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Show Arnilillra I'rnetamnllnn. Madrid, April 11. A vtttlof the for-tlgn for-tlgn embassador to Senor Uullon, minister of foreign affaire, resulted tn a meeting of: the cabinet, at which a decision was reached to graut an armistice ar-mistice to tho Insurgent In Cuba. United htatea Mlulstcr Woodford hat been olllclnlly Informed that tho Hpanttli government hat telegraphed to thn pope thai In view of lilt urgent rcquett, fortified by a visit from tho representatives In Madrid ot tha great power, they (tho Spnnith government) have telegraphed to General lllanco In Cuba, Instructing lilm to Issuo an armistice ar-mistice proclamation, the duration of the armistice to lie nt he dccldca. (len. Woodford had no Information relative to the withdrawal of tho American warships. (Icneral Woodford Wood-ford paid a visit to Senor (liillon, minister min-ister of foreign nlTalr. Tha gencral'a opinion I that event will lie settled satisfactorily on tho first ttage of tha Hpanlth-Aincrtcan dllUcutly, and In-turea In-turea pcaco. |