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Show The C' nnotizt note - rtn i DIVOTED TO THS UsTTaBRlBaiS industry. O T B'U'XldXr COTT2STTY. COALVILLE, SUMMIT COUlfTT, UTAtf, APHIL 15, VCl V or I wou'd not objoet to young to fight Urge majority ol well behaved, but.Iamtorry aeeirgotneri doing eo, ale ay providing to ta y, there are a few that are lb op- - that I could be at a eafe distance. It ia probmble that one department of poaite and are a disgrace to any community. Should there be war with Spain the diatrict acbool, that ahichia taught they ahould he preaeed into aervice and by Miaa A. Laura Lyman, will be doaed Should this be done the placed in the front rank, for if pUced in the rear they would retreat at double yonng lady a ill leave here on Saturday for her Lome in Parowan It la to be quick. hoped that the acbool will be divided up There lH be a dance iu Merchant ball on Friday evening, April 16th, the j od that the vcung lady will be of which will be given to help d "onth longer, if no more. ill deride to dav O. Merchant, who will leave ever, the trua'ee tc th outcome. here on a minion to New Zealand on or ' about April J7tb, and Salt Lake City on County Commissioners Dan. Lambert j SOtb W H. Carruth were in Feoa on and ipnl Tba gentlemen concluded Wedneaday. Spring ia here and the Crane 11 fiying river j beck to the deaerted nest What won- to have the briJg over to W.ber baa This bridge repaired. awayback derful thing are taking place In tbeae ever been aod an eyesore dangerous end no man tell what the Jdaya, and since it was built. They also made ar. will be. Yet we U hope for the beat for tba distribution of poiaon Marcbanti eawmill is now running raugemeot in tb precinct or tbe purpose of tilling a on full time. The gentleman b ground aquirrala. which bave become large amount of luge on band and ex- aurh a peat to the farmer. pects to keep tbe mill going until they B. R. E. Yiia. are all worked up into lumber. Io tbe ! HE COUNTY NEWS ingly A i OATHtRKD BY OUR ALCRT OOR RKBPONDBNTB- - It bruu at the Week Treat Reerly Teva l eaatl Cowtr- -e ke tke TUbmV Snweeaewelree Bar Feeed u Write Akeet. Inrj KaiuI, Utah, April Loire Tnua 16, No ITSWAR Frank Rippon Carpenter Farmera are very boar preparing their grrund for seed. A grand time ia anticipated at the bell to be given ioLembett'a ball en the 14tb. The Weet bend of Ogden w ill be In attendance. The S. L. I. Club will meet at Mra. R. L. King's tonight, where the following program will be carried out: Speech-fa- , Tb Good ef War, end "The Evils of War, MLs May Bnrbidge and Miaa An Imaginary Trip to Liarie Pack. Klondike, Mre. R. L. King; recitation, Mira Rinda Pack ; The Sec hap. teref Our Story, Miaa Emaaa ;n meantime other logs are being delivered j In the mlllyard almost daily. Roceroar, Utab, April 13, 1898. I very much regret having to apeak EoiTor Tims . of tome of our young men aa I have in Jesse Beamons ia tick with foeaslet. tbia letter. Tbe occasion demanp it Mra. Probert, Mra. Knight sad Mrs. and I am in hope that there will be no .Blackwell have been viritiog the pat necessity lo refer to it again. k with Mr. F. A. Hortin. The forI understand there te a movement bemer ia Mra Hortina mother, the latter The grandeet event of the eeeeon took ing made toward having tbe mall roula two her sisters. of laat the 8ome place Fnday evening. continue on to Marion. It ia only about Social three mile from member! of the Yonng Men Our enterprising merchant, J. Ccaaey, Oakley to Marion, and Club entertained the S, L. I. Club and should this move mature we would have took advantage of conference rates and ether lady frlenda in a moat pleasing direct communication with Marion, made a business trip to the capital tb manner. The crowd aaeembied at Car- Kamaa and Woodland. Aa it i now, a last of last week. penters bell at 8 :30 p. m. and ebortly letter from Peoe for either of tboee Thomas Reynold and Jeaee Beamon, after all were invited to the clob roomi place University, ar goes by tbe way of Wsnsbip and two students of tb adjoining