iii"i"wTuiiiii',irir?,,TiiiTu"v5 trjflHaaFjfJZrXjLp' not lirrtaaarr moat lilrallcrm rirdil lUtn. frclghtA VplafaTaflUVIKi. I1 circular and tcroiafrrf Wrila for outfit to-dajr - " 'JmMrMKVJ&i'fy MOIIAROH DOOK COMPANY, Dept. 30 ' nPaTaT4vVtAJllrr Vtt aa.au 1m I IM4aiMM, rl.a4,(afta.aMlrliaM 4 ' TjllTA Sr' twao, IIL riilladalph.a. I'a. luklaud, Cab "A TRAINING IN CLEANLINESS IS A FORTUNE." COMPLETE YOUR EDUCATION WITH f SAPOLIO 'I ' MrEHAVEKOABENTS "TTTT ' , Ua.lt. ama Mm. Iltaa. aal tar laffa, IHe r.Hlimi rrtM.uauulaa.laM aaa ' a.a-tM-ufc.1. UlalafaaalaUaaraiUa. aaaa,ainaaa4ka4a,Ha. himuam ... ELKHABT CUUOIO IXO UIUIU MJO. C W.B.rulTT.a, a.LkUlUT, up. INFLAMMATOnY HHEUfdATISM rreo M. Lavreac I'taladrale r. Oaaicn, N. Y. ToaufftrforyaanittllhaproTalllncpaln. fnl ailment, wbh-h UfTlMl akillfal medlral treatment, jretwblrhvtaa.rurtxl braalinpla bouiabold renmlr, la the lot which befell lira. (I corB U llogera.ot West UalnStraat, Canton, N. V. "Thirteen jeara ojo," raid Mra Itogera to a reporter, "I wa attacked with Inflam. inatorj- rbauinall.m and a compllratlon of dlaeaaea. YouranJadRaoniewhattf what I endureil, when yon look at these hands. They were dlaioited, tiri.ied and swollen. My foot, too, iaao much nut of shape that the Hgioe lays ncroastho others, the end touching the little toe. ex Jill etand'lng I am yVaJ HI litkJ. pleat. C j II I nil it other Ar"irlw 111 IP i I """forte, "He I fh H4 l-JJ tuinewas far I jptL.. other things -'r'ffi elgniflcanre - when you are n . l Without KOOd does to Church. health. 1 tried different doctors and many proprietary proprie-tary remedies, but was not benefited. UatJIar.hl trle.1 Hr illiama' Pink Tills for l'ale 1'eop'eenil lfore I lad finish I the tint lxl beian to feel that they were dolus; mo good I continued ualnr thern and aleaiMly Riaw liettrr "Ihaoue.l thirteen luiee of the pills and today feel beller than for the 1 aat fifteen fif-teen years. lr apillte la roo.1, I feel brirht. rheerfnl and haven Uealro to lire and enjoy society. "I hare been n member of the MVhodlat church for many )rars. but for all years was unable to nttrnd I am aide now to attend at-tend the church aervirea reeularly anil rer talolr appreciate thai prlrllege lronslder Dr. Williams' l'lnk Pills for Pale People n wonderful meillclne and am confident im other medlrinerould hare edectcl tbe won. derful cure they hao lu my rase." Dr, Wllllaina' Pink Pills for Pa! People are composed of trcetatde remialles that eterl a vowertul Influence In purllylnK and en-rlchloaTlbebloodlhusciirluitmanTdlaeases. en-rlchloaTlbebloodlhusciirluitmanTdlaeases. I do not deaire in Iw n prophet. I am too truo an I.nicllthtnan to prophesy rll of the country that I love, hut this I know, If men break Ihs lawa of Ood, as they do who ato Intottcaled with drink, only evil ran come, of It. And peoplo are crying out "You can't euro It," then I tay, let ui do It. If you have not hands strong mouth, we have, aire ue tho vote Ulve us the veto. Leave It to us and you shall see. If, on the other bind, wo go on aa we are lolnx, then I have no doubt la laying that our (rent porta of Liverpool Liver-pool and London may one day be like Tyre and Sldon, and all tho activity of our sleepless machines, and the flaming of our furnaces, and our subtil and perpetual Industry, and the agriculture agri-culture of our