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Show PROMINENT OGDEN WOMAN SAYS AKOZ MADE LIFE WORTH WHILE l ! . Mrs. Isidor Jutrosinski Ends Sciatic Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble. Mrs Isidor .Introslnski, who has been a resident of Ogden for neaih a quarter of a century, residing at 29G3 Lincoln avenue, has just tp covered from sciatic rheumatism and kidney trouhle, with which she suf fered for E vears She says Aloz. thp new California uilnernl. cured hfr after af-ter she had suffered so that she hardly hard-ly cared whether she lived or died. "I suffered with sciatic rheumatism nnd kidnev trouble for over r years," said M. Jutroilnsk! In speaking nf her recovery. "My pains were so great that at times T did not care much whether I lived or diel. My legs and my arms were completely paralyzed at times and pained me verv greatlv indeed. When T lay down I and tried to move the pain was intense. in-tense. "Now, after taking Akoz, I can sleep fine and I have no pains anywhere I can use my arms and legs as well as ever. The swelling In my hands has almost disappeared and I can wear mv gloves now. "7 am feeling greatly Improved In every way nnd T can and will cheerfully' cheer-fully' recommend Akoz to all suffering suffer-ing as I have It Is a blessing indeed to be relieved of all the suffering and to feel as I do " MRS. ISIDOR JUTROSINSKI Not only is Akoz very effective In the treatment of rheumatism and kidney trouble but It is also lllghly I recommended for stomach, bladder and liver trouble, eczema, catarrh, piles and other ailments. Akoz is now being demonstrated In this city at Mcintyre's drug 6tore In i the Eccles building. Visit, phone or write this store for further Information Informa-tion regarding this advertisement. - pretty additions to milady's boudoir V hi re afternoon tea is frequently Berved to intimate friends If desired tlii' lim n can be mounted over a colored col-ored silk that harmonizes with the coloring of the room For those who use tea cosies, some very handsome effects have been produced pro-duced by mounting lace medallions, etc, on linen or lawn, the whole to !" used ai a slip over a silk foundation. founda-tion. In this case the ork of transferring trans-ferring has to be very' carefully done as cosies do not keep clean forever ;md old lace cannot very well stand the wear and tear of many washings unless the weaker threads are carefully care-fully secured. |