the hall where a lengthy table Park City , and in many instances baa home to spend tb spring vacation. waa moat artiatkially arrauged with a been from three lo four days in transit, On Wadnaaday evening, April 6th, a dellcioua repeat prepared axclualvely by when tbe could be made in an hour birthday party was given to EUtel Hor trip the bey a. The gueata were aeated at the should th chaogebe made. ' tin, Belle 8iddowaynd Harold Vernon table and aerved by the young men in a Mra. Jalia F. Coasey, aaaiatant in tbe in honor of their seventh birthday, at moat creditable manner. All preeent Rock port poatoffice, end Mrs. Soreoson. tbe home of Mrs. F. A Hortin. Th copgratnlated the young man on tbeir at Marion, were in Peoe a little ones presaot were Alvin, Edna, rkill at eooking, and after capper the postmistress few day ago and made a pleasant call Earl, Lapreal and Ned Vernon, Della, company retired to the ball, where on Henry, Mary and Alonso Salisbury, Wilyour correspondent. they (pent the remainder of the evening lard Gibbon. Eunice and Robert Reynever chickens Tbe white hen's get in danclog, intermingled with aonga. D. 6. nolds and Leo Beamons. inor trouble. bed into No, company The boodlnma of the town got in tbeir ! deed Ita tbe black hena chicken that WAITS HI P work the night c t the entertainment. A do that. Dont be toe certain and you , have muat existed Utah, April IS, 1896; feeling of jealousy will not be forced to own up tbe corn. Eorrox Tnua : among them and they did ell in their Keep your chicken at borne; then you Th T. M. M. I. A. held its lest weekpower to make it diaag reeeble for the can account for them, not otherwise. now are atyled ly meeting laat Buuday evening. Tb party aaeetnbUd. Thay A young men by the name of Seymour - ebout town the "Bobbera Rooat Gang, of Oakley cam to town oa Monday and during the summer tbe meetings will be will which name, we fear, they rightly left bl team standing ip tbe street not roform. do if deeerre they The horses hJdmopthly.., without hitching them. F. M. Finueo was io town on tbe 12th One of our yonng ladiee who iaa atu took fright, ran a wav, threw tbe box off ia and made os a friendly call. Utah at tba suffering Uaiveraity dent the wagon, lost tbe kind wheels and ran from a aevare attack of appendicitia. with tb forward Dr. iloamer ha been in town a numpart of tbe wagon for Her phyaician aaya an operation will aberut a of times of late. While her 00 the ber obmils, when they ran into an have to he performed, end bar many struction and were bis team started to take tbe town I2th brought upstanding. friesda at Kamaa feel a great anxiety No damage except that tbe spring seat in. After demoliabir g tb fence on one L hr her. ' waa somewhat wrecked. The mail boys aide of the road they started in on tbe bora was hitched to tbe rear end of th opposite tide and bad juat gottan a 7 CO A. and a post' broken in somber of Poa, Utah, April 14,1898. wagon box, and when the abox waa two which picket came contact with their in from tc thrown wagon it nut atop to IniTOk Tnoa: when they were checked in tbeir head, Tb runahorae'a that performance. Where ere the men to be bad who those who mad career. They were just atarting ia made a will jw and fight the Cabana? Thay way on tbescatteringat among tka ere a tim. It ia on Learning hotel (treat eannotbebadoutaidetbe rauka of the The farmer are busily engaged putbeat plan te vie your teem, tbe always and murdering Spaniard. ao matter what confidence you have In ting in their wheat. and thoe Remember tba "Maine them. Our district trkool closed oa the 8th to their sent were who man gallant When th report reached Feoa that on account of 0 few attending. aeaaaaine. death by the Spaniah tke en hid blown up another of our Moving began this weak A fart as TboaeofouTcitirena who have been vessel thertf was loud and bitter talk ene home is vacated tome one ela attending conference bate been coming against Spain. Happily tb raport was moves In and takes possession. home dorlnc the paat th ree deya. They false