fleldi, anj all the towering tower-ing and expanding greatness of the tlrltlih empire retting upon an unsound un-sound foundation the day will corns, when, from Ui very magnitude. It must fall, and great will be the fall of It. Cardinal Manning. Ilea's Till. I We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh thai cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cura. . . CIIKNI.r aa CO. Toledo. O. J we. Ihe unoerslaned, have known r. Cheney lor Ihe leal II ytara, and ballets Im perfectly honorabU in all business transactions and nnaiiolallr able to earrr "i1.. "' ubMgallons made by tl.Hr nrm. Heal A Truas, Wholesale Druailate, Toledo. j).i Waldlna. Kinnan A Vervln. Whol-aale Drujilale, Tola.lo. O. Hall a Caiarth Cure le taken Internally, aclliur dlreclly upon Ihe blood and mu-ejus mu-ejus aurfares of Ihe ersltin lestlmo-nlals lestlmo-nlals sent free. Price ?So per bottle. Held br al drutrlata llall'a Kamlly pills are the bast. The mora heart we put Into a bard task tho llghtor our toll becomes. PAST TIMH TO OHIOAOO tie lllo llranda n cetera Ilallnay, Commencing Tebruary t, the new time card of tho lllo Grande Western goealnto effect. The At'iullo Kiprrss leaves Halt Lata City at V a m., arrlrlna; at Denver at 0 80 a. m tbe followlnr morning and Chicago at 9,15 p. o the third dayj male log connections with llmllod trains from Chicago to New York The evening train loavcsat TilOp. m, arrives at Denver at VilS p. m. the following night and Chicago at 9 a ra. tho third day, making ilose connections con-nections with the fsst morning trains for New York and Iloaton. Ilotu of these through trains are splendidly equipped wltlt all latest appliances and conveniences and carry Pullman I-alaoa and Pullman Tourist sleeping can as wall as free Reclining Re-clining Chair Cars. Ticket ofttM, No. 103 Weal Second South street. (Postofttco comer.) Tho above Ii from Harper's Weekly, organ of the liquor trust and 'general political icavcnier for un-American Interest!. In-terest!. Iti English edlton were threatened with deportation during the civil war : V t ..PURE, STRONG AND ECONOMICAL.. 1! fl) VV IS vv (f I U. S. BAKING POWDER, I all J-' as Good aa the Highest Triced Iteklnr Powders and Costa lint Half Ihe Amoaat. U4 ' - -1 - .1.1 .i 1 j..run.-.ru-LJTJU-u-.-1-run-rururi yJU u . m . .... ,. .. n ...UOWLW - . . ,r. ,-,.JU u uutj.t.--j l W W .,"".. I ADOUD STAND. 9 m YOUR GROCER y EVERY CAN OF (! mu (j SELLS IT Vrfi U. S, BAKING POWDER W jjj ATTHC a. ( rjSL ' 'fr FOU.OVVVQ pnioeai J VsHKSIfcJb , ' ' & KlrifiriJab-. Is Guaranteed j Hill S OZ. CANS, 10 CENTS. I x BEvl VI) 8 OZ. CANS, 15 CBNTS. ( KdM&s ill , .uoz.CAN5,35 cents. W AS STRONG AS ANY S T' (ii yu. ;;C-aay f ON THE MARKET. jjj Vli WHY NOT TRY IT? inrT or money refundgd. v. QCAlITf TIIK IirJtlllKI) roiKTWbenyculakeupthenattarof baklm you are eonrlneed thai Iks great desired point la vj. W e,asllty. Vou put good material low the woik and eipeet 10 gel good results. There la no use trying far besl results If you bate poor ( JfV bsktag powdir Waen you use U. 8. you hare a baking poader ahleh lll glre eieellenl reeulta aad make your eooklag aatlafsetery. yil tdncalelnar Howell Willi Oaararela, .,i'l?',' !?A",.MJf-. " oastlpail, faeeeer ictuso. lie C falUnwaiata HtaMowaa; Whoever kicks over a lie will flndn big breed of others hiding under IL Iteiail