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Show WAS DISAPPOINTING. rrealitent's Measa- Cenal.tereil too Con eertalli bf to.irea. Waahlngton, April II. -Tha president presi-dent message did not receive the endorsement en-dorsement ot a majority of the aenator, and many excused themselves from apeaklng about It until they eould have time for careful perusal. In a general way the objections were based on the ground that It did not go far enough In recognlilng the right of the Cuban. The aenatora who have been especially noted for their conservatism were pleated, but they wcro tho exception to the rule, and many of those senators who hail In tho past few daya shown a disposition lo slacken their opposition ton contervnllvo courto. appeared to be disposed lo return to their original position A large number of the Domocratte senators refused toexpreat themtelve at all, as dlil several Hcpubllcan, on tho ground that at they could nol apeak In complimentary terme they would aay nothing al all. In tho house the tame feeling existed. The moat significant utterance on the subject of tha message wat that of Heuator Forakcr, a member o( tho committee com-mittee on foreign relations. Ilo said: "I have no patience with the meatage and you can aay ao," Ilo refused logo Intodetalla. Senator Mills (Dcm.l, of the tamo committee, aald: "Without referring to the mesaage specifically, you can aay that 1 am for the Independence of Cuba, and for war on account of the Maine." Henator Teller declined to talk of tho message specifically, but tntd ha had intended to Introduce n resolution directing tho president to end the war In Cuba even If he had to use tho mill, tary and naval forcea of tho government govern-ment to accomplish thla end. Henator Tillman thought It wat Illogical Il-logical and nol adequate to accomplish what the president want to do. Henator I'ettlgrcw aald: "It It the weakest yet It sums up the situation by aaylng that ne must rccogntie neither belligerency nor Independence, but Intervene to stop the war, Hpaln haa already accomplished this result by granting n cessation of hotlllltlut, thus leaving nothing for ut to do, but to continue to make appropriation to feed the Cuban people." Henator Chnndler'a view bf tho message mes-sage are aa follows: "1. A graphic and powerful description descrip-tion of tha horrible condition of affair In Cuba. "3. An aatcrtlon that tha Independence Independ-ence of tho revolutionist thall not be recognlred until It hat achieved Itaown Independence beyond the poulblllty of overthrow. "3. An argument ngalntt the recognition recog-nition of the Cuban republic. "I. Aa to the Intervention In the Interest nf humanity that la well enough and alto on account of the Injury to commerce nnd xrll to our cttlent, and to generally uncomfortable uncomfort-able condltlont all around. "3, lllnttrttlro of these uncomforl-ablo uncomforl-ablo condltlont It tho destruction of tho Maine! It help inako the existing situation Intolerable; but Hpalu propose pro-pose an arbitration, to which proposition propo-sition tho pretldent haa no reply. "d. On the whole, aa tho war goca on and Hpnln cannot end It, mediation or Intervention mutt take place. I'retldent I'ret-ldent Cleveland aald 'Intervention would Anally be necessary.' "The enforcement of pacification of Cuba mutt como Tha war mutt ttop. Therefore, the preldent should lie authorized au-thorized to terminate hostilities, seoure peace and establish n ttable government, govern-ment, nndtoutethenillltaryand naval forces of the United States to acoom-pllth acoom-pllth these results; and food auppllet should ulao bo furnished by the United Htatet. "I'. 8, Hpam hat made a new offtr, which ll la to be hoped will rccolvo the most careful nttentlon. "Impliedly congrcat la asked to adjourn ad-journ as soon at pottlble." IOXHKUVA1IVK.H COUUKNI) IT. Senator llawley, chairman of the committee on mllltnry nfTalrt, pronounced pro-nounced It nil able paper, and aald that he thought It would meet with general approval. Senator r.lkiut, couterrntlve Itenub-llcan, Itenub-llcan, aald: "It states the cata admirably, ad-mirably, nnd It will bo tuttnlned by the peoplo and by eongrett." Senator Allison, chairman ot tho committee on appropriations, would only say: "It It a very good mes-igo,' .Senator Hale, conservative Hcpubllcan Hcpub-llcan and chairman of the louuulttce on naval nfTalrt, went further In his recommendation, taylngi ' Tho message mes-sage It admirable In nil respects, nml especially ao In that It point out the wny whereby Cuba onn get a good government gov-ernment and la free, aud without bringing us lnto.awknard International Internation-al complications. |