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Show BANK FRONT MUSI ME OH IS COURT ORDER On September 19, of this year Judge F. C. Loofbourow of Salt Lake rendered a decision in the case of John S. Lewi6 against the Pingree National bank by which it was decreed de-creed that the front of the bank building build-ing on Washington avenue should be removed and tho east elde of the building made to conform to tbe property prop-erty lino at tho weRt side of the sidewalk It was also decreed that the plaintiff should be paid tbe sum of $900 as damages It having been made known to the Judge that tJie decree of removal of the front of the building had not been complied with, Judge Loofbour ow has issued tho following mandatory manda-tory injunction "To the Pingree National Bank- 'The above nampd plaintiff having filed his complaint in the district court aforesaid, against the above named defendant, praying for a mandatory man-datory injunction and other relief, against the defendant, requiring that 6aid defendant to remove all that part of Its building hereinafter mentioned men-tioned and described speciflcallv. and which encroaches upon Washington avenue, In the city of Ogden. Utah; and the defendant having filed its answer in said cause, and the said action having been regularly set for trial, and the same having been tried, submitted for decision, and the court having made its findings of fact, conclusions of law and made and rendered its decree and judgment judg-ment therein, from all of which It is manifest that it Is a proper case therefor, and the order for an Injunction Injunc-tion having been made and entered herein, declaring that the plaintiff is BO t itled to an injunction as prayed for: "We, Therefore, command you, the said Pingreo National bank, defend nnt In the said cause, that you, immediately imme-diately after the service of this writ upon you. remove all that part of your bank building lying east of a line projected south from the southeast south-east corner of the plaintiff's building, mentioned and described In tho complaint, com-plaint, and the findings of fact herein, here-in, viz: SituatP upon the following mentioned promises: "Commencing at a point 26 feet north from tbe southeast corner of the lot numbered 9, In block 25. plat A, Ogden City survey, Weber county. coun-ty. Utah; thence west 10 rods, thence north 32 27 feet; thence east 10 rods; ihence to tho place of beginning and which said part of your building Is situate sit-uate upon that certain street. In said Cit of Ogden, Utah designated and Common! known as "Washington avenue, your said building being located lo-cated upon the following mentioned and described premises: "Commencing at the southeast corner cor-ner of the lot numbered 9 biock 2o. plat A, Ogden City survey, Weber county Utah; thence running north 26 feet; thence west 10 rods, more or less, thence south 26 feet; thence east to the place of beginning, and being the sam premises described in your answer herein. "And, we further command that you refrain from, in anywise, maintaining our said building so as to In anywise, encroach upon said Washington avenue, ave-nue, east of a line drawn south from the said southeast corner of plaintiff's plain-tiff's said building, thereat situate" |