Hie.ltltrrlWeMieiila, You will enjoy this publication much belter If you will get Into the hnbltof reading Urn advertisements) they will afford n must Interesting atudy ami will put j 011 In the wny nf getting aiuno excellent Intrgnlna. Our adrer-tlscra adrer-tlscra nra reliable, they hend what they advertise. Husptekm Is a robin who eonroals a drawn der-r 11 ruler hla 1 leak. There la no pathway through llfo that doe not lure soma rose In It. Don't Tabett Sell ls4 linete rear lite Sail. Toqult tebecen eaally aad forater. ft east-aetle, east-aetle, foil of life nerve sad tlyur, lake Nn-To-llae, lb eour-iOfker,tlit aaakaa veak men strong AllilrwaM.ti. lArnr II Our siasra. Iced llooklrl axl aampie freak AJJraaa bulling Itemed Co.. ChVeage, of Ne Vol. No matter what a roan'a opinion may be, if be violate the law ho la open to conviction. convic-tion. Tn t'nre llradarhe In IS lllnnle. . Take Dr. Davis' Anllllendaclte. All Druggists. A good many ko.1o make bay while Ihe aim shlnef. and then let It ll Tn Cure (iiatialiitii rirerer. Take Caaearrta Candy Calhartrs. Ifot orts lfUC.0: falls lo cure, druggists refua-t manes Itcfonn Is used for almost as many purposes, pur-poses, nowsdaja, as electricity. Hlnr Tobacco Is tbe leading brand of th world, because It Is Ihe beat. In Iho Ilrltlsh army 'hrrearo ll.OtOmen at least five fret eleven Im Ii es In heliiht Meet! Means Matte Made, H You fannot a-lrerUeei money out of poo- H pie's locket all Ihe time; yen may do It H now and then, but if yon don't giro the fll something of absolute merit In rtlnrn, ad- H vorllslng will never prove suooeesf uL The WM kliKl of adverllaing that y hadverllslng WS agooilthlng As II has merit the people oQ will use It aalu anl again. Never lias W this been bettor illustrated thin In the 10 grevlsoereMofCaiaoareta, candy onthartle, -BW that we hare been lately ndrertlslngtn HH this paper Alldni(gUtoallCatenreU,rB- B looters, that Is, etiplobuy tltem.llko them, Hb and buy them again and rwomti.eod them H to their friends. Casoaretsaregutranteed H to cure ronstlpatkm or money refunded, H and am a delightful latatlvo ami liver H stimulant; Ihe brat medlelne ever made. H Wei-eootnrnendnlloiirreadera tolry them. I9H The llaltlmore 11ml Ohio Southweab E ern Hallway Company hns changed Its jB dining car ayatctu froin toblo do hoto mm ton In carle, with the result of In- mm crensed profits, better service and mW greater satisfaction on the part of pa- RH Irons. 1 1to cor aro oien for business fflj during the entire lime they are on tho M train nml the Innnvnllon seem to UK hnve met with tho approval of the pas- sB acngcra. jH Hearrli Itie Herlplnrea. M K you don't know share to look for H a month'a rent, lead the twenty-sev- H enth l'aalm. It you are lonesome and t nnprolccteil, read the ninety-first H l'ealm. If ) oil find yourself losing con- H fldenre In men, read tbe thirteenth H chapter of first Corinthians. If people H pelt you with hard words, rend Ihe H fifteenth chapter of John and the fifty- H first Paslra. If there Is a chilly sense- H tlon about the heart, read the third B chapter of Itevelatlon. It you are all H out of sorts, read the twelfth chapter H of Hebrews H "el Perfect 7i cflht Hlghttx Otdtrtt B tmlhnct In Manulaclurt." ' H fwaUerBaRer&Cois I Breakfast I 'Hi I iWl Absolutely Pure, 1,'MJl liV Delicious, H , !Jj