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Show IDAHO IS CLOSE ON LEGISLATURE Boise, Nov. 4 The possibility that the Democrats combined with Progressives Progres-sives and Socialists mav have control con-trol of the senate of the next Idaho legislature, and the apparent certainty certain-ty that it may tnk the official count to determine the successful candidate for Justice of the supreme court, with the probability that Attorney General J H Peterson, Republican, will only be elected by a small majority ma-jority are developments as shown by the lnte returns tonight in the gen eral election held yesterday More complete returns from vari ous parts of the state will not materially ma-terially change the result announced with the exception of governor. The Republican party won a sweeping victory vic-tory for United States senator in the re-election of James H. Brady and two congressmen, Addison T. Smith aud Robert M MeCraeken, together with all other state officers. Senator Brady's plurality will be close to 10,000 on the official eount Moses Alexander, Democrat, who defeated Governor Haines, Republican, Republi-can, will have a plurality of from 4000 to 7000. Returns more complete Indicate In-dicate hn Invaded the Haines territory for majorities, where he was expected expect-ed to bo a poor second Attorney General J. H Peterson appoars to have fallen blow other Republican stato candidates in pluralities plural-ities When tho official returns ere canvassed he may have fewer than 1000 majority over his Democratic opponent, op-ponent, T. A. Waltftr. His defeat U not probahla, but It la possible Peterson bore the brunt of the Hatnos attack, whioh accounts for the loss in his vote. Judge Edward A, Walters and Wil Ham M Morgan ar running oloso for the supreme court Judgshlp Walters was conceded prior to election an easy winner. The returns show that Morgan Is running him close in the south. Walters's stronghold, while he was given a heavy vote in the north. The flpyftlioaaa have qqmpleta cpn- trnl of the house of representatives, but the Democrat! Socialists and Procress'vos may cou-trol cou-trol the senate The mosf startling fact developed in the returns from the legislative standpoint is that the Socialist So-cialist party elected a senator from Adams county and may elect another in Minidoka county. Thf Progressives Progres-sives will have ;it least two senators, one from Ada and the second from Xez Perce county. The Democrats elected senators In Hear Lake. Lincoln, Minidoka. Latah and Washington counties. Complete returns will prob.ibly show they also elected senators In Owyhee, Custer, Lemhi. Idaho and one or two other counties. no |