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Show SPANISH PRESS COMMENT. jVaVJ Opinion riprraaeil that 11ian Haa th B Ileal I'ml of eh (Juration, M Madrid, April 11 Kl (Hobo devote tM It leading editorial to telling tho na- BJ tlon that the government hat carried Bl out Hpaln'a wlthea under thoelrctim- Bl Itancc. yielding only lo tho voice of B onlled Hiiro,-, and not to the United H State. It toys; H "Kurope will now support Spain H ihoutd tho United State continue to H tld tho Insurrection. Spain It ttronger H than over. B IH I.tbernl, In n highly significant jBBJ irtlcle, says: "Tha government ha H signed a blank form which others will Oil up Hpaln yield everything lo tho B voice of Kurope. yet the Via Cruets (way H lo cross) I only beginning. The col- H lectlvo note ahowt that Spain's eurren- H Jer will servo at the built of new WM negotiations, vshenco will issue tho necessary guarantee, rcestabllshmeut at normality In Cubru" HI Liberal plaintively aaya It It Impossible Im-possible for Spain to avoid a "feeling of deadly sadness " Still It advlset tho people to remain quiet, at "pcrhape Ihiropo may exact concettlnn from America, and alio any way defer tho reckoning day." Ill Impartial (Iml I severely tlashe tho government for yielding after boasting that It would not grant an unsolicited truce to rebel. "Vlcldlng to hruta force what It refused to yield lo tha moral Influence, and fatherly :ountelof the pope." |