Nutritious. B I I ..Cosls Less Tfiao CUE car a Cop.. H 1 IlsssrelhalVMlgtttheGeaslMArlkU, mW , eaaJa al DOP.CIIUTUM, MASS. Ij , ' H I WALTER ISAKEK & CO. Ltd. Y H 1'ivsauaasn l;o. tU iESIPr FASY H m Jk$X!VK tpI l '' "8 MNr IMIIAT0R8, BUT K0 E'UAU I S &jijV III i r ' Title Qtnrrli ' Prcr",J : ; I -Ka&7 tHil IlUb Olaitlliclentlflaprlncl- H ; FSKCEll i- '''" V ,uc , wl; ''"! '' ',"" ,.' : W ' 3J,f VeT1rss5S'","F expcrlenco In fanojr laundering. It , M ! smslti!?, f torca old linen anil iumtner drease ; H null caua ti oil mi in get 1 'I lo their natural wlilteurs and Impart H raSr , ' only starch that la perfectly barmlesa, ' 1 c"R?ss,srVJaTaKsiVM Cntalna no arsenic, alnm or other In- H t,.r siaistuaca. ft I J a r Ion subslancc. Can be used even ', mW -wa,, . 1 eSI , a a sHH , J"J.C.IIUDIMOr:nCBatfC?. jOf for n baby powder. m Via V -ig -. V. a,5 porhihel y Kttti tsth rt '-ff taj nJ4i rr JSrwC; 3BCf rrcilydrylfl th lardrit t tor mi 9fyj& PeVl SuktHIUlffSWl JlMpp t AlkfMi'TA'wT V Hyf HitiHtfi4K imIS!Ukr I J . ItfttnUfilyMw llbc4furuUV jjf A JTOWn llwtU TSS IKlS PRaOPWS': ForrooploVhorArofriBH H A I only owl ran a docc. I gamsias Piiseiss, cures MsaescM, thtarpits iaf Ceiutaaiaa. iitia a inia aid'uril'iaer It nail taatilss 1st, adJreaa Dr, baisals C. rtlla. a. I END FOR A BICYCLE1 Kf IllsbllraSa'aaUadala.altleeio. I niLr.OREATCLIAIIINaBALff7adiN I JTfJVl HMd.U.lM.atoahaa,e,uja, Syal a AfT p. prwi aHtSMil a oaal yfmnt Fraa .a. fi llaa'ailealUrafsau vfilislaeaair I ffee aVla'" ' "w . I aa. a lll.vrl.' aa4 e.aka lSMrAVi'-,'",''1 11,1 Ml w fK ai f Ji(tar.0.TImui.l...ll,Lil,.u,.,.l.rii1 Slat VlVVlJa'a. "llaaa'rrlaaaAMkaal.Maawaslr ay hjjl lra ur al4u,pH1)Ut U.J, l,b K. 11. ii:au cyclb uii. ciiicauo. I r smjsa pension I f lilt Kt-llllli, laahlngloa, II. l Ihs I I (till rcelleluU:l.rel lira. II lib Nil V,,la bus KU Corps, (toicculitu CUIaii lines Ii J PATENTS s:fcNpiB u&f-unary worn oaptUiDlirti Uistioir( ibc, 3 UBtS risUt 111 IlUalL " , jT ac Urtt tusUairua. TaalMtiu-I. Use l i DYSPEPSIA I I rr all years I tas a vlrtlmordrs- I pepslat (nils worst form. 1 could eat nothing H 1 Lutmltli toast, and at Umca my stomach would H 1101 retain and dljrsaleTea that LaalMsrcral H begaa uklng fAM.Aia.TM and alaea then! mW bate stesdil Improved, until I am well ss I mmM sver was lo mi life." Li Daviull Wcitriir. Newark, O. W ff 3y CATHARTIC H Vh vnADI sua stsatariaso agy H riasasat ralstsbla. PotaoL Tsatt Qr. Tie H aoud,hsiefIckeu, Waalaii.ur UilL.tOo, tOo.Ua H ... OURB CONSTIPATION. ... B U.S., - rffl aaahtUusa, Staalnal, S.alart. Ill H ii?f o-PAQ wv-fiftgr H n$iffiw!.'AH AwsaOTOniTO BBS ' Wlifiai"" A KOLLIItH WtK' W TW alaf, eaaa-euas. awlaallai. M H firmrj " aoa.l. UP-TODATI '00 uStt MOTOp.OFT.FOJJMlfUaMUISIb fflmUi i aille"-' 1aaaatfliaa.k at1.."..' Lwal 8vaV I TMIMNgWIIEATBTHEOLDABTIIll H'DbI I olo BTJti'..".' lilmr. OP. HlaiaMl. OS,k.l atlfaM.liailaaalaarllavaH BJawBB. 2 tlroM aU .kMl la a aaa.,aalMt.rUa MXH HbOH VJar ail alaae-a. MaMia laaa .14 lavarnr UaVM tKiT.iLrjay B nDODCVtWDtscovcrtvtai-M HHt LrCVrOlaaitSnli.laadcuraa ur) lB raaa, au4for lius bf ladluioalala and lo dars IswawKTl Irealnwiltrre. b M U-taita ssols.ailaaia.Va. HHe TviifiwrifPR -B''.':.'.'. '".'--.'. B I jJ0nllsUlO klOitKtl, lisuvw, Colo. H W. N,U BaltlJakTo"' No. 10, IBBU Vi'bta Xoikcrlaj Ailicitlscfflests Klodly H rlcnlloo Tblj rspr. 1 |