aod the public mind became eaaier. Mr. Bates little boy and Mr. Joh a moat enjoyable all report having bed Th efforts of tbe President to have fell into a tub on the 13th and cam time. peace and to tattle tbe difficulty withnear being drowned. Tb father We hare beea enjoying apnnglike out war ia commendable if it can be very to arrive juet in time to rare happened " weather during toe peat few deya. don with honor. War it a (earful him. on Farmer hv commenced plowing tbiog, yet we tbould notlewer ouraelvea thebo tom land and everybody aecma in tb eMimation of tbe world and our! . ,,HSKrir,, ' 1 P to be buay; gardening ia now in order honor to avoid it. W. will yet we what vDIT0, Tn... fee will lWjSf tc ball aev, ahd I believe waIl get air and from tbifTW there Georg R. Hams made e brief visit any, idle men in town. tbe war e want. her on Tuesday. , receivod 0 ladie Two of our young Our Road Supervisor is having some A program will be rendered on Arbor week which they fright ono night laat work don on the roads, which are is Day by the school children. two eeem that will not toon forget. It very bad condition in place. Keep the Roae Wirth is visiting in Hene-fe- r. are Miaa known, omo wboee young men, good work goiog until weean travel with laid in wait for the young ladle, and safety and ease, say I. reached the place Henefer waa mad e money order ofjuat a th Uttar James A. Maxwell baa been employed were concealed men fice oa tbe 4th inst., which la a greet where the young to go with a bunch of cattle to Grand convenience to the people Another one of the young men jumped toward and will probably take an and unearthly Island, Nab., gave the young ladle thing ia' needed, and I think io justice to train at Echo some tim this week. to b people should be given, and that yell, ene that wocld put an Indian Arbor Day, being a legal is a 15tb, were terrified, April ladle The bluab. flag station at Henefer crossing. the they ware holiday, tbe diatrict acbool will ba closed West Brotheta wrere ber 00 tb 12th ud it waa ton time before for tb day. Tbe planting of tree wl 1 able to proceed home, end for aeyeral for e dan-- , but tbe bell bed prepared in order and every child should he boon their nerve were in an unit rung be already been engaged for e miaeionary condition. Practical joke like tbeae allowed and encouraged to aet but a ball. tree and cultivate it. art beneath the dignity of any Our district schools cloa en the 22nd. ere wbe those and Mra. Janetta Lyone has bean quite ill But few yonng man, pupils an atteudlag now. ahould go and for some time pest. Ths lady ia sow goilty of tbia offence Ovard Wm. has moved into hia new ahould not they able to be around again, although not apologia- - If they do residence. Several our with improvement have eaeocUt in th heat of health. got be allowed o bean mad of late. Borne of the young men end Oscar Wilkins i having e picket fence of being out Paris green for tb destruction of My bev formed the bebit mad along th front of tb town let ground on tba rock squirrels, so Ur as I am able to lata at night, throwing which h purchased from V. Pearson. baa bedroom learn, window, into proved a failure. They e m bootee, peeping Johw Maxwell mede a buaioeaa trip to to like it. On party ceogbt a squirrel od and otherwie disturbing the peeoe aaaertion ha Park City oa Tueaday of thl week. Th alive, put it in a box. aod fed the peria rest d our dtiena.--Tbe- . officer will gentleman keep pretty doe behind tb green to it. It seemed to thrive on it, if th that peace made been future than eounter lo hi ator and an outing does 0 something stronger ia surely needed. in tb aot do bit duty better will taka bimgood. eitiaena the .. Decoration day will toon be here once in ha baa pu and eome-- e band own be war Ibould there with thefr and the long talked of fence' for Uw into I mere, Spain tb wifi b hurt, and that eerioualy, toe. offer my service aa war correspondent oar cemetery ahould be urged by all mischief for Tai Turza, end will premia t keep who car to Me th gratrea of their beJ trait that tb element of and downright cnaeednem win taka- far enough away from all battle to be . loved deed protected from tb tramp of aceordef persona danger. If Rot willing dock aad ahMp. Wo have a tit wo- ring Md govern themnlvea Bur-bidg- koftroir e. Wa-nir- 1itrS euk-tbroa-ta vr " dt-tien- e. -- tit nt io to tho front. Always Shuving Tickets $1.10 for $x.Ma Wheelwright. Shop 1 door south Brick school. t Tw f JOHN RESIDENT DENTIST, Caroline removed CUBA SHALL BE FREE The Resolution Passed by He se -- . b of R trjfi SHERMAN, ? j . Proprietor. to Co-o- p. Wall Paper, 5c single roll. New Boys Suits, $1 per suit " Wells Richardson Diamond -- Even Up on Colors, 1 Coalville Congress Yesterday Practically Declares War Against Spain Lee Sat a Spanish Officials -- i) Coalville, Otab. cordially irvitad. raaidi-nce- , JOHN GALLIS, N. G. 1. L. BOYDEN, aite.ilie Brick i hothouse, , Secy. tbe Eagle Screech. Maine" ' 0OALV1LLE LODGE SO. 28, 1.O.O.P. Meet eery Thjreday evening at 7:80 at I. U.O. F. Hail. Sojourning brethren Unftirl Old Glory and Let Blew Up the El TELEPHONE PUBLIC CONNECTION. DE W.VISICIC , : TO AND How-Frankl- 1W. FREE COINAGE OF SILVER, 16 i8S, retain-procee- BAHAI. IMES. u 00 to t on th? Eagle Bird. Dyes, Scents a package. Patton's ready mixed, paints, By a vote of 32a ayes to 19 niy Wednesday tho House pass- ed resolutions which direct the President to intervene at once in Cuba, to restore peace and . 1 secure to the people of the island .V stable and independent government of their own, and authorizes-him to us the army it. to enforce ad jury A minority report recognizing Hiodepe.adenceof thejrepubhc of Cuba was defeated. is expected to . The Senate a still pass stronger resolution tomorrow. Spain is calling on the powers to mediate, but it is too late, and unless Spain surrenders war is inevitable. Carpets, Linoleums, Window Nets, and everything 'else needed for spring cleaning at e-- .. Coalville X Co-o- p. O O A-- l 4 Always On Hand at the ond to non in the connty, tad it eem to me that tb cost of Pacing the tame would be e (mail affair if all concerned will do their pert. A wedding 1 talked of in the oear future. More anon. Moet ot tbe wheat here ia in, and a rain would not come amira aa tbe ground ia drying out very laat. An effort should be made to get tbe water in the ditch aa fast aa poeeible. We are at least a month behind every year in this W. B. respect. Americana are tbe moat inventive people en earth. To them have beeo issued nearly 800,000 patents, or more than one third of all the pateola issued in tbe world. No discoverv of modern jeara ha been of greater leneflt to mankind thin CbauiOeriai a s Cohe.'Cbolera and Diarrhoea Remedy or ba doue more to relieve pain and suffering J. W. Vaugo : of Oakton, Ky., "I hate used Chamberlain Colic, Coolers and Diarrhoea Remedy in mv family for several years and find it to be tbe best medicine I ever used for cramps in the stomach and bowel. For rale by John iknden rcHv $2.00 1.25 PATRONIZE HOME INDDSTRY ' Weber Coal Co A Bona. Tbe farmer, tbe mechanic aid tbe J cycle rider ar liable to unexpected cu aod bruisea. De iVitia Witcb lias d Halve is the beat thing to keep on ban i It beala quickly and 1; a well known enre few piles. John Boydeu A eon. , A competent teacher, holding a re; tifieate, ia wanted to teach ou teim Id acbool (ten weeks), commencing Aprl 18, 1898- - .Make application to Trustee.; Castle Rock, Summit county, Utah. 4. -- -It ia a great leap from tb old-fafoned dose of blue-mas- s and nauseous pbysica to tbe pleasant little pilla know- DeWitta Uttle Early Riaera. They cur constipation, sick headache and biliQuaneai. John Boyden A Sons. JAMES E. HOSMER, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, OFFICE AT RESIDES IE. Coalville. Office hour from 11a. m. to 3 ! j t MoulvJ AHnnlPH r' School Books ' At Boyden & Sons 13TA Full line of School Supplies just received. GENERAL MERCHANDISE . 1 a CftSH BARGAIN STORe - RRdTp.m. All who can should observe tbeae hours M teas possible. u COALVILLE: UTAH ( |